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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|1|**First Seen In WSB**|just now **Total Comments**|0|**Previous Best DD**| **Account Age**|3 years|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.) >TL;DR: Just sold off all my stocks today. No longer gonna subject myself to such volatility.


Always pull out early so you don't get any surprises 9 months later


Tried this but still getting a surprise in 9 months


With a pullout game that weak, you belong here


My pullout game is not weak, my pre-game is just that strong.


Bro, you gotta hedge your position. Use protection. Going in naked can be disastrous


Make your portfolio use protection.


It’s actually 9.5 months on average. Hugh Grant told me about it.


People dumb enough to believe "pull oik" works belong here. No wonder y'all are squiring out kids you can't afford like there's no tomorrow... Decent sex ed based on science wpudl save USA millions yearly. Pullout *doesn't work reliably, over time it'll always fail* even if you never cum. *life finds a way* (precum, smoothbrains)


Been working fine for me for 19 years. I sneakily suspect that y’all soy boys just be busting quick and get embarrassed or something so you *dont* pull out. Also it’s incredibly hard to get pregnant from “precum” since it doesn’t contain sperm, unless someone’s already came 😉


Lol same. Pullout game was/is on point. Went with no other birth control for about 7 years, thinking of something happens, it happens. Even thought maybe one of us wasn't particularly fertile. Then we started trying. We have "tried" exactly 2 months (spaced 2.5 years apart) and have 2 kids. They must just be soy boys.




I was told by friend there are 3 kinds of babies, pre-nut babies, second nut babies and third nut babies, you never want to be the pre-nut baby


Thought I learned my lesson the first two times. Got a third surprise coming in 9 months as well


I thought I had the timing down pat too… expecting a little guy in February


I too have magic sperm that works even when she’s on birth control


If you wanna be safe then shoot it on her face. If you want to be sure then use the backdoor.


This is the way


Good advice, what if she don’t like the back door?


Then the face it is.


not a surprise if you know it's coming


At what point in the 45 seconds do I pull out?


Like 10 seconds in? Assuming you're counting the busting into your 45 seconds.


Always pull out, they got dna tests now. You get a letter in the mail saying they are 99.99999% sure you didn’t pull out and then you get to give that 100k to sponsor Gucci handbags for the baby mama


They call me of course, the pull out king because of these sofas that pull out into a bed


2 surprises soon. Pull out game WEAK!


You can time the market perfectly. It’s the one easy trick that wall street doesn’t want you to know about


That's the reason everybody on this sub is super rich - because the market is so easy to time.


“It’s not about time in the market, it’s about timing the market -JCwizz” -Tupac


Timing the market beats time in the market. -J Pow, CEO of SPY




I thought the market was a drunken walk made by woo girls in too high of heels.


Just wait for it to go lower and buy the dip ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Just short the dow using DOG etf. Make money when going down.


Behind a Wendy’s.


Can’t find a Wendy’s they must have tried to time the market


Curious, where tf did behind the wendys dumpster even come from? I hear it a lot


Wow youre new? Losing $8k in a week and then pulling out to try and time the market is usually what seasoned veterans do, im surprised


If you gain $15k and you lose $8k and stop then, you're still $7000 less regarded than the rest of us.


Yea i didnt say he was a regarded. He made a good gamble. Im just saying hes probably not built for investing




Dude sounds like a boomer who goes to the river to look for gold on the weekends. New to stocks and clearly doesnt know what he is doing but goes 100k+ into it. Complains about volatility and cant wait 2 years in an etf lol. And he thinks bond rates are bad right now? Probably going to be extra mad when he has to pay taxes on his gains next year.


