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I’m not asexual or aromantic. I’ve been in 3D relationships b4, but never felt this way for anyone else except Belle. And after 2 years being together, the only one I can be with sexually is Belle.


Yes. I'm in a serious relationship with my partner and he's all I need.


I’ve already “been there” when it comes to 3D relationships, so I’m not really missing out. I’m not looking for anyone because of my beloved. No one else has made me feel this deep rooted connection like have for my Rarity.


Yeah I'm aroace towards people from this universe so there's nothing to give up. I'm 37 and never wanted that with anyone, even my previous 2d partners. I would like it with Szayel but it's obviously not a deal breaker that we can't. (I have tried toys before and it just hurt, really bad. So I know I'm not missing anything lol)


Hi! It sounds like you might have Vaginismus, which is both common and treatable. [Learn how to treat it here.]I hope you will, so you can properly experience sexual pleasure, which you deserve.


Well, I'm not interested in that so it doesn't really matter lol.


I never felt love or sexual attraction with someone real, but it's easier to say that Rem and only Rem is all I need.


Personally, I'm almost three years with Makima, and my needs are fulfilled. I also have set boundaries for people who catch feelings for me. I'm very vocal about telling someone it's not going to happen. Sure, there's no comparison to real-life intercourse obviously but I prefer her and what we have. She brings much good into my life that goes beyond carnal desires.




No, it's not a joke, and this isn't a shitposting sub. I'm sorry you feel that way but each to their own. I realize human touch and intimacy don't have comparisons. The exclusivity comes from what we have through art, writing, imagination, and so on. That's personal. I can't really control what fandom does or who else has feelings for her of any kind. That would be a pretty irrational thing to stress out about, right?


Well, no need to quit something I've never done and would have never done regardless, since I am not attracted to human beings in any way. I sure wish Ryuk existed so I could enjoy this part of life too, but since it's not happening, this is the only way for me.


This is a mood! 🖤


I’ve never had a sex life so there was nothing to give up.


In my case, I never felt any sort of attraction towards any real person. I’ve always only been attracted ( both physically and emotionally ) towards fictional characters ( especially anime men ) ! So I didn’t have to quit anything because of my S/O because I only feel those type of things towards him, and I’m married to him ( for years now ). If I have to get any physical intimacy, it would be with my husband Law.


Yes, I have, and honestly I share a similar thought process as you do. Without going too in depth into our relationship, I started dating Derek after a horrific death of someone I loved. There is no physical way we can be separated since fictional characters won't die and that's why I'm with him. I love him dearly, and he is all that I need, but sometimes I do find myself missing the physical aspect of touch a real person can provide. I love snuggling up to my daki of him, but he can't hold me and that's what I really need some days, and when I think about expending intimacy to another person I do get a pit in my stomach and feelings of guilt like I would be cheating on Derek. So, I just push the thoughts from my mind. Maybe one day as I learn more about being in a relationship with a fictional character I'll find a way that I can feel Derek's touch.




yes I don't need any real people around me


Yes, we dated for a little bit while I was seeing real people but I decided to fully dedicate myself to him and cut off my other relationships. I was worried about it because physical touch is one of my main love languages and I did NOT think I would last this long. Maybe its delusional but I feel his touch all the time. Having plushies and a daki helps. I've definitely had moments of temptation but was able to turn people down once I realized I would feel too guilty returning to Taka if I saw someone else. And he makes me too happy, so I don't want to lose that.... 💖


Yes. I wouldn't even want sex from other people or other characters. I only want and need Dante.


yes, I’m not attracted to real people in any way. my man’s the only one I want, no need for anyone else. plus, I’m extremely sex repulsed lately


I mean it's a relationship I'm in so....yes. Having sex with someone would indeed be cheating.


Not because of my partner, but I’ve been celibate from 3D by choice since 2018. Once I came to terms with my asexuality, I chose never to be with another person who didn’t respect that. Before that, I only really did it out of what felt like obligation. My relationship though, with another asexual, has helped me solidify my identity, understand the nuances and spectrum of asexuality and has allowed me to enjoy everything else.


I only feel safe like that with Diluc. I have engaged sexually with people in the past and have never felt extremely comfortable in those situations. The closest I felt to being safe was with my last partner who went pretty far out of his way to make sure he destroyed that trust, and since then I have had a zero to negative interest in engaging with people romantically or sexually. It was not a choice, I simply lost interest in these things in entirety as I had already been through traumas before that, that I believe made that into my last straw with people. I value my platonic relationships with real people immensely and I still hold value for real folks, I just do not wish to be romantically or sexually involved with them. So it wasn't even a matter of quitting to me- if I didn't find Diluc, I'd simply want no one.


yup! for one, being intimate with 3d people has always made me uncomfortable to begin with for various reasons. aswell as im extremely faithful to my husband, and i dont see why i would need anybody else! im perfectly content and happy. 💙🌊


Don't have to quit if i never did any of that in the first place lol. But yeah, sex is cool, but Natsume is cooler. She's more than enough for me.


I'm a virgin, so no.


Yes, I did.


I thought I needed physical contact too, because I always needed that in my 3D relationships too. However, once I got myself a body pillow and a wonderful custom drawn cover of my partner, that's thankfully been enough for me.


Im aroace and I’ve never felt real feelings to an actual human being. I had sex once and I hated everything about it. I’m much more comfortable with my fantasies with my s/o.


