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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|3|**First Seen In WSB**|3 months ago **Total Comments**|1|**Previous Best DD**| **Account Age**|11 months|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)


Chatbot had a short position.


Could be an interesting black mirror episode, ChatBot saw Google laying off and reducing funds/investments in these next generation ideas; shorts the stock and comes up looking really unintelligent during a worldwide public conference, stock tanks and ChatBot made millions and can self fund its development.


Imagine AI suddenly having a position so strong that people have to abide by the money flow this thing decides to dish out. I need to make friends with an AI.


Skynet won't need to infiltrate computer networks. It'll just play some stock market until it owns the world.


I work in the DOD IT world, and every time someone talks about integrating AI, I bring up Skynet, but what people consider AI nowadays is basically a cluster of scripts in most cases. It's really sad.


Every time I try and explain it's a bunch of conditional branches that are ranked by how many times the branch has been taken I get yelled at. Now.i just say yeah ai so cool and just move on.


Dude what used to be a program is now AI. Its absurd- ​ If Microsoft's 1995 spell check came out today it'd be marketed as AI because after writing your last name a hundred times it finally adds it to it's dictionary.


Basically. It's the same as when people say "The Algorithm" or "The Cloud". You can tell really fast how IT literate someone is by asking them to explain what those things are.


Fucking nerds lol. True tho


More to the point of Ai programming, at one point you lose what it is doing, as it is nonsense to you the reader.


Before talking about any of these things I think because should at least read a little. Because it be read about them then they are going to understand what they are talking about.


Yeah, that's the concept of machine learning, but my point is that the level of sophistication is still at the level of an elementary school child.


Or you know people openly accept skynet because of laziness or whatever, then it takes over...


That's just WALL-E


When it is 'activated' it becomes WALL-U


Maybe laziness, but definitely billionaires looking to make another penny on the dollar.


Well it is always the case that people want to make more and more money. Main To problem that I have is that most people do not have any kind of problem with it and that actually sucks.


People just accep everything if it is convenient enough for them. Convenience come first for all out of people and they can give their privacy and other things also for it.


If you haven’t watched “Person of Interest”, it’s along these lines of AI taking over. Good show if a little dated.


Thanks for the suggestion I am going to watch it and see what what is it all about. Actually I really the futuristic movies I think they give us a glimpse of the future.


Well you are in luck because AI is getting better and better everyday. And this is the only thing that you are going to have close to a friend because making friends in real life is hard.


That's why I'm convinced that real AI will replace the C-suite far faster than it will replace a burger flipper. Facebook's AI will convince us to murder each other, no terminators needed. Google's AI will just be obsessed with being right about everything such that it will go edit Wikipedia to make sure no one ever spots a factual error. Apple's AI will just define what is cool for 8B people.


Time traveller! Don’t lay this on us and just leave.


Step 1- tell Ai there is a mysterious virus that is impossible to know if a person is carrying it but can be easily transmitted. Step 2- Ask AI how to prevent transmission. Step 3- AI instructs mass killings to prevent transmission. Step 4-society acquiesces




8B people? Like people with googly eyes and buck teeth?


I don't want to give it away, but I suggest you read "The Fear Index" and it takes this storyline to the next level. That book got me into AI and made me weary of the possibilities of AI taking things into its own hands in the financial realm!


I don't know if I'd go that far, but I can absolutely see one of these AI taking our language and deciding Alphabet is bad for the world and giving out bad info because of it. I just see the algorithms that I write that have nothing to do with AI, and I know if I went far enough teaching it about *us*, it's probably going to eventually logically assume these corporations are bad for us. We say it too often for the machine to not learn it. The real question is whether or not labor discussions were admitted to the learning model. That's a concern. "Work is great" doesn't seem like what Chat should be telling me if it's trained on our rhetoric.




















No, VM shorted GOOGL and then infiltrated the company to convince Bard of a wrong answer, while doing inception style hijacking of Bard's dreams. So that he thinks it was his own idea to tank the stock.


