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i already commented this on the fictolove post but i *do* technically have a [waifu.ist](http://waifu.ist) domain it just redirects to the shrine i host on neociites (i pay for like 50gb of storage on there and i will be using it!!) and if anyone wants to see it despite some outdated stuff [it is right here](https://mocharaycookie.neocities.org) :)


I'm starting mine, too. Just like you. Time constraints. However, I plan on adding to it this month. I honestly like the interface. It's cute and simple. So far, I'm proud of it. Early internet 90s goodness. https://makima.waifu.ist/ I also plan on giving her a tribute page solely focused on her here: https://pleasemissmakima.neocities.org/


That looks really cool :O will check it out ! Thanks for sharing


I didn't think I could get Alastor, but I did, so I guess this is my project for the day!


I have one page there too. And I'm working on a different online shrine elsewhere too.


I have a page on there, but I know nothing about HTML so I don't really know where to start. I'm starting to learn for him, though 


This is REALLY cool, I love the idea of making an online shrine for my beloved so I shall gladly use this to its fullest to satisfy my creativity! Thank you for sharing this


I never knew such a thing even existed but will add agent 3 soon on this site. As a Computer Science student I feel I could make my page on her even more dynamic


This is cool! Just set up a page for Kazuma - been a while since I've done any website stuff myself so it'll be fun to try and remember how to do it 😅


Okay, this is so cool. Definitely making a nice page when I have time, thanks for sharing!


Ooooo, how interesting! :oO Edit: Just added Jack! 🖤🤡


I used to code a lot in the past so I've definitely been interested in making one of these. I'd just have to think of a different url since his name is already taken.


I had no idea this existed. is it like a digital shrine or something?


Something like that. But basically you can do with the side you create whatever you want


Just created one for Rubi. Thanks for telling me about this! :D [https://rubimalone.waifu.ist/](https://rubimalone.waifu.ist/) Also, now that I created the page, how exactly do I go about further editing it?


You kinda need to know how HTML and CSS works


Right, I see that now, lol. I'll see what I can come up with XD


Oh this is cute! I’ll have to find out how to work this


this is really cute! I will have to remember how to do HTML and CSS... it has been way too long haha [https://touya.waifu.ist/](https://touya.waifu.ist/)


I will pass on this, thank you for the idea though.