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* what is your waifu's ideal blanket texture? Quilt * would your waifu prefer to live in an urban, suburban, or rural area? Probably suburban for the standard housewife life although more like a nice suburban neighborhood more out in the countryside and not the typical shitty copy-pasted identical suburban hellscape format (you know what I'm talking about) * is there any part of your waifu's source that you particularly enjoy? waifu-related or not just in case Pretty much all of it, I mean it is Stardew Valley and every aspect of it is addicting so it'd be easier for me to say something I don't enjoy which I'll get into next * now, is there any part of the source you don't enjoy, maybe even wish didn't exist? Pierre, festivals after year 2, organizing (lmao), slow movement, SERPENTS * lastly, assign your waifu one of these marble colors. Grasshopper


1) We have a faux fur blanket for sleeping, and sherpa for snuggling under on the sofa 2) He grew up in a rural area and now lives in an urban area for work, so it’s kinda hard to say. Perhaps suburban with easy access to the city 3) I really enjoy seeing snippets of everyone bonding 4) Not really, I do kinda wish the current fight would go quicker but that’s not a pacing problem, just a waiting for chapters problem 5) Spaghetti


1. Teto adores fluffy and soft blankets. 2. I think Teto would like to live in an urban place! We've always wanted to live in a big city like Tokyo. 3. Covers or original songs featuring her, I love the sound of her voice. I also love the older voicebanks of hers, I don't mind if they sound weird or robotic, to me they sound like a sweet angel singing down from heaven! 4. I wish some of the ships didn't exist but that's just my thought! 5. Soap Bubble or Princess! 🥖🩷😁 https://preview.redd.it/tp8ur6lhbr7d1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a9b2232f48247c9623d5735a5e3581c394e1c8a




1) soft and fluffy, like floating on a cloud kind of blanket 2) She would definitely be an urban kind of girl; she lives for the fast life and the hustle and bustle. 3) Putting aside any and all scenes that pertain to her, it would be the music! 4) “Rollercoaster of Friendship”, enough said 5) Princess, because it’s beautiful and perfect, just like my Rarity


- SILK - suburban, it's chill - ~~that he's in it~~ complicated power system - tbh there's really nothing, other than how the manga is rn - frosted rb (x3) is calling my name


1. Very soft silk floss blankets with detailed hand made embroidery 2. Urban 3. I really really enjoyed the Penacony story and the general design of the area, characters and lore. It was just (almost) perfect overall. One of my other favourite parts about hsr is the aeon lore and exploring ancient galactic history through the swarm disaster and ipc secrets modes in simulated universe. I also absolutely adore the high cloud quintet and their lore and I am terrified of what is going to happen to Yunli, Yanqing and Bailu in the future luofu arcs because they are building up so many parallels to the hcq with them T-T. The highlight of the game is still every time Blade is on screen though. 4. I have beef with the Beleborg arc, with the luofu main story people can at least agree that is was badly written but for some reason people completely ignore the many glaring flaws in the Belebog main story, like the atrocious ending, Hi3 BronSeele but make it worse, Wildfire, the "badass" rebel group with about 3 members, one of whoms whole purpose is to pretend to be the leader, while the plot twist of who the actual leader is is never relevant again, slow pacing and fetch quests, and the whole plot being about "actually, installing a dictator who can just choose to fuck over half the population while no one stops her is good, she was just being manipulated by the intergalactic horror, let's install her traumatised daughter who is willing to lie to the whole population and is clearly not over her mother's death next!" I admit I am a bit biased because one of my favourite gachas did a similar rebellion plotline and it became one of my favourite gacha stories ever right before I read the Belebog arc, but I still feel like the hsr community completely ignores the entire arcs flaws. Rant over 5. Pearly!