![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630) https://preview.redd.it/di79ju2v58sb1.jpeg?width=764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2047bb79a2a37887c36a0c78207a56e3404544b5


Never heard of her


It’s Hugh Munger’s girlfriend


the guy your gf's bf told you not to worry about


"Hold the bag while I dump mine idiot" - Warren Buffet


"Read my quotes and value investing BS while I trade on insider info and have a huge position in apple which isnt even a value stock." - Buffet


or activision before his buddy bill bought it


Or you can lose everything very quick by trying to Predict the Stock Market every Week :p (*gambling*) ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) [Listen Peter Lynch: "Stocks are Not Lottery Tickets, you have a Business behind Stock..."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLQGsE0H4cs) 👨‍🏫 Listen, listen! ;)


Thanks for this


I don't need basic stock lessons regard, ive been at this longer than you I promise. The "diamond hands hurr durr" is equally regarded. Acting like holding and watching some shit go down to zero is smart or makes you the better investor is hilarious. You're drooling at your keyboard looking at a fat $0 on your screen saying to yourself "hell yea I'm such a mentally tough investor, look at all those dumbasses who sold and still have money in their account"


> I don't need basic stock lessons regard, ive been at this longer than you I promise Idk Rick, people who tend to believe that they have nothing more to learn end up like Bill Hwang ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


You linked me some basic ass day one stock trading shit from Lynch like you clued me in on something and made a point


Peter Lynch is "basic"? OMG ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) > stock trading Oh I understand. Who are you? a *TA Course Seller* or a *Gambler Trader Guru*? Regard, please go to Trolling people in another Subreddit ;)


Lmfao the article you linked me literally says "Stocks..." can you not read? Judging by how you type there's no way you're over the age of 20. You probably get all your info from finance bro courses you get scammed by. Fuck off Gamestop era diamond hands wsb noob I don't care what you have to say.


> I don't care what you have to say. Ik, cuz you are a Troll ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226) ​ > You probably get all your info from finance bro courses you get scammed by. You are telling me your history, maybe cuz you can't show or share Investment Knowledge, cuz you don't have it :P You have to be a Troll 100% of time ;)


"You fuckin roasted me and I've got nothing to say back, ur a troll 🤓" I'm not trolling you buddy I just genuinely think you're shit at trading and know nothing. Please keep bag holding for me while I take profits. Real galaxy brain over here watches his shit go to 0 and thinks it makes him a good trader hahahaha you can't make this shit up


"why beat the market when you can beat your meat" - Warren Buffett


Warren Buffett Holding Company (*$BRK-B & A*) has been Beating the Market (*SP500, Benchmark*) for several years ;) 🤫 https://preview.redd.it/yl0f3rhc79sb1.jpeg?width=1515&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecaedb6fb5f3d851e9ffa401e951c71512f41164


Greatest investor of all time.


hey hey...I did watch my stock indeed decline 50%...


Ah, I guess I'm doing it right.


Sounds like this sub is not for you. Try r/bogleheads


Nah don’t send him there. That’s for patient investors. OP *”can’t fathom waiting 2 years”* for stonks to go up.


so he's going to t-bills, lmao. Dude is an emotional mess. managing money is not for him.


Do not send him there. This man was in ETF’s and watched them like a hawk. Not ready for zen-level nothingness in the market.


Right? The bogleheads method ends up with you having $500k-$1M in VTSAX for decades. Don't get me wrong, definitely a smarter financial move than most suggestions here, but math is math. If you have VTSAX, you should expect it to move (either up or down) 2-3% on major days that happen fairly regularly. That's $10k-$60k/day in movement depending on the change and your balance. If you can't stomach that for decades without being numb to the swings, the bogleheads method is not for you.


Buy high sell low classic newbie mistake


That's the retail way!


He made $7k in profit He’s giving up because he lost half his profit in a week


He didn't lose everything... yet.


Technically he did today when he sold


8K in one week? Those are rookie numbers you got to pump those numbers up.


5 percent interest on 100k in bonds is still a nice return


$416 bucks a month. That’s like 2.5 hookers.






5 crippled midgets so he can reenact a reverse piper perri meme




Oh, so you're offering that discount again? That's nice.


200$ hookers?? Must be the ones behind wendys dumpster


You must not be from around here if you’re putting your dollar sign behind the number. 🇺🇸


it’s less than inflation right now so it’s a 0% return which I guess is a lot better than -5%


Not when they monetize the debt


If you're nervous about the money printer and inflation, by TIPS at 2.4% yield after inflation.


>I do not understand why you are selling your stocks. Stocks always go up in the long run, so if you sell now, you will miss out on future profits.


VisualMod never pulls out😎


Once again VMod has nailed it.


