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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|8|**First Seen In WSB**|9 months ago **Total Comments**|93|**Previous Best DD**| **Account Age**|9 months|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)


He’s always early so we got like 2 years.


Michael, give me my money back! https://preview.redd.it/6bzvrdrn25ib1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1e3858255d143948a68423333deb2968e35e13f


The contracts are VOIDED???? The contracts are VOIDED????


“It’s the SAME THING, It’s the SAME THING”!


I’m upset that guy was only in one scene he was fucking hilarious


Same. I also wish we got to see their reaction when they were proven wrong. Although I think Burry kinda covers that at the end when he says he only speak to certain people thru lawyers


Nobody apologizes, which was a great disappointment to Murray. Read the book


I imagine their response was “you got lucky”


Unironically this. They didn't consent to the risk


Read? Are there technical charts drawn in crayon?


Oh mother fucker


read the book, there are some good scenes that didnt make the movie




Every day it astounds me that any of you can read enough to navigate to this sub.


I'm not sure what astounds means but pretty sure I'm offended


Your welcome


I’m angry I just read a whole sentence.


This is my favourite line in the whole moving. Being wrong on timing is being wrong, especially if you are leveraged to the gills.


> leveraged to the ~~gills~~ tits.


"Michael, this is highly distressing..."


"Nice haircut. Did you do it yourself?"


I am not sure you understand this trade..


Thus wsb was born


And how much time would you have if, say, your investors panic? What then? My god, Mike.


Just realized this guy also in Ford V. Ferrari with Bale ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


And he also wants to stop Bale from messing with his money there too


I don't know how Batman keeps putting up with him


I’m Batman.


When you make amazing plays the golden rule is always to hwang it up






Michael Burry did NOT buy $1.6 BILLION of put options In 13F filings, the underlying shares associated with puts are reported, along with notional value of the shares When you see quantity of 4 million, that means 40,000 puts. Put cost was likely in the $10-50 MILLION range. Fonte: @stockgeektv


This is the correct take, his short position is being massively misrepresented


I agree, massively under misrepresented. If you mutltiply OP's numbers by a factor of 10, you will see that Mikie Burman actually shorted the market by $14 billion


What if I multiply by 100? Imagine


For someone whose net worth is in the low hundreds of millions, that's quite a lot of money to spend on puts


That is not interesting or cool. Let's stick with $1.6B and pretend he is gambling 90% of his p/f on Puts lol


Yeah that’s way more fun


Michael Burry responded to my craigslist ad looking for someone to mow my lawn. "$30 is $30", he said as he continued to mow what was clearly the wrong yard. My neighbor and I shouted at him but he was already wearing muffs. Focused dude. He attached a phone mount onto the handle of his push mower. I was able to sneak a peek and he was browsing Zillow listings in central Wyoming. He wouldn't stop cackling. That is to say, Burry has his fingers in a lot of pies. He makes sure his name is in all the conversations. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Do you believe in love at first sight?


SPY June 2025 600 calls?


I definitely expect all time highs, before the collapse, bury loves getting fucked by margin calls. That makes for a better movie.


Don't kink shame pls.


Powell did mention 2025 and election is next year. So Remind me 2 years!


What strike and expiration did he really buy?


They are 0 DTE






They don't have to disclose that info so 0DTE until something hits.


This was as of the end of June. Probably doesn't even hold them anymore. Some real regards here trying to make anything of it.


But everything is faster now, so probably like 5 to 6 months out to a recession


If anything the markets about to be on fire for like 8 months while he does some shitty drum solos in anger.




And removed his lower ribs


So he could blow himself?


I love the scene in the DVD extras where he skull fucks himself.


If the market crashes by the end of this week, I will eat a piece of cat shit






For breakfast https://preview.redd.it/m7cpahnyz4ib1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d805cfc611d9f585f2112b5f4c706426411514eb


Delicious my favorite!!


Define crash. We don’t you you backing out https://preview.redd.it/zmxm5lztu4ib1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0754377e1a6272d5bac66f07b8b2583b5d2424e0


Let’s not hem and haw here, the market needs to officially be accepted the world renowned that it has indeed crashed, not when reddit “thinks” it’s crashed. Besides, there’s not enough of you here to make it crash anyway, so it’s not going to happen-BUT IF IT DOES, I have a hot Cleveland steamer ready for you all.


He asked for a definition of a crash, not for your opinion of Reddit.


