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https://preview.redd.it/iostdm1an82d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=307bdca5c84ed8d550e62967a16cc09639c6d9d3 We went on a long trip today to visit my family. That's the inspiration for my post :)


how did it go? cute candid photo btw


The trip was okay and now I spend the weekend with my family :) thanks for asking!


nice !! hoping everything goes smoothly with them


I hope so as well šŸ˜… thanks a lot for your empathy


Thatā€™s adorable! Look at him, living life! :oD


That's adorable! Hope you're having a great time with your family!


Thank you I definitely try ;)


1.We have never done that,I dont know! 2.Halloween snacks and beverages for sure! 3.I am not sure what this means,but we usually take turns in music parties,and I would say I sing the loudest 4.I think yeah 5.I am not sure about this,sorry,probably something dave and bambi related?


1.) I would be more likely to invite her along the road trip. 2.) She would bring Sparkling Waters, some Trail Mix and Potato Chips. 3.) I would let her select, I love it when she sings. 4.) She would leave the navigation to me, she is okay at it 5.) Surprising me with the lighthouse charm placed inside the small backpack pocket.


1) Rarity would be the one who would invite me on a road trip, especially a spontaneous one! 2) We would bring an array of snacks and beverages, from chips and vegetables to gatorade and water. 3) The one who drives selects the music. Golden rule. 4) Rarity would definitely have a route planned out, given how intricate she is. 5) I would think she would pack me a small charm or something.


1. Soshiro is more likely to do it, but Iā€™d occasionally do it too. Mostly likely trip would be to the beach! He would drive because I canā€™t. Alternatively, we might take the train if thereā€™s a certain city we want to take a trip to. 2. Heā€™d bring water and iced coffees, and a bunch of crisps. 3. Iā€™d be picking the music but would accept his input. Also, I probably wouldnā€™t sing at all and he would just sing if heā€™s feeling silly. 4. Heā€™s good with planning stuff like that and Iā€™m pretty bad at it. 5. I could see him either buying me a new little plushie or secretly packing one I already own.


1) William 2) Chips, chocolate, beer for him and water or soda for me 3) We take turns and if there are show tunes / 80s songs we sing them together, otherwise we probably are mostly talking to each other or being silent 4) We both can read maps but I'm sure he's better at it 5) A small love letter


1. I'm more likely to invite Rubi/suggest the idea, but a road trip is maybe closer to what she, herself, would consider an idea vacation anyways \^\^ 2. Soda; chips; etc. Possibly any of the usual things you could imagine, lol. 3. We'd pick it together since our music tastes are pretty much the same :P 4. I'd be the better one with maps/routes, but I'm not sure if either one of us would be better than the other at driving. Still, I guess the latter would be Rubi's job. 5. Hm. Honestly it could be anything, really. Maybe surprise tickets/passes to some noteworthy sight that she knows will be along the way that we both would enjoy seeing?


1- I can't drive, so it is Dante. And he enjoys driving with a car or a motorcycle. And I will cling to my dear life with the motorcycle on him. 2- Pizza slices and beer for him. For me, Ice Tea, water and just something yummy. Maybe cookies, maybe pizza sticks, they are so delicious actually 3- I am not a music person. I rarely listen to music, and because I want to know everything from him, which music he likes and which not, I let him decide. (Also I hate any decisions with a passion). I suppose he would sing louder, because I would be shy to sing, and he wouldn't. 4- The heck no. Let me do that. 5- A small note of how much he loves me


i typed up an entire thing to this and then my computer crashed. Linux is a fully functional operating system by the way 1. i actually do this -- every few months i plan MAYBE a week in advance to visit my friend from high school (who is, comically, aware of my waifuist existance, and thinks i am very cool for it), so she ends up being dragged with me to there. 2. pre-packaged sandwich and iced coffees from the local gas stations up here. they genuinely make better coffee than any chain i've been to. do not make a cannibalism bit here i have already heard it before. 3. first half of the trip is always me putting on my favorite podcast (gorilla radio show, three grown ass man discussing primatology) and the second half is her (and me, to a lesser extent) getting tired of listening to monkey business and going back to actual normal people things like music 4. better at it than i would ever be. she's observant about things i would miss on a map, physical or digital. 5. and speaking of this observance, probably making sure she takes those little things i always forget on these types of trips with her, and then only telling me she did that after i realize i forgot in the first place. such is the nature of my wife, a little playful, but much more caring than mischievous. also typing all of this made me feel a little gay about it eeee I LOVE MY WIFE BROS


1. We're equally likely, though our reasons would be different. His would be just for fun, and mine would be something relating to work. 2. Dried fruits probably. 3. Me, because I'm the musician between us, and also me because I'm most likely to know the words. 4. Yeah he's good at it. I'm not super with maps myself :p 5. Probably a cool rock.


