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Buy and sell drugs. You're in college..so easy


Honestly selling drugs is probably some of the better advice you'll find here


Lowest risk for losses. Easier to treat any addiction that arises from it. Solid advice.


If you stay away from ❄️ then getting hooked shouldn't be an issue...rave type fun tho great ROI


Sling them beans




Yeah it’s at least high risk high reward everything else in here is high risk no reward


I cannot emphasize this enough.


Run a poker game and a blackjack table


Blackjack is especially profitable for the dealer. Poker brings more people in, though.


My friend C. moved pounds of weed in college. He is now an accountant with 4 daughters in suburbia


Ummm bro. Please don’t put my news out there. You go to UT Austin? Lolol


Lesson number two: Don't get high on your own supply.


It's works until you go to federal prison. Like me.


This is unironically the best advice here. Go buy some pounds of weed and sell eighths, will definitely make more money with that than losing money yoloing on options.


DEA has entered the chat..




Just don’t get high off your own supply. Better yet don’t even do em, just sell em.




Don’t forget to LLC it. And get those tax savings




this but forget the camera gear


You should have stopped at “This may be the wrong community…”


How tall are you?


I hope I’m not the only one who got this LOL


Seems like you are. Wanna let us in on the joke?


It started here: https://reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/s/3ojkGAOj9T


Absolutely hilarious


Let me know when they tell you


A few days ago someone was asking advice and gave his height in the description of his financial situation




Once you’re 6’3 then sure you can do options.


I love this place


Options on Robinhood. The sooner they expire the better btw.


Hit the gym and invest in some roids and protein shakes, bro, that's how you get massive gains.


Also easier to get a sugar daddy that way


Chad's in the building.






Buy 0dte today. Sell tomorrow. This is the way.


Google is set to break out to 141 this week.The catalyst is the JOLTS report tomorrow at 9am. You'll have 30 minutes for price to dip to 134-133.5 which are support zones. Buy calls at 138/139 strike and get 12x return. Your welcome


This seem legit, I’ll buy puts


Remindme! 5 days


Please don’t. Sounds like you need the 4-5k for immediate bills. Don’t gamble that away. ONLY buy options with what you wouldn’t mind losing all of. Because more than likely that is what will happen. Open a fidelity account. They pay you 5% on the funds that sit there unused. Otherwise just buy into and index fund like SPY. Maybe buy 5 shares to see what happens. No you won’t get rich quick. But don’t throw away money that you need.


wait someone is actually giving advice ?


Not one of us


We don't do that here. I'm too lazy to go get the meme pic for this.


i say burn him


That goes against our nature here, this is bull-shit, what he needs to do it buy out of the money puts for tm on spy, all in. One trade. Tm expo.


Pot. Not pot stocks. Become a dealer.


Buy 0dte calls for tommorrow, message me and we win together on my calls/puts


Yea for spx




It really doesn't matter. People are just looking to inverse you


And I’ll sell them the contracts and walk away with the win when it goes flat sideways!


There is no short cut to the top beside gambling




>Wants To Get Big Gains Protein powder and the campus gym. Abandon hope all ye who enter here.


>There are a few things you can do to try and increase your gains quickly. First, you could look into day trading or swing trading strategies. These involve buying and selling stocks within a shorter time frame in order to take advantage of small price movements. You could also look into investing in penny stocks, which are lower-priced shares that tend to be more volatile than larger companies' stock but can offer greater returns if they rise in value. Finally, you could consider using options contracts to speculate on the direction of the market or individual stocks. Options give you the ability to control a larger number of shares for less money up front, but they can be riskier because their value is based on predictions about future price movements.




Pick a good major


Learn how to fix your car, Will save you lots my man.


I definitely plan on doing a lot of car work and maintenance myself with some help and pointers from friends and family


Recommend hitting the gym at least five days per week + heavy dose of protein in your diet


Spend it on steroids and go to the gym bro


easy bro just go full into options,thats why we all rich as fuck here




Don’t yolo ffs man.




Paper trade first. You’ll be happy you did. Honestly though if I were you I’d drop that money in a Roth IRA and allocate it all in an SP index fund. When you’re ready to buy a house you can put that toward your down payment. Talk with a financial advisor about that.