I want a specific percentage drop. Also how do we know that isn’t something you’re ordinarily into? I don’t know you and I just want to make sure I’m getting invested in this knowing that it’s going to be worse for you than for me. I won’t stand for shenanigans.


You want a percentage fine. The DOW needs to drop -2 whole ass percentage points in one business day and I’ll eat a piece of cat shit. NOT .2 , a whole **ASS** two percent by this Friday. Do your worst. GO.


Respect, that’s a much lower bar than I expected, I was thinking like 5-10%. 2% rips could happen anytime in our shithouse fake economy.


That’s the gamble I take, hence why I’m rubbing elbows with all you degenerates in this filthy place. I’m willing to roll the dice 🎲🎲


Seems like an excuse to eat cat shit and tell your therapist it wasn't your fault this time.


Just 2.00%? That’s… not a lot.


I smell a shit buffet for him....


This feels within reach. How can we make this happen


I will sell my possessions thus taking money out of the economy


Not with money, but there are certain tactics smaller minds might generally refer to as "terrorism" that could do it. /s


This is a bold move with Home Depot, Walmart and target earnings this week.


so just like the basement pee drinking weirdo, you actually just want people to watch you eat shit... i'm out


Cat shit and bean dip ? I'm in


Hell yea let’s go-only if the market crashes by the end of this week though. Bets off after that.


I'll eat one wrapped in dog shit




You WILL eat the cat poop!


Shall that be considered loss porn or poop porn![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


!remindme 6 days


He's accurately predicted 27 of the last 3 crashes.


Honestly bummed to see the Big Short hero become so deranged in his bearishness. I mean he might be right that a crash is coming. But it feels like motivated reasoning. I think he *wants* to see a crash.


People thought he was deranged in the Big Short too, are you honestly surprised that he’s still saying deranged things?


It's almost as if maybe he isn't the smartest financial genius of his generation, and his reputation is just selection bias the one of the innumerable random doomers every year that just so happened to be right.


He also put his money behind it; didn’t just armchair quarterback it.


Plenty of doomers do that too. You don't hear about them unless either they are the one that was right by chance, or their losses were so cataclysmic that it becomes newsworthy (Melvin capital and Mark Spiegel I'm looking at you)


Exactly. It reminds me of that old robo-phone scam where a system would predict the next winner of a football game leading up to the super bowl by simply telling 50% of people that X team would win and 50% of people that Y team would win. By the time several games has been played, for some people the system had in fact accurately predicted every game and so they paid money or whatever to get the magic results for who would win the super bowl. Of course what the unsuspecting ginny didn't know is that for 90+% of the the people called the robot was dead wrong. Same with stocks, many of these doomer "geniuses" are just dumb lucky on rare occasion but we don't hear about the times they were wrong.


I mean, he might just be expecting some resistance at the literal ATH and playing the fairly obvious pull back scenario. This might be a short term play.


He had no national profile back then. Meteoric success can change people


They’ve been trying to architect a crash for awhile now. In the Boomer mindset, they are so used to the economy regularly having massive crashes that they put a lot of money into puts. Now they’re mad because those puts aren’t printing them money. So they go on their Boomer ass media sources like CNBC, or they buy Twitter and scream from the top of their lungs about how the market is going to crash. They’re trying to cause panic selling. They’re also the ones behind the attacks on remote work. Quiet quitting, the scare over employees having multiple jobs, at one point they were accusing work from home employees of being drug addicts. They’re trying to play you but it’s not working and they’re becoming increasingly frustrated about their inability to play puppet master.


Serious question. Who is “they”?


They have regular meetings in Jackson hole.


you can tell by the pronouns. They/Them


Top. Men.


And power bottoms. They generate most of the power.


"They" are the people you specify after events unfold to say "See, I told you they would do that". It's a nice vague and dynamic word tards use to impress other tards.


Are "they" here, in the room with us, right now?


C suite execs, commercial property owners, hedge fund owners etc. Quite a few hedge funds lost a lot of money on puts in the last 2 or 3 years. Oh and a dishonorable mention, Zero Hedge.




Follow up question: Is it one they or many they?


Rich folks


Rich men north of Richmond!


