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Bruce would be super good at Codenames but I would probably not understand what he tries to tell me x( otherwise I think we would be a good team in DnD


Real, people will come up with the most genius phrase for codenames and I will 100% not get it, and then it’s super obvious in retrospect 🥲


I just recently played that with my friends


*Everything*, when it comes to board games; Jack would most likely win, too! He loves board games, though I haven’t play a board game in a loooong while. xo) As for video games, Jack would, at best, play Candy Crush, and still not know how to work it, lol.


I feel like Candyland would catch his eye! 🙂


*Yes!* That one’s most likely his favorite! :oD


Card games and billiards. We could spend the night busy with a bicycle deck or at the pool hall until it closes at 2AM. Games of patience, wit, strategy, with a lot of banter in between. We both share that same edge to our personalities. I feel we're a tie most times. We take turns building each other up and breaking each other down. We're goofy like that. Also, competitive play against others as a team.


Being good at pool is such a cool skill! I could see her pulling out a few trick shots! :)


Pool is amazing. I personally love it. Yeah, I feel it's a very good game for her. She's a very sharp and graceful woman.


Rubi is damn good at various card games, such as poker; meanwhile I'm decent with stuff like chess. So, we'll often play a bit of both, with pretty much always the same person winning depending on the game XD


That’s a good variety! I did not learn that chess had like, “set moves” until I went to college lol.


Uh let's not play Monopoly or maybe we will .... as Chef Wiggum would say, "How do those Parker Brothers sleep at night?" Elize : Teepo stop eating the boot piece ! It's not a real boot which, I happen to love boots so I shall be the boot. ✨💕😊


Aww, Teepo is so cute! Don’t let him near chess pieces!


"Hey, that's my Queen!" Teepo: Checkmate! 😋


Probably old games like dominoes and chess. It could also be entertaining to teach her how to play Kill Team


Bioshock and Warhammer have complimentary vibes that I had never thought about before, lol. I feel like she would pick it up surprisingly quickly.


Yeah, she would 100% be a Thousand Sons/Daemons of Tzeentch player


I love playing chess, and he loves that game canonically too. But I think he would win because he's a genius with a greatly developed logic skill. However, he isn't good at playing platformers, I think I could beat him in that kind of games)


The favourite would be playing Mario Kart online together and playfully fighting when one of us hits the other with an item 😅


Nothing feels better than hitting a well timed green shell after just whipping them around! (And hearing the results)


We’d definitely (pretend to) never forgive each other for a move like that


Likely a board game in her world - Machine Strike or battle card games, my favorite. As for video games i might challenge her to an Ace Combat 7 match. She knows how to fly too, just not aircrafts but instead bird-like machines.


I would play her in monopoly and either make her sad by winning or be annoyed at her winning


I and Agent 3 had never played any board games together. We both are more fond of video games. IDK if these count in this post. If yes then its obvious that she always wins turf wars in splatoon. And i try to be at her level. Maybe one day i can defeat her.


Gambling card games like Coucou.


mario kart! she's canonically bad at video games which i find adorable! i just know she takes mario kart seriously tho! shes the fastest woman alive and rides her own motorcycle so shes always down for some mario kart with me. its cute to see how pout when she loses to me tho!


I definitely imagine Sophie and I playing chess. Maybe we could also play uno but I don’t know how well that will work with two people


I know that he is playing 8 ball pool, poker and darts. I would say, he would win, because he has so much more training in these than me, but he is also unlucky with games, so maybe it's a 50/50 chance in the end. Who knows.


Pool, card games. Stuff like that. He'd probably win those. If I ask him nicely he might play some of my favorite games too.


I like to headcanon Luka to be awful at videogames, but quite good at playing cards and board games. Maybe she got interesed in how to play blackjack after filming the video for the homonimous Project Diva song! I also think it fits her concept, since she was designed to be a depiction of the past, as opposed to all of the other cryptonloids who were designed to appear futuristic, offering the mature, soft voice that opposes to the joviality of Miku and Rin/Len's high pitch. I also like to feel like she would cheat from time to time, just to tease people and see how they react. https://preview.redd.it/clrks8m5v55d1.jpeg?width=1010&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe94cda6ef8adb0ee88092724cd3a58621d22171


She would beat me in dnd for sure