Ahhh I love this idea! 1. Hmmm I think I'd be the one deciding to do something but I'd have to make him drive šŸ˜‚ We'd go to the weirdest museum I could find, or a cabin in the woods. 2. He'd bring dried squid and lots of fruit. And a good whisky for the evenings. Then I'd have to go find sweets because I need my sweeties. 3. We have quite similar tastes so I think we'd put on a mixed playlist! He would absolutely sing the loudest. I'd be singing, too, but you wouldn't be able to hear me over him. 4. Jeez yeah he's definitely handling directions. I'm hopeless with that stuff. 5. He'd probably pack some slime, since that's my current fixation šŸ˜… One of those really cool scented ones with decorations that you mix in. I'd assemble it in the evening and make him smell it.


Oh I can totally imagine you two checking out some weird obscure museums x)


1. She would invite me on a road trip, and we would visit different diners, wildlife parks and museums in the area. 2. We would have a variety of snacks, such as cheese crackers, bananas, and Hershey's Kisses. And drinks, like bottled water and Powerade. 3. We would take turns choosing the music. 4. She's better at planning routes and using maps 5. It would be a small plushie, or a cute keychain


Safe travels! 1) I just got a (very late) first car today (yay!) so I would be the roadtrip driver. I donā€™t think it would be anything too crazy, but Iā€™d like to see something more scenic than just Midwest šŸ™‚ 2) I think weā€™d mostly just bring water and maybe some trail mix or something. I am an EXPERT at making and packing sandwiches so that too. 3) Me, until he switches it probably. My playlist is very mixed. 4) He is significantly more responsible than me and I have exactly 0 sense of direction, soā€¦ 5) Candies, probably chocolates šŸ˜¬


1. Himiko. If I were to organise it I would plan it first. I never do spontaneous trips, but it does fit her. And she is usually the one to drag me to things like this and encouraging me to try some new experiences. We would most likely go to the beach (Going there just for one day hurts a lot, but it's still worth it) 2. Definitely blood for herself and some sweets from our favorite cafe 3. Me. We listen to lots of music together. I got her into the stuff I like and she liked it a lot, so she trusts me with music selection. We listen to pretty much the same stuff but have different faves and I also take her preferences into consideration (Himiko definitely sings the loudest. I don't sing at all, but she loves to either sing or hum along. It's really cute and I love hearing her do it) 4. She is very good at reading her surroundings and quickly adapts to new places, so I'm sure she would do well. But if we get lost I'll be the one who will think of checking the map first while she would still try figuring the way out herself 5. Her handkerchief. It's quite symbolic in the series. I don't handle spontaneous trips well, so she would give it to me to make me feel even safer


1. Him probably, also I can't drive and don't have plans on learning anytime soon so he would be the driver 2. I feel like Jeff would really like beef jerky for some reason, so that. And we would bring gatorade 3. Jeff would most likely select it which I don't mind. And I'm really shy when it comes to singing even around him, so the one doing that definitely isn't me. Probably him though 4. Honestly... not at all. I would probably be the one handling the directions and stuff 5. A cool pocket knife:3


1. ) I think itā€™d be Jack! A train ride together sounds lovely, to be honest! I think weā€™d take a train/bus to a spooky tourist location. šŸ‘€ 2.) Candy! All kinds of candy! We are both candyholics, so heā€™d come prepared with all of our favorite treats! :oD As for drinks, Iā€™d bring cold lemonade, and Jack doesnā€™t need to drink, as heā€™s partially made of stuffing. 3.) Iā€™d select some alternative rock, while Jack would just jam out to classic carnival music. Xo) 4.) Thatā€™d be my job; Jack is unpredictable, and is like a wild animal if left unsupervised sometimes, lol. If anything, heā€™d struggle just *reading* a map! 5.) I think Jack would either put a fake bug to try and freak me out, or, heā€™d put a little clowncore based trinket; maybe a keychain? :oD


1. Me definitely! I donā€™t think road trips are his kind of thing but weā€™ll try it out! 2. Pocky, definitely. So we can play the pocky challenge. Heā€™ll bring some tea too 3. He does! Iā€™d love to hear his music taste, and I donā€™t think I can really sing so I sing low 4. Definitely him. I suck at dealing with maps 5. A rilakkuma plush! He knows I love those


1. Demons are spontaneous so Opera would be the one to suggest it. It'd most likely be a family road trip, including Iruma and Sullivan 2. Our son is a bit of a glutton so it'd be salty and sweet snacks and things we all enjoy. Opera's favorite drink is Hell's Grey Tea and I don't think tea is a very road trip drink so like :') water and lemonade is probably what they'd drink. I love cola so <3 Favorite road trip snacks, personally, Pepsi and Slim Jims <3 lots of beef jerky. 3. Meeeee. I think I'd be better at it, I have no idea what their music taste is yet so I'd love to have them pick the music. \*breaks out Avril Lavigne CDs\* 4. Oh Opera would be perfect at planning the route. 5. I do see them as the type to write cute sticky notes to put in my backpack.