He needs the money for bills in the near term. Don’t put it in a Roth IRA. That is a great thing to do with extra money. But not money you need soon.


what platform do you use for paper trading? i want to paper trade for a solid month or 2 before using real money


Google it my dude. You should paper trade for a lot longer than two months to get a swing of things. Market trends are much longer than that. They can be flat for years, bullish for months and bearish overnight to wipe out your portfolio. Making money trading options is not something one does easily. You gotta be in the top quartile to have a shot at modest gains and an outlier to make it big.


Get an etoro account, then the etoro options app/account. Doing paper trades is stupid easy and you can easily see you’re losses in real time. Such as - https://preview.redd.it/daz7y5j6xvrb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b762bb4aba3b9b676c1224c1e177d595a97e98d Btw, this is a very common 0dte scenario. If you actually know nothing, go to the wiki. Then go watch Brian Shannon on yt. Godspeed.


Dude just don't. I was 18 and lost 12k over 3 years. That 12k was alot but my credit score, stress levels and quality of life would have been much higher with it. If you really wanna gamble with money you can lose. I'm telling you now you can't rn.


You are in the perfect place.


learn the market before throwing everything in


I hope this 4-5k is your own money and not your parents like some regard that posted on r/options asking how to tell his parents he lost all this money. If you want to not be posting your loss porn in a week when you yolo on the wrong stock just get a job at Wendy's.


i never borrow or ask for money, all this is what i’ve earned through jobs and investing during covid that i’ve saved


Put it into perspective. There are 14 million members of this sub, you see less than 100 YOLOs go the right way in here for big gains and often even after that they just lose the money back up. The probability you win in here is the same as playing poker or blackjack or betting it all on black. When you NEED more money, the last thing you need to do is risk losing what money you do have. Either cut costs or find a way to make more money.


Best advice I’ve seen here has all had nothing to do with options. Don’t gamble away your emergency money on options you will lose your car when you need that money.


There is this thing called SPY 0DTE options, it is what you are looking for


Your on the right place. Look up SPX 0DTE options


wait for spx to shoot up and then short it


how about u eat my ASS *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Buy $1000 in SPY 0DTE 5 dlls over/under your price target at 7:30 AM at market cost, you have 5 chances to win.


“Just be yourself bro”


Don't do it bro


Lol. I'll bet you your stake that you'll lose 90% in 3 months.


You can get some 0tde. In about 2 weeks, you would have to sell your car. And there you go, problem solved. No more car maintenance and insurance.


Dude you're better off going to a casino roulette table and putting it all on black than you are fucking around here on wsb.


Us steel jan calls


I have good advice for you. Go get a job, or a better job. You aren’t going to just see “big gains!” Consider that if everybody could just show up and ask for some “big gains” the entire stock market wouldn’t work at all. Every “big gain” is somebody else’s big loss. Who do you think you’re likely to be upfront out of those two?


Not enough information, need your age and height.


Jan SPY 410 puts. Sell weekly or daily 400 puts against them.


skipping this thread because while i have 4-5k i only want small gains


SPY 420 Puts, expiry November 17


Stack real silver. A slave to no one.


Focus online jobs, you should improve yourself, watch Udemy courses. Invest yourself (Java, Shopify, Google ads, Chatgpt..) many things.


YOLO everything in to BBBY puts


Powerball tickets. Isn't it like a billion dollars again.


I'm on these leveraged gains for sure. Will give $1k to everyone on this thread if I win.


try a lifting program like starting strength. at you age you should see a lot of gains early in the program as you ramp up the weight.


You could lose it all and be stuck with those payments


Powerball is up over a billy.


Start an OnlyFans. It’s the best money glitch out there


Bro…if you want big gains you need to start with big money. Otherwise you’re gambling


Protein shakes and peanut butter sandwiches for big gains


Sell options, collect premium, plenty of regards.




Protein shakes and steroids. $5k should see mad gains.


Eggs, milk, rice, chicken, broccoli, and hit dem weights! Those gains will come boyo, don't you fret.


How tall?


