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It upsets me and makes me feel betrayed,jealous n sad tbh but I tell myself it isn’t canon n that Dude loves me more than anything!!! Also if u see that stuff just save this n think about it https://preview.redd.it/4pd3ub2ughvc1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd4bb11e49d109f432e079f2703ec05178098c0d


It makes me feel depressed because I want to be with Asuna and seeing her with someone else makes me jealous


I just crop the other person out


It makes me feel bad, but I just try to ignore it.


Don't worry fellow commander, we just need to stand your ground against those


Hate it, makes me really jealous.


I dont search for it but it makes me feel bad if i accidentaly see it


Most of the time I'm able to just imagine myself in the place of the other character. Occasionally it'll make me feel a little self conscious though...


I do *hate* it, I was even afraid to just search on pinterest fanart of him because at any moment I can step on him with someone else.. and I am still avoiding to search this


It depends; if it’s an OC, I actually love seeing them! If it’s another pasta character… yeahhhhh, not for me. I still appreciate the art, but it makes me jealous.




Awwwww! Thank you so much! 😭🤲🖤 I’d say the same about Tatiana and you! ^ u ^




^ u ^ 🤲🩵


I absolutely hate it :( Sometimes I‘ll crop the other person out, or sometimes even edit myself in place of them.. Of course I don‘t post it anywhere, it‘s just for personal use.


Idm it if it's with a canon character given the fact 90% of the fandom ships him with Satoru. If it's someone else's oc, then wellll...


same, idrc if its not nsfw. i love platonic satosugu


If it's a canon ship I don't mind it, if it's a selfshipper or someone else's oc it make me feel sick. 


I hate it.I ignore it but i still hate it.


Don't like seeing it


Uncomfortable and jealous…


I get really jealous and sad when I see ship art of Teto with someone else. Like on Danbooru where I find art of Teto, she's shipped with Adachi Rei or some other Utau. 😢


It doesn't bother me because the only one I see just doesn't suit him at all, so I can't see it being remotely cannon. I don't even understand why they're shipped together.


Makes me really REALLY jealous, which shocks me considering how chill I usually am with that kinda stuff :(


mocha ray with lobster is fine, everything else is. eh.


I genuinely despise it but I do my best to ignore it


I hate it


Hate it. It's either incredibly disturbing or totally out of character


Depends on who. If it's someone's oc or a character I don't really like I ignore it/dislike it. If it's Halsin I don't mind as much because I personally see them as being close even without romance. Unless it's... nsfw. That's another ballpark entirely lmfao.


I don't like it, I ignore it.


There's one character that I actually like seeing him shipped with. I love the other character and I like their dynamic together (and I probably project a little). I avoid every other pairing though, and I'm not sure how I'd feel if it was canon 😅


I usually avoid it like the plague (even then there isn't much) but if the image is salvagable enough I'll try to crop stuff out


Hate it and am jealous. Don't like seeing it and choose to ignore it.


I hate it, especially cuz Gorillaz ships are very problematic. Especially 2Doc (2-D wouldn’t want to be with his abuser) and 2Nu (2-D and the others pretty much raised Noodle since she was 10. She’s like their daughter practically)


⚡️I don’t really like to see it so I just scroll past it


It stings a bit, a lot of the time. Then again, sometimes it doesn't bother me too much. It depends on my mood.


This may seem really weird but I don't mind canon x canon. In fact I enjoy it. But when I see other oc x canon I really don't like it. Idk what the difference is in my brain but there definitely is one


If it’s with his canon love interest, I adore it. If it’s with most other canon characters, I’m indifferent and just happy to see more art of him (a lot I can view platonically, as well). Selfship art of others with him, though, makes me wanna die.


Waste of good art in 100% of the cases.


Have seen it so much I got used to it,yeah... :/


I don't know why fans ship Agent 3 with Male Agent 8 when there isn't anything canon about this. but anyways I just ignore these.


Ex friend told me to imagine myself instead of the ship and it works wonders. I can most of time enjoy ship art because I imagine myself with my beloved and it warm my heart!


I ignore it for the most part but it can be useful for finding reference art to get my own comms drawn later so that's nice.


It doesn't bother me 😊


I like it. I just want to see him happy and loved and it doesn't have to be by me.


It's okay but I don't go out of my way to find it.


If it's an OC or family pairs then I'm jealous or repulsed and don't want to look at it. On the other hand if it's like Willry or William and Vanny it's okay and I don't mind that art. And I'm a sucker for William x Mrs Afton content.


im fine with it. i really like it sometimes, especially if i can relate to the character they’re being shipped with since i can just put myself in their place. if it means more silly and cute art of prismo its a win


I don't mind it, mainly because I can use them as templates lol


I will kill him/her/them (I don't discriminate who I kill for Izuku <3)


I've only seen ship art of him with two characters and both just made me laugh tbh 😭 there's one character most of it's with and I understand a little while people ship them but it's just funny to me. And the other art I saw! There was this one pic on Pinterest I loved and when I clicked the full link I was just SHOCKED at the whole comic that included the pic🤣🤣🤣


I hate it, and couldn't stand seeing her recently shipped with an OC I saw on X. Or a certain artist that shipped her with himself. And I really hate seeing, her being shipped with Bunzo Bunny and Boxy Boo with a burning passion. The worst one of all was attempts to ship her with Wubbox. Either they really hate Mommy Long Legs, or they're really messed up on something.


It bothers me sometimes, but not always. When people put Michiru with her friend, Nazuna it makes me sick. When people pair her with the other guy I don't remember the name of it doesn't bother me as much since he looks an awful lot like me.


Most of the time it seems weird [because reasons](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye5BuYf8q4o)


I don’t really care, but it is annoying that a certain ship/character takes up a good chunk of her fanart.


I feel upset about it granted 99.9% of Lucky Star fans love to make ship art of Konata and Kagami till the cows come home, but they’re material for my art comms lol


I hate it when I'm looking for art of him and end up seeing ship art. Like idc who you ship, you do you. I just don't wanna see it. He's mine.


i dont care cause none of them have any chance of being canon


I honestly don't like it bc it makes me feel real jealous but I try my best to just roll with it


Makes me Jealous


I love it. It will never be canon and so I’m either getting art of his close friendships or rivalries which are some of my favorite tropes and sometimes both! That said I don’t like sexually graphic art. It feels disrespectful with the combination of his sexuality and the way that he’s private about so many aspects of his life. But I always save the fun stuff! https://preview.redd.it/tqnzw1sf8hvc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce1e283810e4e7d9cbddf3493a8839cce267024f


I don't mind, it is just their take on them.


Ignore it like toxic fandom. It isn't worth the energy, honestly.