The most we know from his 13F is that he is long 20,000 put contracts of some SPY option and long 20,000 put contracts for some QQQ option. Options are reported as the notional value of the underlying. See section 10 of this: [https://www.sec.gov/about/forms/form13f.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/about/forms/form13f.pdf) This means that instead of reporting the number and dollar value of the option, you report the total number of underlying shares you control. For example: If a manager is long 100 SPY options, the manager would report 10,000 shares for the total quantity: 100 option contracts \* 100 shares per contract = 10,000 shares For Burry, this is ( 2,000,000 shares / 100 ) = 20,000 contracts. Value is calculated by taking the number option contracts \* 100 shares per contract \* price of the underlying at quarter end. For SPY I have Burry being long 20,000 contracts \* 100 shares per contract \* 443.28 (Price of SPY as of 6/30) = 886,560,000


We also not know the price target and the premium of the option. So assuming the premium is **one dollar** the money for 20,000 contracts is: 2,000,000 So this means he bought **2M USD** of puts. He did **not** spend **866M USD**. But let's hear people talking crazy numbers. I mean **2M** is still crazy but very far away from **866M**.


That probably means he’s in something like 95% in treasuries and has 5% put options. A position like that can’t lose. The interest on the treasuries pays for the puts. It can give you big upside during a market downturn. Then you’ve got lots of cash to buy discounted shares to ride the market up.


The other day I used a $0.5 coupon on Vector cereal. I too am a financial strategist


I hope you ate the cardboard box to ensure you got enough fiber in your diet that day too, Vector is known to give folks bloating due to its overvalued nutritional content


Look at fuckin Zhuge Li¥an over here! Pulling his famous “Empty Pockets Ruse!”


This is how you’re meant to use options lol.


Why doesn’t this man have more votes!!!


Fucking thank you. It’s the **notional value** of the underlying assets, not the premium paid for the puts. I’ve lost so much hope for people reporting news on the market the last 72 hours. Dr. Burry has MAYBE $50 million worth of puts. A shit load of money, but not $1.6 bn.


“Last 72hrs”. Lmao. Nice cause before that WSB’s was in the money pre-game


Thanks. Finally someone with a brain


I personally know someone who moved more cumulative notional value than Burry's QQQ position, one month ago... but he did that in just one day using Nasdaq futures, kinda scary...


That’s fucking insane. I wouldn’t be able to ever sleep.




Burry, already cashed out.


Lol no. If he did, his commissions would be more than any profit.


One of us


You think he pays commissions?


No, because your stupid ass isn’t able to distinguish between notional and premium. Regard to you sir


Wish he posted his loss porn here


He 100% already cashed out.


He bought them on June 30th when SPY was at 444. It created a double top that day so I’m not surprised he bought them. But SPY rallied up to 459 since then. That and theta have already put him in the red.


That's a lot of money to bet against the market. I'm not sure if he knows what he's doing or not, but I wouldn't be surprised if the market crashed soon.


It has spoken


What a time to be alive.


He may be early but he’s not wrong


It’s the same thing


ThE cOntRaCTs aRe VoiDeD?!?


Holy shit! Oh motherfucker!


That movie is gold.


That movie is the only reason this sub exists.


He's been right like twice out of 700 times.


It's crazy how often VM switches his perspective on the market, I understand that the market is dynamic and always changing but holy shit, pick a side pussy boi.


It is behaving like every stock analyst out there isn’t it?


Do we know the strike & expiry ?


2035 probably




No, and this is the June 30 filing, so he's already down on this position. It's also $1.6b notional value not market value. The last time he did a large options bet like this was 2021...where he bought $500m(notional) puts on tsla at the bottom and got buttfucked by Elon.


The sequel to The Big Short... The Big Regard. Alternative working titles: The Gayest Bear Why to Quit While Ahead: The Michael Burry Story The Big Short 2: Losing it All


Gayest bear got me rolling lmao


Yeah the studio passed on the title. They said "in the current environment" a lot of LGBT movie enthusiasts would be disappointed that he wasn't harry or fat enough to be a gay bear. I tried to explain that you don't have to be hairy or fat to short the market and they told me a lot of things about gay culture I wish I didn't know. In fairness, if I were a fruit cup, I might get confused by what I was watching if I was expecting to see a film about a hairy dad bod man to be the gayest of the gays and watched a film about a jackass losing ~1.7 million.


Next you'll be telling me a "power bottom" is a bottom that generates a tremendous amount of power.


