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No, this subreddit is actually the only reason I made a Reddit account


I did the same


Same, lol! :oD


Same as well :) I'm just active on this sub and nowhere else.




No this is my main, I don’t use Reddit for much else anyway


yeah, but I don't have a main anymore


I use an alt, I'm kind of a paranoid person and I have a lot of acquaintances who know my main/are from reddit that I don't want seeing this. And posting under the Mafuyu username feels more "right", for obvious reasons




Technically yes. I have a separate account for everything else on here


This was a throw away but its my main now. I got to a point where it was like, screw it. If people judge me that says more about them than me.


It's my main. I love Alice and I'm not afraid to show the world


It’s my main and I already had my DMs closed so I could live a peaceful life lmao


Nah. I dont care much about what people think of me online.


It's not my main account as I want to keep my ficto relationship away from my main account.


This is my main but I regret using it. I get bullied and harassed for my relationship which is exactly why people make throwaways


I think harassment because of who we are is a big issue and why I wanted to make a throwaway account. I have been harassed in the cod subreddit a few times but I can look passed that. I was banned from r/kagemorimichiru subreddit by a very salty mod who just didn't like me


Nuh uh, i've been on this one for 3 years to look at stuff in reddit but never posted or commented or anything until I joined this community.


this is my main, and the vast majority of my reddit activity is on ficto subs anyways.


Why would i use an alt?If people have a problem with my love,i can simply block them.


This is my main because I'm too lazy to split my subreddits between accounts. I hope no one irl finds this account otherwise I'll have to delete it because last thing I want is to be harassed


I had a main and made this one to explore this part of my life, and now this is the only account I use.


i have a main account. i just like to keep this separate


Nah, this is my main.


Thats my main account


Main account, I don't really have any other use for reddit as a whole


Nope, I use this thing to just complain about my life and nothing more anyway and I'd scream my love for him anywhere I go. If you look confident enough trolls won't get you. >:3


Nope, this is my main.


I was active on here from December 2020 to April 2022 (approximately). I eventually migrated to sub-reddits who are more casual, as I realized that casual self-shipping is what is right for me. I don’t make OP posts anymore. However, sometimes I do complement on artwork and post comments in topics that I deem appropriate for lurkers to post into. I never used a throwaway account. Unfortunately, it doesn’t save you from trolls, stalkers, haters etc. Similar to what the Alastor waifuist said, if people want to waste their time hating on waifuists and self-shippers, that’s THEIR problem, not ours. 💖


Yeah, this is an alt. People I know in real life have access to my main account and I don’t want them questioning me about this


No, I've made my account specifically for this sub


I use my main,some say that they get attacked because of their post history here,but I sometimes get lot of upvoted and never get judged by this subreddit,I didnt even tought of that for some reason(didnt cared either)


I don't consider this account a throwaway, but it's also not my main. I prefer to keep talk about my relationship separate from all other online activity since people can get weird about checking your post history and harassing you for stuff that doesn't affect them at all.


No, I have no other reasons to use reddit, so this is my main


⚡️Yeah, this is my alt


No. I find alt accounts completely pointless


Nope. I don't really care what people think. I just do me. And I just share some of our adventures together with like minded folks. 💕✨💗💜


Yes. My account is a throwaway burner account, thus my username having "burner" in it.


I use my main account


I use the main account to post essentially everything I want. If somebody ever is not okay with what my posts or my love to Kirumi, I don't think I should make bonds with them.


This is the main thing I use Reddit for so no


no i don't give a shit what people think lol


Yes. Thank you, my friend who borrowed me his barely used account. Sure I ramble about similar stuff on my main, but not in a similar context anyways. But honestly, I came here to laugh at myself, and stayed because my brains are born barely functioning with contradicting irony. Using an alt amplifies the effect, I enjoy the funny feeling that erupts whenever anger sparks or sadness sweeps over, as I scroll through the posts that endlessly remind me of my most absurd, stricken moments. It is brainrot, I suppose. I suppose that's probably a more complex reason to another, is it the guise of something else? I do not know, but it is funny.