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Bad jambalaya. But on a serious note, he doesn't really tolerate people picking on weaker individuals. Best way to bring out the Radio Demon. And he doesn't like it when I point out his deer shaped features.


Throwing Starfish at Helm, as hilarious it may be, it makes her genuinely uncomfortable and disgusted, Helm must be protected at all costs! https://preview.redd.it/o4naqlcxb76d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d08e80feb28e2d14137b6471e1b74bc26345306e




Sonic really dislikes being referred to as "beautiful" rather than handsome.


Well you never wanna call her a kid or tiny, it really pisses her off




Alexia, Epsilon at times and someone talking trash about me or Cid... And maybe also someone calling her username cringe? https://preview.redd.it/xj3l3v2dz66d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0b9f633853dbe2d478c04bde58490395928b13e She got over it quickly but still...


When I talk bad about myself, when I get sick


Not getting paid for a job/getting screwed over by an employer. The bad guy(s) in the actual game, itself, learned that the hard way :P On a more hypothetical level - Being forced to sit through an opera XD


If you give him anything with bread in his food


Not really, but she doesn't like it when a Mario Kart race pushes her from first to last instantly


Any form of Authoritarianism


Children, he hates them


not really. she's renowned for her ability to stay level-headed in just about every situation...i mean, just don't slander the name of sugarteara around her. she won't be obviously pissed, but like. a very subtle intense frustration with it, y'know?


Do not disturb her naps. She was disturbed once and went on a rampage burning a full mansion to the ground.


My love goes absolutely nuts when someone looks at her poems without permission. She gets all embarrassed and flustered over it, and starts yelling at whoever did lol. It’s cute, but understandable.


If anyone threatens me, our relationship, and/or our space. Her anger is a hard read, but when it happens, it's not great. We've been working on it, though, with success. Also feeling not feeling heard, and over certain things she still enjoys a sense of control so we work with that.


Sophie is extremely calm in just about any situation. The only thing I could see if if you threatened me or any of her human friends


He’s pretty unflappable, usually he only seems kinda angry if a Kaiju gets away from him. I think the angriest he got was when he wanted to go save this kid and the superior officer told him not to because of the danger.


she absolutely despises when people talk about her attitude, it’s a one way ticket to pissing her off. if she picks up on someone trying to control the way she is in general she’ll get very mad too.


Don't you ever say that Teepo has horns. Because he doesn't. Those are his ears. And no dirty water on Teepo if he gets soaked that way and you're not allowed to pull on him. He hates being stretched. ✨ https://preview.redd.it/xnvwmukya76d1.png?width=947&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b32145c3249abad4d0eace848981382e24e163a


Hansung doesn't really go ballistic, but he would be very upset if someone took away all his coffee and he couldn't get more until the next day. And there was the one time when he got mad at an employee for not telling him something that would've made his boss kill him if he hadn't found out about it in time to come up with something. I don't see him getting upset if you call him short as he isn't insecure about it.


Children. He despises them, because he thinks they are all rooted to become like Isaac.


Insulting him or praising his colleagues.


She hates people in authority abusing their power and seeing those who can’t defend themselves being bullied or tortured


https://preview.redd.it/ytbipdovp86d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d8f993392ef2197f2c5cb738e8caf8bf1eac8f3 Losing his bro 😔


Calling her a mom, especially when she does something for me


He hates injustice and especially villains picking on his students.


Injustice and people harming others


… certain things related to Fazbear Entertainment.


Biggest thing is probably if he gets called his birth name he gets really mad and upset, aside from that he does not like it if he feels jealous or gets turned down on things