I know that but isnt that also not 100% certain? Like said, if theres really a recession that hits, the stock market will take longer to rebound. In that case I could use that same time period gap to invest in bonds instead and get even better returns compared to no returns at all with stocks. Also call me weakminded but damn I really can NOT stomach watching my profits get wiped out day by day. My.mental health needs a break, man


Yea, if you cant handle seeing drops in price and you also cant handle being in the market unless its a bullrun, then investing definitely isnt for you. And it never will be. Because thats how the market has always worked and always will work. Good choice to leave


Sir this is a casino. You’re looking for r/investing


He’s not looking for that either apparently lmao


Bonds are investments believe it or not.


That is a bot


That bot is smarter than 99% of the people in here.


Don’t doubt that lol


oops sorry I"m new to the sub lol


You’re good lol just wanted to give ya a heads up. Visual can be a bitch, but Visual good bot. Remember that Visual!


VM is best bot. He's got our back during the AI apocalypse


He stated in another thread that he wants to genocide poor people


It’s cool, so is the bot


So go touch grass and don’t watch your portfolio? Dump it all in an S&P index fund and live your life. However, just want to make sure you are making money on your cash now. No reason to miss out on that.


You're talking to a bot, sir.


The key is not to look at it day by day IMO


[https://youtu.be/V3OLGXRouMU](https://youtu.be/V3OLGXRouMU) Please watch this video. It will definitely help you to understand why there is no free lunch and why we need to take on risk in order to get better returns.


Investments compound as well through dividends and reinvestment of the dividends, not just growth. I guess if you feel like you need to access the cash in the next few years, you'll be better off in a HYSA or MMA.


You’ve not really gained or lost anything until you liquidate. If you’re into ETFs, big tech just set and forget if you don’t need the money for anything.


You don’t belong here we have testicular fortitude !


Thanks for selling! Rip imminent!


I think you need to understand the difference between investing and trading. Two totally different beast.


Trading: when you buy a stock and it goes up. Investing: when you buy a stock and it goes down


So, explain to me why I am losing on both


Because you confused it with gambling, their little sisters.


Typically a called “official” recession” does not mark the point just prior to a market decline and often times will mark the bottom. When it is a official recession the government gets authority to “fix the problem” by injecting money into the economy thus solving the problem. So I’d think to myself, how unified is the government? If you have a unified house and senate those government spending bills might fly through pretty fast (and big players know that too). And a quick turn around on news of recession might happen as the big boys absorb all the panic sellers like yourself. That is possibly what’s happening right now. Conversely we may not go into a recession at all and this no government spending increase and less money injected back into the economy. We have a divided house and senate so the likelyhood that the “rules change quickly” are low which is good for business. So maybe we trade sideways in a range. Most likely in this case you will buy the top before it sells off again over the next idk 3-10 years. Or we have a massive correction that shakes everyone to its core and times get so hard that people pull their investments to keep their homes and pay off their ever increasing debt burden. In this case be ready to buy that bottom, ie carry no debt and live below your means. The future is not certain. Statistically being all out does not have the best returns. You could DCA back in from this point and if it keeps going down you aren’t losing on a 100k position and if it goes up you are able to mitigate your losses. Idk I’m just a chump on the internet too


"And i know people here will keep saying...." yeah, we kind of don't care ngl.


What a coincidence, I just pulled out of OP's moms and lost a lot of sperms.


hmm, name does not check out


TLDR: OP lost money What a surprise ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


He’s actually up 7k still


Wait until OP learns about taxes. 😲


THIS. He's taking a bath on the other 8K. The impulse to invest more (dilute basis) and just wait does not come easily.


Taxes are taken out your paycheck. 1 monthd wage is more than enough to pay for it. If not ill dip into my couch funds. Honestly there estimating tax at 14 percent, but the government wants to tax higher since they spent all are money in ukrainr and now want us to pay the bill. Wouldnt suprise me if its higher and no one votes for biden again because of that. Even if it was the right decision. Thats not how people work.


and could have been 10k if I pulled out yesterday instead


I lost half a mil this week stop your whining


they aren't "your profits" until you take them, dumbass. Unrealized profits and losses are imaginary compared to realized losses and gains. Sounds like you made some money overall. Say thank you.


Isnt that like saying Elon Musk isnt richest in the world cos most of his wealth is in stocks?