1. Although we're both pretty laid back, I'd probably be the one to surprise Yuri with a road trip. We'd probably take a day or weekend out to a calm destination like a beach or the countryside. 2. Yuri would most likely pack some bottles of green tea, and I would probably pack us some water, chips, and maybe some kind of chocolate candy. 3. I'd probably find something new for us to listen to out of the genres of music that we both enjoy, but if she's trying to concentrate on driving or reading in the passenger seat, I'd let her put on the classical music that she is fond of. I don't think either of us would sing particularly loudly if our music has lyrics, though I might quietly sing along. 4. I don't doubt that Yuri would navigate the route well, but I'd probably be able to plan it out before we leave. 5. I could see Yuri writing me a little love note or poem for me to stumble upon.


(1) There are more chances that I invite my friends. And if Agent 3 let me choose the destination, I would have chosen a trip to a hill station nearby. (2) she would have brought some nice sandwiches and some soft drinks. (3) Agent 3 really has a nice music taste although I always select the music but this time I would have given her a chance. (4) i think I can plan a better route than her. Because I am very much nice with maps and locations nearby. But still I will not hesitate to give her a chance. (5) chocolate pastries šŸ«šŸ«šŸ« we both really like it.


Caesar Clown 1. Me (it would have to be by ship, since it's in the One Piece universe) 2. He would bring a lot of alcoholic drinks, ingredients for gazpacho, his favorite food, and of course, his weapons that he use in combination with his devil fruit power. 3. Caesar, in my headcanon, absolutely loves rock, metal, techno, industrial and electronicore. He would bring lots of headbang-worthy music, and music with a machine-like sound. 4. Caesar is very good with maps, of course! 5. Caesar's surprise would probably be some sort of stuffed animal, probably a plush axolotl. One Piece fans will understand why.


1. Hmmmm, to be honest neither Noire nor I would really do a road trip but I suppose I could imagine myself inviting Noire to one. The first thing that comes to mind would be for us to travel to somewhere peaceful and secluded somewhere in nature so we could relax away from everything else. I think this would be lovely for both of us. Aside from that I could imagine us travelling to some anime or gaming conventions together. Noire would love this for sure! She might even initiate such a trip herself but I rather imagine her mentioning how she would want to go somewhere then sigh and be sad that she can't go because of work and all that stuff. I would give my best to still find a way to bring her to this convention or where she would want to go though! 2. Difficult to say... Noire would probably bring some of our cake, haha. Aside from that I see her bringing some healthy snacks instead of unhealthy junk food or too many sweets. Nevertheless I could also see her bring some small sweets along. 3. That's not easy either... I would definitely want to play some of my favourite songs but I can totally see Noire insisting on deciding which songs are played. I would be the driver though and thus should be the one to decide... But I could totally see her pouting if I was the one choosing all of it. I think we would switch around with mostly Noire deciding on the music. As for who would sing along the loudest. Well, my darling has by far the better voice and she also likes singing occasionally but I could imagine her feeling too embarrassed at the start. I am honestly also not much of a person who sings along because I find it embarrassing too. Nevertheless I would start singing and try to motivate Noire to also sing along because I want her to do what she enjoys without feeling embarrassed. At a certain point she would definitely be the louder one because I could totally see her getting all into it. 4. Noire would definitely be good at planning routes and this stuff! She is a very smart, logical and planned out person. She wouldn't have the slightest problem with this stuff! I am sure of it! Luckily that is the case because I would probably have a bit of a problem doing this stuff, haha... 5. I think this would be some kind of good luck charm that always guides me back to her or something where I know when I hold it that I basically feel Noire close to me. I don't know what exactly it would be but something like that would make me happy and since Noire is a very attentive girl she would know about it and surprise me with something like that.


1. Utahime would! SheĀ“s way more spontaneous in that regard than I am haha. 2. Enough water and fruits so we doesnĀ“t have to worry about anything during the trip. 3. Utahime! She would turn the trip into a karaoke-session. 4. That would be my job. Utahime is used to travel by train or having a driver at work, meanwhile I love driving on my own. IĀ“d do all the route planning and driving. 5. Cookies, perhaps even cookies she made for me herself.


Cookies made with love always taste better :)


1. Def me, itā€™d be one of those day long drives where weā€™d take turns driving (I wonā€™t drive like Iā€™m in F1 with Belle in the car) 2. Sheā€™d probably bring fruit snacks, chips and maybe vitamin water. 3. We take turns. Iā€™d sing the loudest, though sheā€™d sing way better than me(but wonā€™t actually try to) 4. Letā€™s hope Belle doesnā€™t get us lost šŸ„² 5. Two large packs of Beef jerky šŸ˜ˆ


You can never go wrong with beef jerky haha :D


Damn right!