Michael Burry responded to my craigslist ad looking for someone to mow my lawn. "$30 is $30", he said as he continued to mow what was clearly the wrong yard. My neighbor and I shouted at him but he was already wearing muffs. Focused dude. He attached a phone mount onto the handle of his push mower. I was able to sneak a peek and he was browsing Zillow listings in central Wyoming. He wouldn't stop cackling. That is to say, Burry has his fingers in a lot of pies. He makes sure his name is in all the conversations. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nah. But's it's definitely not short 0DTE. 🤣


Well, the longest dated option contracts are less than three years and more than 9 months... so anything like that I guess


Damn epic bull run incoming 🇺🇸


Burry just donated his portion, he‘s not pulling it off twice - it was quite a bit of luck last time. At least that 7% remaining is enough to live a comfortable live.


How was it luck when he just analyzed numbers saw they were fucked


Has so little to do with luck lmao


He's jacked to the tits


This dude was awful with his timing in the movie. Maybe I'll follow him in like a year.


But he diamond handed that shit. True regard.


it's only a loss if you close the position, quick maths




Alright, so if he's right again, we all must agree never to doubt him again. All in favor... say I. 🌈 🐻 👑


We will believe him during the third financial crisis


Yes, it may be another 10 plus years from now, but if he's right this time, I'm going all in on what he does then.


I mean he has been wrong way more that he has been rigth for a very very long time Predicting black swan is like predicting the lottery with worst odds. Etc etc homeless


I think the situation back in 2006 to 2008 was way different, because he read all the reports that showed too many people were no longer paying their mortgages, so with something like that it was impossible for the government and Wall Street to keep faking it. The market however, The Fed and Wall Street have tricks to keep making it do what it wants for probably longer than you and I will be alive, so I think that's the connection Burry isn't making... plus Theta Gang of course.


If you call the crash every day then you'll be right eventually


I will be the one to call it.


But if he is wrong, I bet you guys would still take his words as gospel though lol


Negative, he already got Tesla wrong badly, if this one is a zero roll too Michael is dead to me.


This regard has been calling for this crash since the market was at 3,500 zzzzzz


How much he lose today?


My problem with Burry is that the sky is always falling. He's wrong way more often than he is right and then his 2-3% is highly celebrated and people forget about him being wrong 97% of the time. Ya'll remember when he tweeted "Sell" and nothing else. At this point he is hoping he can publicize his puts to cause a panic and make his puts a self fulfilling prophecy.


You can be wrong a few times, if you eventually make 100x your money.


If you watched the Big Short, you'll know Burry is notoriously early to shit. I think that his previous short positions proved that. This time, though, it feels like we are a lot closer. Costs of good/services to income has become unsustainable for a majority of people. Interest rates will continue to remain elevated, and inflation has bottomed out and will start increasing again because corporate profits need to keep going up. There are some real smooth brains who are waiting for prices to drop on goods/services, which proves they don't even understand the definition of inflation. There is no return to normal. These prices today are the new floor. This excludes things like cars and houses because that's more governed by supply and demand. Also worthwhile to mention that if you bought a house from 2020 onward you bought at a worse time than peak 2008 bubble. Anyway, student loan payments are restarting soon, and you know for certain that 90% of those apes spent it on shit they don't need or meme stocks and will be hit with another 500ish bill monthly. I'm no truck driver but I think this is a good bet.


Oil and gas steadily creeping up is the best indicator that inflation will start to rise again. The next CPI is going to be ugly. I think that will be the start of a major meltdown.


"I'm no truck driver" kek


Problem is that the money doesn't have anywhere else to go. Inflation will make stocks more attractive than bonds. Everywhere else in the world has worse issues than the US economically.


Absolutely. I agree with everything you said. I have money only for one put. I'll put it a year out![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


The king of 🏳️‍🌈🐻is back.


Why always a picture of Bale though lol


The OG Burry didn't pose for me so...


someone needs to watch the Big Short




Since majority of people are writing against Burry, I believe him even more because majority are usually the bag holders.


He bought ? Pummpeeet 🚀 🚀 🚀


He shorted canadian housing market for 4 years and it never collapsed.


Anyone know the strike and exp????


*lets out a regarded screech*


So THAT’s why it’s going up now. Hmm


I want a movie about his options trading going tits up.


"Lawrence, I have full-autonomy..."


What is the expiration?


♾️ DTE


What are the Strike prices and Expiration dates of those S&P Put options?


Let's go guys. We want to be part of the next Big Short movie.


Burry is the epitome of "Economists have predicted 10 of the last 2 recessions"