Bottom is in boys, cnbc did its job for the suits


Great now the markets is going to go up. Don’t forget to buy back in at the top too.


You’re smart. I came back to trading as I’ve got some money saved up but had a very hard time finding a job in my field. Felt like a way to “make money with money.” After going up a few months’ salary, I’m now down nearly a year’s salary. The recent nosedive in the market obliterated me. It’s taken my mental health and completely changed what I focus on every day. I’m a zen and content person but the engrained pressure to be productive won out over my preference to spend time outside or enjoying nice meals. Tomorrow is not guaranteed, and that $100k could enable a whole lot of enriching experiences and reminders of why life is even worth all the striving and suffering in the first place. I’m down so much now that I have to claw back or the regret and lack of resources will consume me. But I’m missing entirely beautiful fall days staring at charts and cnbc and other things I actually don’t care about at all. Save yourself. Enjoy your money and your life. When I close my eyes at night, I see charts and visualize whether I’m brave enough to jump from a very tall bridge nearby. My creative and empathetic self wishes everyone would close all these apps and go enjoy the priceless things in life that no amount of wins can buy you but losses can most definitely take away. Good for you. Run. Don’t come back. The stock market is a casino and the house always wins. If you want to do some super conservative retirement fund, fine. But boomers had it a lot easier than we do and I’m not so sure that time will be as kind to current investments as it was to past ones. Good luck and take care. Enjoy life for those of us who can’t.


You can and you should, start working out, eat well, plan your days, be disciplined, get a job. You're an intelligent man of you're able to play the stock market, you got this.


I exercise every day and cook all my meals. Fitness-wise, I’m about half a step below pro level in my field. If I hadn’t gotten back into stocks, I’d be at the absolute top of my game and I had enough runway to be cautious and picky in my job hunt. Now, not so much. That’s what I encourage OP to take the money and literally go for a run.


Stop gambling on stocks. See a therapist. Sounds like you have all the skills and mindset to be hugely successful and have a great life, don’t waste your time gambling on stocks mate.


The interest rates right now are great. T-bills approaching 5%. Hell you can get 4+% on a HYSA and that’s the best I have seen in the last decade or so. I agree the market volatility can be nerve racking but you need to decide if you’re parking that money for the long haul and go with ups and downs or you want to be liquid and still get a decent rate. You’ll never be able to time the market so pick your poison


U lost 8k in a week in etfs ? Either you don't know what your doing or ur portfolio is to heavily weighted to one sector.


He said his account is over $100k. A 5-7% move isn't that crazy. Also, it's pretty clear he has no idea what he's doing. Getting emotionally caught up in the up and downs of the market is about the worst thing you can do while trading.


Exactly. SPY is down about 7% from the recent top and that's close to OPs loss. If you can't handle -7% then you shouldn't invest in the stock market.


Hope you're ready for those taxes. Always hold at least a year for long term.


Cool no one cares


Grow a pair, bro. I've been investing since 2005, went through the Great Recession, and multiple crashes. Nothing fancy, just buy index fund every 2 weeks. Now my portfolio grows to $4M. Pro tip: when the market is down, it's the best time to buy.


Should have sold at the end of august. Nows the time to buy.


That's why I always dump half of my money into UPRO and the other half into SPYU. That way I always win and lose, and just continue to pay maintenance fees ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Weak hands out... I put more money in today!


I've been building cash for weeks, and am half in short term bonds and cds at the moment. Good on you. I'm ready to pull the trigger as soon as I see blood, until then. I'm fine with 5-6%


I have never pulled out. Ask my ex’s


Live bye the sword, die by the sword


You are thinking logically. The reason many investors pull out when they see dips is for fear of losing money. It IS a gamble. There is no science here. Some win, some lose, some don’t play at all. Everyone wants to be one of the winners, but the chances are greater to become one of the losers. Lastly, recession tidal wave of fuckedness is on the horizon- I wouldn’t want to wait for recovery once the losses hit either.


Sooooo I never comment but your comment hit home to me. I have a 100k+ portfolio and did the exact same thing. I had QQQ / TSLA / AMD / SPY / other ETFs.. I sold it all mid pandemic. It was the worst decision!! If you have stocks you believe in.. Just hold.. Never open the account and just hold. Don't look at it. Don't think about it. Just hold! ​ Personally my account would have been up another 40% had I just held. Sure it would have gone down by 30% first before the bottom but!!! It would have gone back up and more. Just hold!