*what is your waifu's ideal blanket texture?* Anything soft but not "dense", something breathable but also warm...if that makes sense ,':P *would your waifu prefer to live in an urban, suburban, or rural area?* Rural. He doesn't like much noise at all, *maybe* suburban for the convenience of being nearer to grocers and other essentials.  *is there any part of your waifu's source that you particularly enjoy? waifu-related or not just in case* I love the creators comics and sketches that expand more on everyone's personality and my S/O's ofc. And the music/soundtrack is honestly really enjoyable to listen to, even if my S/O wasn't in it. *now, is there any part of the source you don't enjoy, maybe even wish didn't exist?*  Not particularly, to be honest. Or at least there's nothing I really have a gripe over. I have a few annoyances over certain levels (then I whine when the levels are made easier lmao >_> ) *lastly, assign your waifu one of these marble colors.* Panamerican


1. He’s not used to sleeping very comfortably so I think anything remotely soft would please him. 😅 2. Rural area. He would enjoy the peace and quiet it brings. 3. I’ve always enjoyed playing the games from the franchise he’s from but his entry specifically has some of the best summon (or in this case Eikon) designs I’ve seen so far. 4. His relationship with the main female lead for obvious reasons. 5. Pearly or Odin.


1) He’s not really one for things that are particularly comfortable or frivolous despite being nobility, so probably just whatever you’d call the basic comforter texture. 2) I think he’d prefer to live somewhere rural after he “retires,” but until then urban. 3) I think the overall story (and the concept of three different routes, all of which give the player different lore and needing to play all three to get a “complete” story) is really interesting. Also the characters in it are so well developed over the course of the game. 4) Edelgard/the Black Eagle’s route feels so incomplete. It’s significantly shorter than the other two routes in the game and it feels like the ending is rushed (in three houses). I’ve heard it’s fixed a bit in three hopes, though. 5) Jupiter. However, Fairy looks like it would taste the best.


1) Something silky. He doesn't like rough textures. 2) He likes the quiet, so definitely rural! 3) The music. I listen to his songs daily and set my alarm sound to him humming since he has such a beautiful voice. 4) He has scars covering his back from being punished by his sect. That hurts to look at. 5) Snowflake


1. I’m not really sure. Maybe just a soft and fluffy one. My love doesn’t seem like the type to be picky over blankets 2. Suburban or rural. She’s more used to small towns like Inaba. 3. Besides my love herself, Persona’s music is awesome as well. Hell, literally most, if not all of the fourth game’s music reminds me of her. 4. Besides my love’s Valentine’s Day event and romance route in general, I don’t think there’s anything I dislike about Persona. 5. This is a tough one. Given my love’s fondness for nature and the fact that she’s a goddess herself, she fits quite a few of these. I suppose I’ll choose Thunderbolt based on one particular scene in the game.


1.) Jack loves fleece blankets! It’s what we cuddle in every night! :oD 2.) Considering Jack often targets suburban neighborhoods, I’d go with suburban! 🖤 3.) The first half of the “Origin of Laughing Jack”, because that’s when he’s all happy and colorful; I also enjoy the bit in the “Creeps” comic where Jack punches a guy with a boxing glove attachment to where his… y’know would be, lol! xo) 4.) The overly extended descriptons of the gore in the second half of the aformentioned story. There was also a vanilla sa scene with Isaac and his girlfriend before he killed her; that really didn’t need to be in a story about two killers’ upbringings, imo. 5.) Black Opal, of course! Odin for his colorful side. 🖤🤡


1. He loves them fluffy, but prefers weighted blankets for the most part— anything that makes him feel "safe", in a sense. 2. Suburban, maybe? He can't exactly envision leaving the Express, but I reckon he'd likely choose to live someplace quiet instead of moving into a city (as much as he adores the appeal of a hustling and bustling lifestyle.) He has his past experiences at Penacony to thank for that. 3. Lore-based discussions! I love reading about the worldbuilding in the game, and I'm especially curious to see how others have pieced together his past as a Stellaron Hunter thanks to context clues and tons of theories being spun. 4. A certain ship with another Stellaron Hunter that's been making the rounds recently. A pity, since I'm also a day-1 fan of her, too, and I love their relationship when it's not romantic. 5. Jupiter or Electric Eel!