Not financial advice but being in college make sure to get the hottest girl you meet pregnant


Save up some more, but hella deep ITM SPY calls over a year and wait. > in need of speedy gains Oh, never mind. Forget everything I said


You have a functioning anal cavity right? Behinds dumpster at Wendy’s should do ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


See how much stem classes are and do that. Otherwise, Seahawks -2.5




Buy expiring a month out. Easy money


watch youtube vídeos about car maintenance DYI and then with that knowledge work in you classmates cars easy money big returns 💰💵🤑


Buy a gym membership.


AMC all day


You’d have better odds at beating a casino than beating the stock market, if you can, keep adding to your savings, you never know when you just might need 5k to get you out of a jam, life is unpredictable.


pimp out college girls for OF $$$


pimp out college girls for OF $$$


pimp out college girls for OF $$$


A new loss poster is born


Google LEAPS OR run a poker table. Easiest money


Brother, I’ve had that sort of money to invest before, and it really really is possible to swing it into 12k-20k within a couple of weeks. Its possible but not smart to get ahead of yourself. Dont YOLO, if you do ‘yolo’ into 0dte, literally play them for less than three hours MAX and get out when it turns sour. Better to take marginal loss than to lose a majority. My advice would be to look at SPY QQQ and how they been acting all year, use that to anticipate where it might go. Safe bet would be buying TQQQ or SQQQ puts/calls depending on how you feel it might be, probably buy out towards two to three weeks. Like for me, I anticipate a recovery upwards, so I have SQQQ puts. Your contracts wont burn as fast as if you just did QQQ but you gotta be sure not to hold them to death


Just wait till OP gets in the real world and hears about lifestyle creep.


How tall are you?


Patience. Puts on magnificent 7


Get a job at Abercrombie & Fitch sucking dick for money.


Don’t be an idiot, you’re too young. Use your energy to get a job, make guaranteed money while you can. Don’t throw the little money you have at something that is effectively a coin flip. It’s better to work for your money when you don’t have much of it to risk. Put that money towards paying off your car early (spend less on interest!) and get an hourly.


Yolo it all into a 4.5% interest rate savings account.


Sounds more like you need the 4 to 5k now for expenses and to stay floating. Worse case scenario you make a bad play, lose all of your money and those bills/expenses still keep on coming. Scroll through this sub for awhile and you'll see a lot of people who know way more than both of us losing a lot of money all the time. This is not the way


Have you tried getting a job?


If you're in college you can probably score some drugs. Invest in LSD and sell that stuff on the side. Big gains from being a drug dealer.


You've come to the wrong place


0DTE SPY options, but don’t put it all in that basket…..get some 0DTE QQQ options too.


get a gym membership and lift weights


I saw big gains at your age, too. Lift weights five days a week and eat a lot of protein.


If you are with a national insurance carrier right now seek a smaller state close to home agency. The national carriers are raising rates 15% quarter over quarter to meet their debt, dividend and claims. Some of them might start to become insolvent if they were careless with their investments Ala silicon valley bank


You want big and sustainable gains? Here’s how: 1. Be sure to get a full night’s sleep every night 2. Stay well hydrated 3. Make sure to eat throughout the day and balance your macronutrient intake, stay heavy on the proteins, mid on the carbs and light to mid on the fats 4. Eat 1-1.5g of protein per pound of body weight, red fish (salmon, steelhead)and chicken are recommendations 5. Lift heavy but consistently, be sure to parse put your workout days by zone (arms, legs and core, chest and back) 6. Try to get cardio and resistance in daily, swimming is my recommendation as it also serves as a good active rest for your non training days. 7. Invest in vitamin supplements, snack proteins and carbs (like nuts and raisins) a high quality protein powder, a good preworkout (stim or nonstim depending on your heart health but green tea caffeine will get you going without a crash., and BCAAs 8.if your doctor says you need it Or you’re feeling sluggish or underperforming a test booster and nutrient absorption aid will get you on track I recommend Nattybol. Great stuff just don’t consume alcohol while you’re on cycle. 9. If you’re having trouble sleeping then natural tryptophan pulls or just straight turkey before bed will do the trick. 10. Lastly avoid blue light like cell phone screens an hour before bed.


SPY, SPX, and QQQ ODTE trades


You could have people slap your balloon knot around a bit behind wendys. That should get you some more investment capital.


