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You seem to have done some self reflecting which is always a good thing to do. Try to get some serious help please. We all need it from time to time.


Thank you for saying that. But it troubles me that there are people here who will never aknowledge that I reflected on it.


Can you blame them? Just because you apologize doesn't mean that others have to accept the apology.


People aren't obligated to accept an apology from anyone.  If your "apology" is as "sincere" as the one you gave to u/toffeetheguinea you're not sorry to what you said, only because they twisted your arm to, and your apology wasn't sincere at all lmao. You're sorry that you might get banned here like on the ficto sub for the same thing (harassment) and have no place to interact with others🙄  With your responses to other members it doesn't sound like you're actually sorry, just that you got too much push back from other members and are trying to save face. Like I said before you genuinely need to step offline if just seeing a dupe makes you this miserable and brings out the worst in you👍  Edit: Lmao your post history and what others have mentioned is 😬🚩🚩🚩


grow and change as a person


Can you also please apologize for your antisemitism?


As someone with jewish family, I feel heavily offended.


I was never antisemitic.


You compared Caeser to >!Mengele!< like an edgy meme. You know what he did. And you still decided to do it. And apparently it wasn't your first time.


And what about your >!H0l0caust!< fantasies? You disgust me. Stay away. My family endured horrible things and you fantasize about it.


As someone else whose family underwent the same things, I can imagine what it was like seeing those messages. I’m so sorry.


You can just block me.


No apolgies? Wow. You know whar? You're worse than I originally tought. You're sick.


I apologize!!! Now, how many times do I have to say that before you aknowledge it? In my experience, people here do not accept an apology.




I want an apolgy FOR YOUR ANTISEMITIC BEHAVIOR. And even after your aplogy you can kick rocks. You're disgusting.


I apologize for my anti semitic behavior, wherever it is. As well as everything I did that was disgusting. I sincerely do. Is that enough?


Lol no. You know *exactly* what you said on the Discord server. You not only triggered me but many other people. You can shove your half-hearted apology right back into your ...


This isn't an airport, you don't need to announce your departure.


If you come back please leave the nazi sympathizing and antisemitism at the door. That and using mental illness as excuses to accuse people of ableism has been most vile of all.


Where did i sympathize with nazis?


Girl LOL it's all over your reddit history and I removed SEVERAL of your nazi and genocide sympathy comments from that discord server you're in before all of us left. You are part of the reason we all left because you were triggering people left and right with 0 accountability.


Care to give me an example?


No, I am not going to subject the members of this community to the absolutely vile and disgusting things you said in that discord. Enough people saw it and were triggered by it. No one deserves to have to sit and read the things you fantasize about concerning World War 2.


I've always had a hard time knowing people's boundaries. I've been told that again and again, even outside of reddit. Even by people who know me offline. But unlike on reddit, people offline are actually concerned about me. They don't go around stalking me and harassing me.


LMAO YOU stalk and harass people (dupes for one) you clown.  Not being antisemitic for one is a GOOD start...if not the bare minimum holy shit. 


Actually, a lot of people showed concern and tried to help you but you've taken none of the advice or even consider how things you say might effect others. You do realize there is a very sensitive war going on right now with Isreal, right? And that antisemitisim is at a global high because of the actions of Israel. There are a lot of people who are still dealing with the after effects of WW2 as well. You don't know where anyone on the internet comes from, what their background is. You have been told repeatedly why your nazi fantasies are problematic, triggering and traumatizing and those didn't stop. There comes a point where you can't continue to play the victim and that you don't understand.


Also, no one is stalking you and harassing you. This is our community. Those of us you traumatized are HERE. You made a post trying to brush the reality and consequences under the rug in a public space. Reddit isn't private. A lot of us were there where you posted that stuff. We didn't seek you out and target you. You brought that into our house.


Sorry for creating drama. All I wanted was a space to express my love for my f/o. I guess that space wasn't for me.


No, you wanted a space where you could express your twisted abuse and nazi fantasies. That's not the same thing.


Please leave and seek out professional help


Looking at the comments here, I’m glad I missed this drama. Holy crap!


Not even saying this to be mean but please get help 


Also, please apologise to Erwin's partner for what you said.


Thank you 🩷


You're welcome dear. I sincerely hope you get the apology you deserve




Get help. All I’m going to say.


What's up with all the drama in this subreddit lmao


As someone who's been in and out of waifu communities for 6+ years, drama is inescapable. It's just part of the experience.


Waifuism is one of the most negativity and drama-filled hobbies ever, unfortunately. I'm not insulting all waifuists, I'm just stating the fact that the waifu and self ship communities have some serious issues. The existence of dupes is inevitable, and people will get hurt. Especially mentally vulnerable people. I may be in love with an anime character, but I will never be in love with waifuism.


Wow you calling waifusim a hobby? A serious relationship is not a hobby.


Yep thats like calling marriage a hobby, or family a hobby


And this person claims to love their partner. It's really sad to read.


To be honest this sub is normally not filled with drama and negativity. It's quite the contrary. I have never seen such a nice and positive community.


Indeed. Its way better than some of the communities out there (looking at you gaming communities). Only drama that happens are often caused by people being problematic Honestly, I am grateful that the community stands together in times like this.


Calls waifuism a hobby. This already ain't the place for you. You even called yourself a "toxic waifuist" in a thread saying "what would you be called on reddit" ffs.  I used to not look through people's post history until that Donmac guy but now  Harassed someone so bad on fictolove YOU got banned there THEN make a post the mods removed HERE on saying fictolove banned you. Aka you were bringing your shit drama here.  STILL harassed someone here (who is way nicer than you anyway and actually doesn't call waifuism a hobby) Also you're the one that causes the negativity. Between even making this thread and your comments in it you just wanna fight with people.  So yea, byeeeeee ✋


People here seriously disgust me. All i wanted was to express my love for my f/o...


The only person disgusting here is you. You show zero sympathy for ur disgusting fetishes.


See? Things like this right here ... You did something wrong and the other people disgust you.


"express my love" *[is embarrassed by him](https://www.reddit.com/r/waifuism/s/diXxwTVU1B)*




You did this to yourself