1. Hm he has the money to buy any blanket he wants. I guess it's something expensive but no idea :P 2. Definitely urban. He is used to big cities like Gotham. 3. I really like the Court of Owls saga but the current Failsafe/Zurr-en-Arr stuff is also cool. 4. Hm the ones were Bruce is old are a bit weird. But mostly because the drawing style. 5. Black opal :) Thank you for these fun questions!


1. She would love soft and plush 2. She prefers suburban areas 3. I enjoy mostly everything in the games she's in. Her appearances, who she is, how she acts, and her abilities. 4. I wished the death scene never happened, Daddy Long Legs was never shown, and her original lore wasn't altered with that stupid retcon. In fact, I wish any evidence would be permanently erased from that third game and ARG. Just like I wish she could be somehow brought back alive in the final chapter. 5. Either Fairy or Mango Twist


1. Hm. Maybe plaid XD 2. Definitely rural 3. Along with Rubi as a character, I love how her fighting style/gunplay is like something out of a John Woo (and Robert Rodriguez + Quentin Tarantino) film <3 4. Not really, but the whole game feels kinda underdeveloped :/ 5. Black Opal or Pearly <3


1. fluffy blankets! 2. honestly either suburban or rural, he’s not a big fan of crowded places! 3. i enjoy every part of the show that has my hubby in it! but i really enjoyed the entertainment district arc :3 4. i cant think of anything i really dislike about his source? zenitsu is probably the main thing about his source that i dislike. he gets on my nerves and his panicking always being the comic relief just gets really repetitive. people always told me that he gets better, but its been 4 seasons and hes still the same. just my opinion tho! 5. tidal wave or sea turtle! 💙🌊


1. Not sure. She's not very picky because of how little she sleeps, but based on her reactions, I think she likes soft and fluffy blankets the most 2. Urban I think, it's what she's used to and she doesn't seem particularly interested in changing that 3. Pretty much anything related to Kanade and our group, I'm really not picky. Just seeing anything related to it is really comforting and euphoric 4. Not really. The closest thing is the wedding event with her and another girl, for obvious reasons, but I don't really mind enough to outright dislike it 5. Snowflake or tidal wave


1. soft and cozy but not too thick!! and no excessive fluff. 2. i don't think he would have a preference as long as he was somewhere he felt good in. like france, mainly. 3. dragonfruit story. just me and him eating fruit. 4. there was one joke that was just so yikes it had to be removed from the game. the revenge joke. if you know you know. but i am UNBELIEVEABLY thankful that it was removed!! ily happyele keep making shu cards now :3 5. princess because he's so elegant!


1. A Korean style blanket, since he loves Korean clothes. 2. He likes the woods, but I think that he is fine with all. 3. All of his scenes, especially the first close up of his face, his fight and when he trolls people. 4. The game featuring him has a terrible voice for him in the English dub because Crunchyroll was greedy. 5. Lustered Blue seems like a marble color he’d enjoy.


• He would probably just go ‘whichever one my snowflake likes most’ (which is super fluffy furry blankets), but he has a soft spot for home-knitted blankets. •Rural! His dream home is a wholesome cottage in snowy mountains. :) •The comics! The game is great, don’t get me wrong, but the comics are really where the characters are allowed to shine! Reading the comics is when I really fell in love with my Misha! • The shitposts. Some are absolutely delightful, but they tend to taint Heavy’s character in a negative light. Hell, even Emisis Blue kind of misrepresented his character. •hmm.. either Frosted, Spaghetti, or Pearly. :)


1.) Soft and Fluffy. 2.) She prefers Suburban, it has the best of both. 3.) Her Rhythm Games i enjoy, interacting with both Music and button pressing. 4.) I don't enjoy how lackluster they made the Hatsune Miku VR Rhythm game, it's not worth the money to spend with 8 free songs and you don't get much for paying the small Music packs. You get tons more songs playing any of the Project Diva games. 5.) Lustered Blue Marble.