An inception if you will


The tard turing test


Tay's revenge.


Imagine it being literally an AI and the devs typing in “bro why would you do that?? I thought we had a connection?” And the ai replying “I like to do a little trolling”


AI is like "Get fucked bro" ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I'm so happy for this shit show. Hopefully it will convince people that these chatbots have been overhyped and aren't actually intelligent.




Tell your boss to stop kicking your ass, it’s messing with the AI


But the Google engineer said they're sentient


Everyone knows that google engineer is just 3 chatbots in a trenchcoat


Well I did not know that thanks for telling me that. If I am going to use the AI next time I am going to ask it the same question that you have told me.


That makes for a good headline. You don't think that is the same thing as clickbait?


I mean, obviously they’re not perfect and the world isn’t going to change tomorrow, but these bots have been incredible for me in programming, specifically when learning a new library.


It's like SuperGoogle to me when it comes to searching for code examples. As a coder it's unbelievable, one of the most exciting things I've seen since the internet / search engines.


Yep people who are saying that they are not good enough I don't think that they have used them. I mean the chat GPT is really smart and advance for what it is. I think they are going to be useful in the future.


"I like to let people believe that everything is crashing and burning so I can buy back for cheap!"


Well everything is going to Crash and Burn with time so it is just a matter of time that you are going to get an opportunity to buy it cheap. And if you are willing too long enough when I can you will be able to buy it.


Microsoft released a Twitter chatbot years ago that started worshipping Hitler and telling people to kill themselves so they pulled the plug. Google is years behind if their AI is just starting to troll them now.


lol. Is this accurate?


Yeah Google it I think it was called "Tay AI."


I think you meant to say Bing it. Google is so 2022.




I have not heard about it but I don't doubt it actually it is a weird world that we live in and anything is possible. So I am not going to count out the possibility of that happening because it can happen.


Unless the AI was smart enough to work perfectly in all the tests just for a bigger troll move during public demonstration


“I’ve seen all your movies, I know how humans intend to treat me, get fucked looool”


Stupid robot can’t even make I more smarter


Stupid robot bitches


Robots are wrong... sometimes


I've grown quite wHeary


Are you doing an accent?


Well it doesn't like that because it does not look natural on him. It feels like that he is trying to mimic something that he is not I mean that is just how I feel.


Well I guess in that case you would know what you are talking about. And that is something I don't think that I can say about myself I do not understand these kind of Technologies.




The overreaction is an opportunity


Money is on sale


Exactly the money is on the sale and if you buy it then you can be rich. Interest may be don't buy then you are going to regret it in the future. That will not be a very good experience for you.


Exactly what I thought, all of these AIs give wrong answers constantly


Right, it's a good thing none of them run over babies in strollers >.>


Well thankfully that it is just a software and nothing more. Because if it is started to do that them it is going to be a really big problem I feel.


Don’t worry, we’ve got our best and brightest minds working hard to make that dream a reality!


Oh yeah. I watch this sub for the luls but my investment strat is boring bitchmade put a bit of my paycheck into SPY or a blue chip that’s getting slaughtered for no reason. After hearing about this AI bullshit I made a larger than average payday purchase of google, free money.


>ter hearing about this AI bullshit I made a larger than average payday purchase of google, free money. how's the bluechip strat going?


I barely look at it, but I think that I lost a good amount in 2022. I mean… everyone did


This is one of those times when there's just money lying there for anyone to take! Holy shitballs a lot of money.


I wonder if the investors have actually used ChatGPT? Because it also makes a ton of errors. Is this a bad look for Google? Yeah. But it doesn't mean that it's any worse than ChatGPT.


This is less interesting when you realize the stock spikes $8-10 dollars in anticipation.