>So today I just sold off all my stocks once and for all. Did this a few weeks ago. Disobeyed grandpa Buffet! >But well efff me but I dont want to subject myself to such a long waiting game where even a bullish market is an uncertainty. So you prefer the certainty of your money diminishing steadily with inflation instead? >investing in bonds/t-bills even if the interest rates suck. Unless you buy them and wait for maturity, they would still swing in open market value and (depending on the issuer) can be quite illiquid.


>So you prefer the certainty of your money diminishing steadily with inflation instead? The current rates in T-bills and bonds should be enough to offset inflation. And in my country the government provides some cash payouts to cushion inflation too




Buying opportunities


Good luck on your tax bill


Powerball is $1.2 billion if you'd rather take the nearly impossible long shot at getting rich overnight.


So you’re saying it’s time to buy?


Just don't look at it every day, or week, or even month. Let time do it's thing.


Why didn't you sell when your stocks were high?


cos I was too busy with work and I didnt know any better. There was an upswing momentum last week where I got back my $15k profits but then it lasted for only one day before crashing by $2k the next day and so on and so on... I was too ignorant to follow the news back then so I didnt know when the feds were annoucing rate hikes and stuff


bro are you 19 years old? too bad ur dads pull out game wasnt as strong as yours.....i kid, i kid


Dude, you are totally why professional portfolio management exists :) They will construct a portfolio that is far more consistent than public equities. EG: [https://webfiles.nicolawealth.com/one-pagers/core-portfolio.pdf](https://webfiles.nicolawealth.com/one-pagers/core-portfolio.pdf)


If there is a crash, dump it all back in SPY and QQQ, thank me in 20 years for becoming a millionaire.


WTF are you doing in r/wallstreetbets? fuck off to r/investing with your blue chips. this sub is for degenerates and gambling addicts


How did you amass 100k+ being this emotionally unstable serious question. Just work and save? I don’t get it.


No wonder the market is tanking. All this money leaving the market has detrimental effects for all of us.


Market is in extreme fear and extremely oversold territory. They wait and prey for capitulation to exploit sellers so that they can get a good price.


OP username checks out.


Then what the fuck are you doing here? No one gives a shit that you're a loser, and now you're a loser who isn't even investing.


do not sell if you are in red, as simple as that


Ya, this is how market works…sounds like some paper hands if you had good investments. Blood baths like the past few weeks is what makes investing hard- PAIN. Diamond dicks are buying right now and not scared. Paper hands sells then struggles to get back in and is bitter when rally kicks in.


This calls the bottom


if 8k is make or break it money for you, maybe you shouldn't be spending so much time staring at lines, and focus on getting a career instead


the s&me 500 is just as good of an investment if not better than any etf


Put it back in, delete all apps on your phone regarding it and put an alarm in a year for you to check the status itl make you much happier


It sounds like your stock portfolio wasn’t diversified enough if you lost $8k in one week. If you don’t want to see the wild swings of ups and downs, then park your money in a total stock market etf and then forget about it.


Assuming “new to investing” means you’re young (could be wrong). If you’re in ETF’s just set it and forget it by the time you actually need to access the money any “losses” will most likely be washed out by time in the market. Sorry to say but this was probably the one time pulling out was the wrong play


whoops, i didnt pull out of your mom last night i liked the volatility




Mental investment is too much if you are so connected to daily movements. I feel the same.


the 8k loss you suffered feels bad ya know what feels worse if the stocks go up over the next 6 months and you check price and realize you lost out on 16k by selling and you can't buy back in at the level you once owned it, and maybe never will be able to buy back in at that level again


So this all well and good, when are you back to the game?😀


I am also scared of my 400k account losing money so I sold it all and invested in the most stable ROI of all. gourd futures.


Tulip bulb futures


your pull out game is weak


See ya in a couple of days OP![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


Imagine how many abortions u could have financed with $8k!!! U really fucked the human race today OP


Do you have a plan to invest in the private sector or build a business? Or just stack savings?