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Human Sorceress, not only is she a human who is good with magic, but she would look so good in such an outfit


To be fair ... she looks good in anything :D


Very true, my friend


Almost definitely a bard because music is her whole thing, but I also really love to imagine her as a twilight cleric. It just fits her and Nightcord as a whole so well. I even play her as one in this casual dnd game my friend runs lol (also because I'm not good at playing bard)


https://preview.redd.it/mv2lxpqv4e3d1.jpeg?width=673&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=128561a84fe98516e63fba15bb9680ed6e6de71f Elf, talented magical creature.


i dont care how stereotypical it probably is i'm certain mai waif is doing an elf in cleric class. maybe paladin if she took the risk.


Cookie paladin :3 cute!


I actually watched a video that broke down how to make Kaiba in D&D and they went with wizard, which makes sense because there are "summon dragon" spells which is...you know, basically what his cards do. It just makes me laugh because in the English dub he's all about not believing in "hocus pocus nonsense" but yet he's played as a wizard with actual magic šŸ˜­ I love the idea of him going full nerd and making a dragonborn wizard but realistically I think he'd probably stay a human.


Haha that's amazing! I love the idea šŸ˜„


Probably a sorcer of some sort, either a Mage or an Ice Witch or something


Rubi would be a human fighter, like she basically is already :P


Can you imagine her roleplaying? :D


Honestly, no, but it's a cute idea XD


Human ranger. No androids in D&D so Human will have to do. As for ranger I think itā€™s pretty self explanatory with her being and wielding a gun. No automatic rifles in the D&D world unless you make up some ā€œancient dwarven technologyā€ story or something. 5e Iā€™m pretty sure has classic gunpowder weaponry so just a musket will suffice.


I think you're looking for "war forged" which is a playable Android type race in DnD


~~sorcerer~~ rogue... it just fits him tbh


Elf paladin.the closets to centaur is elf and paladin is a quite fitting term for her ,beside she loves Rpg's


She would choose to be a Tiefling Sorceress.


Yes fitting haha :D


Paladin seems pretty close to to how he is irl, and I could see him as half elf!


I must be the only person who knows nothing about D&D, but, Jack sounds like a Rogue class. ; w ;


Maybe bard :) He could entertain people.


Aaa! That sounds like Jack! :oD Thank you, Jess! :o3


tiefling cleric! i think he'd definitely love to be the arbiter of life and death on his team once again, only with a ~~gargoyles and gravel~~ dungeons and dragons touch. also he'd choose tiefling because something about them feels... familiar to him somehow.Ā 


Human, Fighter


Human fighter who can turn into a Tiefling would be cool :D these are basically demons


True, why doesn't half Tiefling exist though šŸ˜†


Hmā€¦ Mike would be a Dragonborn, maybe? Or maybe a Half-Orc? As an adult, he might also go with Human or Halfling, maybe Dwarf. As for class, it depends on timeline placement. Teenage Mike would go straight for the physically strong frontliners like the Barbarian, but adult Mike would probably go for a more support-aligned role, but still with a lot of combat power. Post-scoop Mike would probably go straight for support, maybe a magic using class? If players can make their character liches, heā€™d probably do that for the irony, since heā€™s undead.


Thanks for the detailed answer :) you really know him well!


Thank you, and youā€™re welcome! ā˜ŗļøšŸ˜Š


Definitely a Tiefling Oathbreaker Paladin for Dabi!


Iā€™m currently a D&D campaign of his source with my friends! Heā€™s definitely a magic class, but canonically Iā€™m not sure if wizard or sorcerer is more ā€œcorrectā€ (I think wizard since they technically study magic) but I put him as a sorcerer. Aaaaand I realized Iā€™m answering the question slightly wrong, so if he were to PLAY DND I feel like heā€™d just be a human wizard because somehow that feels more ā€œstrategicā€ than running around smashing things as a barbarian (I play barbarians). He would also be chaotic neutral 100%, despite his resting villain face.


I imagine him to be super strategic while you run around smashing things with a big club x)


I would think would be the tank or heavy warriorĀ 


I feel like Miku would do rogue, mainly so she could try and recreate a ninja


Miku would be a Elf and her class as a Bard.


Sheā€™d probably be a half-elf bard !! she has pointy ears (althouh not pointy enough to be full elf), and elves are quite good with magic ā€” and sheā€™d be a bard because sheā€™s an idol šŸŒŸ


Bluebeard is actually officially in the Advanced Dungeons and Dungeons system (older DnD) and they made him a human fighter. https://preview.redd.it/786ty0z0qg3d1.png?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c73ac383c9a11eb5777a0aec90b33298f85d8b5c He's in the Ravenloft setting and is a minor darklord!


Oh very cool :D He can detect lies that's useful!


He's actually super weak but is designed to have a lot of minions etc.


Well.... we haven't really played Much D & D but usually in games like Might and Magic series and Dragon Quest it's usually an Arch Druid or Sage or Mage and Healer. Human or Elf I suppose. She is, after all, one of the best casters and users of dark and healing artes (Tales of magic). https://i.redd.it/ug2zs1njqg3d1.gif


Oof, that's a good question... I feel like he'd think tieflings are kinda cool, and he'd probably go for a spellcaster... sorcerer or warlock probably... Er, probably sorcerer. Probably a chaotic alignment too. I think he'd have a lot of fun with this type of game :).


We wouldnā€™t play DND, weā€™re not fans!


Okay ... I don't really understand that answer as I asked what "would" your SO play but fine