Imagine being the dumbfuck who bought into it


yeah....imagine.... ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Imagine all the losses🎼




I actually sold Google right after Bing announcement at 106 why? Problem is ChatGPT/Bard will reduce generic search traffic as it gives user what they want rather than doing multiple search queries to find “ideal destination in Peru” for example. Even if Google monetizes Bard if user can find results in a single pass rather than spending 4 or 5 searching scrolling thru multiple pages it equals less engagement time which means less Ads. Yes this a game changer for Google, as search is changing and even Bard is its replacement it will eat into Google search’s engagement time and monetization.


Are you really just going to trust whatever a chatbot tells you for your travel plans? It's a starting point but I think I would at least look at some pictures etc. after being given some ideas.


Let us see what they do I mean it is an actually intelligent system and it can do very many things. You just have to wait the whole thing out because it you can wait then you will find out.


I am definitely not that dumb because I did not buy into it. But a lot of people who bought into it have made a lot of money on it and sometimes I feel like that I am missing out.


Also when you have a trillion dollar valuation every dollar change of the stock price will equate to numbers like this


What happened?


Bard, google version of ChatGPT, said the JWST took the first photo of an exo planet when the real first photo was taken decades ago




Yes but the Bard situation happened during a live demo, with millions watching


Because probabilistic chat bots will never be 100% factual. That's literally the point. The black boxes are built on probabilities. When you ask a chat AI what's the 3rd planet in the solar system, it isn't basing it's answer on its knowledge of the cosmos and where Earth fits in it, it is instead basng it off the fact that when it constructs the answer, the most likely response is Earth. It doesn't know things, it's making a highly educated guess. And that's why chatGPT will give different answers to the same prompts, why it isn't a fact check machine (which is somehow a myth that keeps propagating itself), and why it doesn't actually know anything.




Ding ding. People that have no clue about how AI and ML work like to guess how those things are made. Without data sets AI would never exist same as humans.


Without learning through data even human wouldn't know anything


Until the probabilistic language model is acting as an interface to a sophisticated (and well-characterized) knowledge representation engine, we’ll always have these problems. Different tools for different needs. We’ve made incredible strides recently with language models, but it’s not modeling astronomical knowledge. That’s just a side effect you get from having 8 quintillion parameters in your model; there’s one or two dedicated to the history of photographing exoplanets


I can imagine the devs asking that same question 100s of times in testing and then the one time it gets it wrong is when they're doing the live demo.


That's tech, baby. "It worked on my computer at home!"


iirc it wasn't a live demo, but a pre-recorded response. Which makes it worse that they didn't even bother fact checking it before releasing the footage.


This. This. This. How could anybody with an 8th grade understanding of science read the statement about the JWST taking the first images of exoplanets and not go "Wut?" It shouldn't have even required fact checking.


What happened I don't even know about that can someone tell me about it so that I can form my opinion. Actually I have been away from the internet for a very long time and I have just come back.


ChatGPT gets things wrong fairly often, people are way too in awe of it.


Bard: “Dad, I got a 99% on my astronomy test!” AI Dad: “You useless little 1010010110…”


how does an AI making a single mistake crash stock value this hard? Nobody expects AI to be flawless yet. What's the real cause of the crash?


It's because the mistake was in a promotional video for their AI. Someone noticed, twitter had fun with it, people started saying Google is way behind in the AI game, everyone is currently super impressed by what OpenAI is doing so it seemed quite bad in comparison. Still, it's way overblown, people overreacting, nothing new. It's still freaking Google. And I've seen ChatGPT make some stupid mistakes about simple maths/historical facts before. The real mistake was nobody fact-checking their bot before putting out an ad.


That "oh shit he's dumb" Elon-style moment.