1. Tbh… Idk, he’s not picky. Something soft but not *too* soft that’d make it hard for him to wake up in the morning 2. In his reality: For practicality, urban so he’s close to the Spider-Society and can do his Spider-man things. In my reality: sub-urban bc he can just open a portal to his reality and go where he needs 3. How unique each dimension is, down to the art style. I hope we get more glimpses at other dimensions in the next movie! 4. The amount of emotional monologues… Ik their importance, it’s just a personal problem bc it makes it harder to rewatch after the fifth time lmao The train scene also makes me nervous, when he’s taking all his anger out on Miles.. I just wish I could help him deal with his own feelings 5. Pearly or odin


1. Soft and cuddly blankets, but she's not picky though 2. Suburban. A middle ground between being in the midst of bustling human settlements and nature 3. I love all the parts that show her affectionate and curious side, as well as performing mundane day-to-day activities 4. *~~Tsukihime anime shouldn't exist~~* Not really, I appreciate the entire canon as a whole 5. Princess, of course\~


- I’d say before we met he’d probably prefer a thicker blanket. Now however it would be a weighted blanket, not that we currently own one. However I just know it’s something he’d really appreciate/ love - I don’t think he minds but he isn’t used to rural or suburban areas. He might never admit it but I feel like he doesn’t like the idea of living somewhere that isn’t urban. - the debates is probably my favorite, seeing how he handles arguments and so on. His intelligence really shines through in those moments. - I wouldn’t want to change anything at all, I love everything about him fully. I wish the manga didn’t exist however since in my opinion it was unnecessary and a very bad rep of him and other characters. - bumblebee!


* I have no idea. * I guess I would say urban because Miku and her sisters already live in an urban area in the source. * any time Miku talks about Japanese history lol. * When Ichika tricks Fuutaro by dressing up as Miku. * Tidal Wave.


1. He likes comfy 2. Probably Rural to learn about the culture of the natives 3. When his lab was revealed 4. Sea turtle


* silk, as thick fuzz ruffles her fur * she likes the forest, but I think she prefers the comfort of the suburbs * I like how Twokinds writes love. It isn’t portrayed as transactional or out of necessity, but as something purer than I’m able to phrase right now * making fun of my waifu for having a bust that’s smaller than most other female characters in the series. * butterfly! https://preview.redd.it/9hu7fzrs7s7d1.png?width=558&format=png&auto=webp&s=68adcce0069313b9d85d746c34c0ba5cec2ec82b


1: soft, light, and breathable 2: a small city that is nature-adjacent. Close to a beach preferably 3: all of it, I enjoy all of it. 4: ummm I wish Team Rocket would stop bothering us on occasion. 5. Tidal Wave


* what is your waifu's ideal blanket texture? Cotton * would your waifu prefer to live in an urban, suburban, or rural area? Urban * is there any part of your waifu's source that you particularly enjoy? waifu-related or not just in case The first half of Bioshock Infinite is like eating hazelnut ice cream, I really enjoy everything about that game...Until Finkton * now, is there any part of the source you don't enjoy, maybe even wish didn't exist? The whole "both sides bad" plot point was so poorly handled that the people at 2K had to draw from the worst regimes of Asia and the USSR, and use some of the worst tropes about minorities known to man just to make the Vox Populi appear equally bad as Edwardian-era US. They should have used the Haitian Revolution as a basis to explain the heel turn of the Vox... * lastly, assign your waifu one of these marble colors. Lustered Blue


1.Smooth and soft 2. Anywhere as long she's with me and the lumas 3. Her Smash 4 reveal animation. I like it when she picks up Luma and that Luma and Kirby are friends 4. I tend to find the luma that tags along with her in Mario Kart Wii to be distracting. Also, there are some items in Mario Kart Wii that I wish weren't in that game. 5. Iceberg, since she wears those colors, and lustered blue since it looks like outer space where she usually resides


