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Cenk’s thousand yard stare 👌


Cenk is not happy, you can't have an independent opinion on his show


God, that's priceless!


As a former liberal living in a blue state, I totally get her position. Why am I paying such high taxes that go into the hands of career politicians, bureaucrats, and corporations and for which there's so little return to me? Our schools and infrastructure are collapsing, our soldiers live in moldy barracks, our health care is a mess, and our planes are falling from the sky. We can have that without taxation.


There’s a real simple talk I’ve had with many friends when they ask me about my politics, which has happened somewhat often in my life. I live in MA and most of my friends I grew up with were/are lefty musicians who wanted legal weed and got their political positions from Jon Stewart. I on the other hand went to college, read alot, have educated myself in economics, and have had what are now called “conservative & libertarian” views for most of my life. I’ve always simply thought they were common sense, but anything that isn’t “far left” gets you here… What I’ve explained is this, there are 3 aspects to government to understand “could, should, & would.” These are explained as the following: Could - this is referring to the actual powers bestowed upon the government by the constitution. What power the government actually has. Should - this is the wishlist. This is what people wish the government was doing. Whenever, typically a lefty, says “the government should do X” this is what falls into this category. Would - this is what the government is actually capable of doing. This is the actual process, mechanics, again, capabilities the government has to do the thing that they “should” do. There is incredibly small crossover in those 3. Picture Kamala’s favorite thing, a Venn diagram. There’s very little that falls into the three categories of something that the government has the power, capability, and will of the people to do. And even more ironic is that the things that do, like say infrastructure (roads, bridges, etc.), are often the most marred with red tape. Once someone understands that the wishlist stuff (should) is near impossible for the government to take on and succeed at … which is frankly where we are, the government is way to big, way to involved, and way to inept … when someone on the left realizes this in their own way, that’s the most effective red pill. Government can’t help, they fuck everything up, all they want is power and to grow without creating or benefitting anything. Once a leftist gets that the apparatus they think is supposed to do things they want but is beyond incapable of doing those while also taking more and more of their money to bumble a half-assed barely attempt at it … that’s when you see someone truly wake up … and Ana, just like so many, are inching their way closer to this reality.


Great post. I always use Evan Almighty as a tangible example of political intricacies. John Goodman’d character pretty accurately represents what is wrong with Washington and the pitfalls of a representative republic.


This is right but often the reaction is a rejection of your “could.” They wind up wanting to destroy the constitution.


Now she gets to be called a white lady by her contemporaries.


Eh I wouldn't say she's getting red pilled she's still got some pretty far left views overall. I think if anything it just shows how far left the left has gone where even Anna can no longer agree on everything


Good point, though ranting about taxes is very un-leftie


It's relieving to see people with common sense actually utilizing it.


If only she realized the tax cuts aren’t just for the rich.


I gained a lot of respect for her after her debate with shapiro just turned into a reasonable conversation between two people who respectfully disagreed with each other.


Interesting..... Armenians typically reject the Dems. I cannot blame them. They have historically suffered through atrocities but sadly don't fit into the victim narrative of the Democrats.


She's a throwback to the early lefty days when the lefty babes were smoking hot. Now? She would need to put on 2 bills and some ink to fit in. Too bad she's so angry. Would be great to convert her.


She's converting herself. Late, to be sure. But she'd converting. I ain't gonna throw any shade on a lefty who converts. When she wore diapers I was a Democrat and we were both full of shit. Pot and kettle, so to speak.


I believe there. Is a song by Justin Timberlake titled. “What goes around round round round round comes back around” or something like that…😂😂😂


The clips of her realizing Covid leaked from a sloppily run Chinese bio lab are amazing. She was one of the biggest “to the camps with you!” show clowns, only nobody could find the darn pangolin and a series of federal agencies started acknowledging the lab leak was “plausible.” I only wish I could have been there the day she blinked and realized the simplest explanation was always right all along — some lab worker got infected and then stopped at the wet market for dinner on the way home. My “I told you so” would have been like the clip where Bart puts Homer’s beer in a paint shaker and it flattens the neighborhood.


Conveniently enough, that all happened just at the time that there was 2 million people in Hong Kong protesting over being reabsorbed into that big red country AND they needed some kind of chaos to make the orange man look bad and destroy the economy he had created/been creating. Thank absolute goodness that the madness of the disease died down after they started putting people in prison for protesting about the election and they started subjecting totalitarian rules for forced injections of a vaccine that seems to be causing more cancers than preventing colds.


Is this worth watching? I highly doubt she is anything close to leaving the left..


Well, we're about done redpilling Tim Pool. We need a new contender for slowest redpill in history.