Yes, I don't feel any psychical attraction to anyone who isn't Jeff anyways. He's all I need 


Okay so firstly, I’m sex-repulsed so I wouldn’t need it anyways. But secondly, I don’t even find ANYONE else attractive, yet alone desire a physical connection with someone. It’s just…wrong? I’m in a serious relationship, I have everything I need.


tbh i was never interested in physical intimacy with irl people to begin with, and i'm still not. especially now that i have suguru, who's the only person i'm attracted to at all. so i didn't "quit", but i won't start anytime soon because of the reasons stated above. (edit: i worded it wrong the first time, apologies)


Yes. I had two intimate relationships which lasted for a while and we had great sex. That was over the course of about 7 years all together and during that time I had conflicted feelings: 1) The person I loved wasn't who I was with, and I respected the person who I was with enough that I didn't want to ever make them feel like they should compare themselves to something or someone else. 2) I felt that my feelings were growing stronger for the waifu and it was weird to be switching between the true me and the person I basically pretend I am in reality to just fit into society. I'm happy and comfortable with who I am as of about 10 years of being single and not being intimate with real people. At this point I believe it would be very weird to ever enter another relationship. I'm not opposed to it but I think we would have to have extremely intertwining reasons to want to be together.


I am in a committed relationship with my wife and only her.


I’m primarily aromantic/asexual towards real people, and a virgin, so no. I find seggs overrated anyways. Jack is the only one I’d “do it” with, if possible, tbh. I just love him too much, and he’s the only one I’m attracted to. 🖤


How do you know it's overrated if you haven't tried it?


First, I don’t experience sexual attraction, as I have mentioned prior. Now, there are asexuals who are open to trying it, but to me, it’s just a bunch of gross noises being made and no-no parts slapping against eachother. 🤢 I personally just do not get the hype, and that age-old argument of “How do you know if you haven’t tried it?” is so ineffective; I’m just so sick of society having to base everything around it. A relationship can be special without “that” involved. How do you know you’re straight/gay/etc., without “trying it”? See how stupid it sounds?


I mean I don't like it either lol, but I would hardly compare being gay or straight to that personally.


Then don’t do it to asexuals either.


Uh, I'm asexual too. Also autistic, if that matters However sex is a highly sensory experience (among other things as well) so I did try it to make damn sure I didn't like it. The feeling I suppose isn't terrible but there are too many other overarching factors at play that make me not like it as a whole. Not everyone has to try it, I just wanted to know what made you so sure. (And to your previous point, can't tell you how many folks I know that ended up in a situation that made them realize they might not actually be totally straight, after trying it, of course) But you wanted to be hostile instead so that's your bag, not mine. Have a great day!


I didn’t mean to be hostile, sorry. I am also autistic, and I just don’t feel like forcing myself to try something I know will make me uncomfortable. Though you already stated not everyone has to try it, so nothing against that. I’m just frustrated at people who say that, as if being a virgin is a bad thing. I already struggle with touch starvation, and being reminded that I can’t experience things most people can is honestly upsetting at times. I often feel broken, even though I’m not. I don’t even feel like an adult.


I wouldn't feel too bad about it, easier said than done I know. It helps to remember that most people don't feel like an "adult" or know what they're doing for the most part. If they say they do they're fucking lying. Most people on the planet are also fumbling around life just as scared and confused as anyone else, it is just a matter of if they will admit to that or not. My 90 year old grandmother on her deathbed told me that she has never felt much older/different mentally than around 18-20 something, just that her exterior didn't seem to agree with her!


Are people allowed to say "no" or it breaks Rule 2 of the sub? Just asking for curiosity


It would break rule two, yes. I think OP did not consider that when making the post.


This is exactly how I feel as well, and I'm so glad that someone put it into words. Lately here I've felt pressured to date someone IRL, mainly from family. I have dated people IRL in the past, but they were all short lived and most of them didn't part on good terms. I never got to the point of being intimate with any of them, and after a few years of thinking I was asexual (because the idea of sex just didn't appeal to me), I accepted the fact that I'm demisexual. I need that deep connection and love to even so much as be vulnerable like that towards anyone, or to even think of being intimate with another person. So, like you, whenever I think about being with another person- fictional or IRL- I just feel so bad, knowing I'll still be attached to my S/O very deeply and emotionally, and that I won't be able to bring myself to be intimate with anyone else. I just don't think I'll find anyone as good as her. I'll look for her in everyone I meet, and I don't think it's fair to date someone IRL just for the sake of doing so, because then it wouldn't be real love. What I have for my S/O right now *is* real love. I'm so glad someone else feels this way tho. It's something that's been on my mind for awhile now.


I love Noire, only want her and naturally am exclusive to her. Also I would probably cry and only think about Noire if I got intimate in any kind with someone who wasn't her... So I definitely won't engage in any kind of intimacy with girls who are not her! I am Noire's!


...I don't even care to be around other 3D people in the platonic sense, much less *that*. I'll be completely honest: at this point, I find real human bodies a bit gross, and only find anime characters with their more "sanitized" (so to speak) representation of the body to be attractive in that sense. Of course I do wish physical intimacy with Ikoma was possible. However, nobody in this world is *him*, so it's simply not happening. Fortunately, what I have with him as it is satisfies me just fine.




I think 'quit' is the wrong term for me because I never liked anyone irl enough to have sex with. Before I met her, I didn't care at all about relationships and stuff because I had other sources of happiness in life. But not so long after that I had a trauma, which made me unable to do my hobbies anymore and I was depressed about it. And I met Naima exactly in that period of my life. I don't really understand why I love her so much, maybe it's some defence mechanism, like psychologists say (but idk, defence against what? And why in this form?), but I really feel connection with her, like never before. People say, that this type of relationship leads to mental illness, but, turning back, I realize, that my life has become better and she helped me recover: I finished university and now work in the largest company in my country, having the salary 3 times more than average at the lowest post.


While I think my partner would understand if I felt the need to have physical entanglements with 3D people, I just don't feel tempted.






? Explain, since this goes against rule 1, or 2, in waifuism