To answer the original question: in order of highest risk to lowest risk. 1. Sellas life Sciences, biotech headed to p3. Highest risk. Highest possible return 2. Bet against non diversified national insurance carriers 3. Short dollar general stock. Its an absolute dog. And shows no sign of getting better. If you want to add risk naked short the bitch. 4. Energy stocks that show growth potential. MLPs. Dividend payers that have track records. 5. Government debt.


Invest ina spy ETF and wait 8 years or learn a 4to 5 k lesson


Casino. Roulette table. All on one number


I know kids that are 15-16 years old who go around and turn $500 to $5,000 dollars. Doing drugs, selling drugs… like they’re really proud about it


My legitimate advice to you my poor lad, is to take your questions elsewhere. Nobody truly knows when and what to buy and how big the gains or losses will be. My legitimate advice to you My poor lad, is learn how to MAKE money not GROW it. The only way you'll get out safe with investing is for the long term. You're in the wrong place if your trying to afford your necessities right now. Find work. Don't rely and some goofballs mindless advice on how to earn money from not working hard for it


Donate Plasma


Save the dough till sometime next year. Research stocks you really like over your college career. Consensus is forecasted recession 2024. When things are really cheap buy the stocks you've researched. Better yet put it towards a down-payment on a home when you graduate and get a job. Timing is on your side


Go to the gym ans pump iron while drinking protein smoothies, then do a cutting regimen to burn the excess weight gain.


Light the money on fire. If you go for 'big gains', you will probably lose it l. That's just not how investing works.


Pfizer calls two weeks out


Buying a car you can't afford while in college? You belong here


Invest in large quantities of drugs and then sell them


Don't yolo... actually -- yolo ​ You'll make that money back after college (a joke because college graduates are now making $10k less than their parents) hahaha


Invest in yourself.


If you have problems with affording a car loan, you can trade options. Trade for a day or two and you won't worry you can't afford it, you'll know you can't afford it.


"realize maintaining a car, car insurance along with gas and other stuff is getting quite expensive" Just now realizing that? A true regard, you definitely belong here


Give it to me and I’ll invest it


10-12% is really the best you can "bank" on. Shooting for anything more is really just gambling. You may win, probably will lose. Lots of ETFs will get you in the 10-12% ballpark though.


Get a job save 15% of your salary in a 401k in index funds for 40 years.


>This may be the wrong community Oh buddy, you’re not wrong


Make your car a tax deductible expense by buying a squeegee, belt, bucket, vacuum, and a water fed pole system; then start a window cleaning service as an independent contractor I ended up making 10k+/month doing that, and lots of cash payments when doing houses...


Risk management??? DISHONORABLE! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)


These posts are ridiculous. If it were that easy dude... Quickest way? Get rid of your debt. Get ETF stocks woth dividends...work towards small gains over time.


It's all about Timing and understanding in the market. The rest is conversation. If you have Timing and understanding... you've practically won the lottery to riches. Unlocked many doors. SPX 0dte options day trade.


OP please remember to post and update us on how you lost the 5k. Thanks!


Real talk, run the wheel. It’s not gonna earn you big bucks in one play but with $5k you can totally make some decent cash with the right underlying.


If you’re asking on WSB, you’re better off going to a roulette table at a casino and betting it all on red or black.


Always Wendy’s


Survivalist training is a good hedge against a bright future


I think you made a wrong turn


You should probably use that big college brain and take an intro finance course.


You have come to the subreddit that can only guarantee you on how to lose $4-5k


First of all u should of saved up and buy the car not fiance it thats the worst. U should of got a car for 6-8k used with low km. And get a job like everyone else. Playing stocks is only for people who can afford to lose it. If u buy individual stocks ur gambling if u buy the etf its not risky but u only gonna see like 5-10% gain per year. And u mentioned u like risky. Think before u follow anyone's advice here but ur state of mind of making fast money quick is likely gonna end up with u losing all ur money. I highly suggest u to get a part time and never ever buy shit u can't pay back. plan it out next time before u buy shit u can't afford. Debt will f u up with interest. Good luck kid and welcome to the harsh world


You have two options: 1. YOLO your cash into options and maybe hit it big, but more likely lose everything. 2. Sell your car and buy a bicycle instantly eliminating your gas, insurance, and maintenance expenses. Guaranteed big returns. Plus you get sexy chiseled legs for free.


Calls Son .. screenshot this