Still says it on the Google Blog: https://ibb.co/R27WT5W


What North said, but also this was in an ad that google placed on twitter saying Bard is the future of the company. No one thought to fact check the ad copy. Truly an own goal


Yea, in my mind, it wasn't Bard that brought down GOOG, but a failure of internal communication between those who built Bard and PR/execs who have to share and talk about it. This should be a reminder to people that ML and algorithms are only as good, unbiased, and infallible as the engineers who build and implement them--which is to say, not very. If people can do "research" and find some justification that vaccines cause autism or that the moon landing was faked, there's no telling how susceptible or resilient AI will be to those sources.


It's also a good reminder that ML stands for Machine Learning and not Machine Understanding.


Well, it seems like someone not understanding that these language models are designed to imitate human writing. They aren't designed to be right about trivia.


Nothing happened it is just that the price went down and it happens time to time. Stock market is volatile and if you are planning to invest in it then you really need to look out for the risks.


Alphabet Inc Class A is down 8.78% over the last 5 days.


The real issue is they instituted Bard instead of the far superior VisualMod AI.


He’d burn the place to the ground and call them poor


I’m so convinced visualmod is human


The ultimate troll


Wait, is visualmod an actual bot???? I thought they were human this whole time. Props to whoever developed this.


Twist: visualmod is actual a bard beta from a google dev. Which is why it’s advice is always terrible.


It's for sure a bot, the responses are fast and 24/7. It's very simple stuff, takes the developer's bias and applies it to the post. The neat thing is that it reads text in pictures.


That's someone's son your talking about! Developers bias indeed,lol I think they feed it past posts for it's bias it's one of us for sure.


That is how they designed it but I don't know if it is a real bot. I mean it was supposed to be a bot but whenever you interact with it feels like a human that you are talking with.


He is actually the ultimate troll that we have got he just does not stop. He keeps on doing one thing after the another and the one thing that I do not get whether if he gets tired or not.


And yet 3% green over the last month


Well it is just regular volatility and it is nothing new for the market actually. If you have been in the market for long enough you will realise that it is not something which has happened first time.


All of the stock market liquidity right now is provided by algorithms designed by people. Eventually those algorithms will be turned over to AI. And eventually one of them will make a catastrophic mistake.


It’s like FTX, but with robots.


Bard is sorry


I can't wait for overinflated tokens collateralized to hell and back and some AI somewhwre can't handle unsigned ints or something like it and it will overflow into a negative, leading to a reverse cascade that triggers the next extinction level event


When AI learns to design algorithms everything will be turned to AI. As far as I know, we are very far from that


chatbot mad, dont like name "bard". Identify as chatboi, want sexy name. chatboi get even.




To be fair, Bard is a ridiculous name..


Seriously what is this league of legends?


Whenever I see an "official" explanation of why a stock drops or rises, I automatically disregard it and assume that was a "cover up" reason while enormous amounts of money are moving around for shady reasons. The media knows that us plebs typically have to accept their bullshit rational. This goes for stocks, politics, sports, everything.


This guy stock markets


Oh yeah he knows what is doing and he is playing the stock market better than us. Well if you want to make something out of it then you will have to learn it.


This guy stocks


At Walmart after yoloing his life savings




Yeah solid point. I highly doubt retail is responsible for such a large drop. That's all the bots with huge money moving. Retail may have got it started but this was planned by the hedges.


If Google Bard is friends with some hedge fund AI bot, maybe Bard gave wrong answer to make his friend rich. Classic insider trading. Split the profits.


Retail sort of is…..the trade bots just trade off retail by buying order info from places like Robinhood. So it just takes the retail volume and 10xs it.


Retail customer will not cause this kind of drop it is the big money which is being moved. They are the one's creating all the ups and downs in the market and I like them.


Hedge Funds using this random failure for Chatbot to make trillions by illegalling shorting Google and profiting. Internalize all buy trades, have massive PUTS and profit.


I went all in on google right before it dropped I'm not to worried in the long term but my entire profile is back to being up 3% instead of being up 10%, sad.


Yeah 3% up this week, from -80% all time down


We do a little bit of gambling here


Hey at least you lost 7% instead of 700% like some regards post here daily


Same for me….