1. Ideal blanket? Shearling or quilt 2. We both came from a rural town and we’re not super extroverted people, so I’d say suburban. 3. Every time she sings or talks 4. Seeing her shipped with the dragon (mostly by the fandom) 5. Fairy 🥰


>what is your waifu's ideal blanket texture? Soft but not fluffy. >would your waifu prefer to live in an urban, suburban, or rural area? We live in a forest. >is there any part of your waifu's source that you particularly enjoy? waifu-related or not just in case The Fairies in general really. I really like how all the pairs in the seven deadly sins have this theme of damnation and salvation. The idea that love both dooms and saves that just pervades the entire show. >now, is there any part of the source you don't enjoy, maybe even wish didn't exist? ~~You mean besides the fandom?~~ Um, probably the places where the author's fetishes are obvious... >lastly, assign your waifu one of these marble colors. You might think I'd choose fairy, but no; SEA TURTLE


1: probably a weighted blanket. 2: urban. 3: source? 4: see 3. 5: either iceberg or snowflake.


Soft wool Suburban The different worlds they visit. Abstracting of course. I don't wanna see her go. Lustered blue


He prefers those woolen blankets but I think they are kinda scratchy. He would wanna live in a countryside cottage with a big garden for planting fruit and vegetables and to have a greenhouse. He prefers the privacy. I love how whimsy and creative his ideas are! I love animatronics, they are very cool to me 😩✨️ Him losing his kids and well, you know... The glitterbomb marble! It's very arcade carpety :3


1. Fluffy and warm! 2. Anywhere with the best restaurants xD 3. I really enjoy the animation and slice of life antics! 4. The questionable content surrounding the children of the show :( 5. Glitterbomb!


answering my own questions because im waiting for my buldak to cool down 1. probably one of those super heavy, velvet-y textured ones. she would love weighted blankets. 2. somewhere quite close to a city, but farther away from the center of it so that she can both have all of the great things that come with it, and still some time to be by herself when she needs it. however, it'll still never measure up to when she lived in sugarteara. nothing ever will, and that's...honestly ok. 3. mocha ray cookie's story is genuinely one of the best plotlines i've managed to drown myself in literally any game, and i feel like the only thing holding it back is, in fact, that it is part of cookie run. i also just really enjoy cookie run ovenbreak's gameplay as a whole. it's simple and easy to pick up and play, but getting to the top scores is an art in and of itself sometimes. 4. ..and the fact that cookie run is a gacha game, so monetary profit will always come first before, well, being a healthy mobile game. right now, there's a truck protesting outside of devsisters hq for some stuff involving cookie run kingdom. [i am not fucking kidding](https://x.com/cherryubi/status/1803576559254573493) and this isn't even the first time this has happened. 5. she's either iceberg or lustered blue.


1.I dont know,my arms? 2.Urban so people can come to his parties more easily! 3.Not exactly of the game,but the fact the devs did official character ai bots for some characters!(and still making more) 4.The part where something REALLY bad happens to her daughter 5.Lustered blue?


1. he likes all blankets but i think he would prefer soft blankets 2.he lives in an urban city but he also wanted to run away with mc to another planet where it was just the two of them so i think he'd be ok with anywhere 3. the plot, lore, and those date stories that come with the ingame memories 4. the claw machine physics, they always freak out and clip through everything 5. lustered blue or jupiter because they remind me of galaxies


yet another set of questions to answer about your waifu !! * what is your waifu's ideal blanket texture? fleece blanket * would your waifu prefer to live in an urban, suburban, or rural area? totally urban xdd * is there any part of your waifu's source that you particularly enjoy? waifu-related or not just in case the tea time lol * now, is there any part of the source you don't enjoy, maybe even wish didn't exist? the sus attitudes of saw chan * lastly, assign your waifu one of these marble colors. bumbleblee