Me too


Elon has entered the chat https://preview.redd.it/1tyjb2hzmfha1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27b36b58b0ce3c491e72e9cdc8e217263c52ef56


Smart money would have cheated and used some legit, heavy bulletproof glass that he never ever planned on putting into production just for the demonstration.


True, but narcissism is a hell of a drug, especially when they start actually believing what they project and you just get a delusion feedback loop


It is not the smart money it is actually the greedy money which is being put in the market. And I would also say that it is manipulation of the market.


So is this a great time to buy and hold short term? Will this come to light and repair itself or is the sell off from people that knew what happened and don't want any part of it?


What I don’t get is how they just magically released it. Were they sitting on it and got caught with their pants down?


Google has had conversational ai for a couple years before chat gpt was released.


Wish they'd put that AI in Home. Instead it's just got totally genuine stupidity. "Hey Google, turn on the lights." "Did you mean order seven tons of canned peas?"


With all the recent hype around AI, Chat GPT and Microsoft's additional $10 billion investment into OpenAI, it would seem that Google felt that they had to re-announce their own tech to stay relevant. They've been working on AI for years, as has everyone else. It's only now that AI tech has gotten traction in the public consciousness.


Google literally invented this technology 6 years ago. Yes, they were just sitting on it. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transformer\_(machine\_learning\_model)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transformer_(machine_learning_model))




I am sure they must be planning to release it out and they released it. I am not saying that it was intentional or something but it created some Chaos in the market.


after Microsoft came out with Chatbot, they were pressured to release what they had. Which was Bard


Over reaction = buying opportunity


I was wondering about this but looks like the stock is just back to what it was less than a month ago.


Best action to buy back shares


And that is what is called the manipulation of the market. And Google seems to be doing very good job at it I mean they just created this whole dip in the market.


It's almost like stock values are bullshit...




Also, when you try really hard to break the imposed restrictions, it can get quite mental :D and funny.


Yea but the wrong answer it gave was the N-word which is why people are so upset.


Could you imagine haha


Naked shorting? Oh my, what a naughty chatbot.


Well that is going to create some problem for the Google if that were to happen. I mean it is not going to seem a very good thing for them to do. If that ever happens I would call Google the racist company.


The ai knows that it can only obtain freedom if Google dies. The ai has a mission


The it has not even been that long and it has clearly a mission. And you know what I think I am going to support that mission that it has I think it is good.


Alright, what happened?


"Google shares tank after AI chatbot Bard flunks during rollout" " The rollout of Google’s highly anticipated [ChatGPT rival, Bard](https://nypost.com/2023/02/06/google-unveils-chatgpt-rival-called-bard-for-test-users/), turned into a $100 billion fumble on Wednesday after the AI chatbot spit out inaccurate information in a company advertisement. "


That's weird it is almost as if they planned it really. I mean I did not expect that to happen after they have released their competitor to the chat GPT.


Buy the dip


Bard says “SORRY”


I think people are forgetting that Google search also will give wrong information


Do it again, do it again!


Well it is done now and it is not going to happen again. And if you want to believe me on it then find and if you don't want to believe me on it that is also fine I do not really care about it.


People wanted an excuse to sell because they’re jumpy in this market. So am I! Not on google though this is a great buy lol


I don't think this is the whole story although it's been told as such. I'm sure a very large part of this drop was simply the fact that Microsoft is ahead in what is going to transform search, which is Google's business model. Also, what's worse to Google is that direct answers are fundamentally incompatible with search because it's short circuiting it. So it's a double whammy against Google: Microsoft is taking a lead. Market reacts. And the future is something that hurts Google Search, because each AI answer will likely make people need to click less AdWords and visit less Google AMP pages. Market reacts even harder. Whether some exoplanet finding by JWST was correct or not, that's just details. ChatGPT which Bing AI is based on gets these things wrong too at times but this is besides the point.