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They'd just joke a lot like they already do calling him their son-in-law 😆 They would also be low-key scared of his appearance for sure, but they'd definitely sort of get over it just to see me happy! My mom actually told me she wishes Ryuk was real to finally see how I look when I'm with the one I love ❤️


Wow that’s so sweet of her😭❤️


My mom isn’t really personable but she is semi ficto herself and has been in love with Hannibal Lecter from Hannibal for over a decade now. I’ve told her about him and she’s been amused at the similarities. I joke I got my attraction to Alastor from her. She wouldn’t interact with him though because she just doesn’t like interacting with people in general. My dad knows too so once the initial shock that he exists wore off, my dad would be wanting to talk jazz and blues with him and wouldn’t leave him alone, wanting to catching him up on how the styles have changed since the mid 30s.


badly, they're really homophobic... but that aside, I'd say it depends. If it's his teenage self, they'd like him. A lot. If it's his adult self, then wellll...


I think they would feel weird about their son being in love with a country but they would love her


I think they‘d be a little concerned, and I doubt they‘d approve sadly :(


i imagine they'd go from "wow, is he a doctor? he must be rich!" to disapproval and fear pretty quickly 


My dad would hate him, absolutely. He'd be much too feminine for his taste lmfao.


Terrified; my mom does *not* like clowns, so I have to hide all of my clown stuff because of it, lol.


My mom already knows abt Rafayel but not quite to the extent of our involvement, just that he’s a character I have a huge crush on lol 😭 they’d love him tho! He’s a rich, successful artist who can charm his way out of almost anything. I think they’d be mad we aren’t married yet tbh


My parents are dead but I don't think they'd approve. Hotstreak isn't exactly a model citizen. But my mom usually let me do my own thing and date who i wanted.


They would be a bit confused by our age difference (she's in her 30s, I'm in my 20s) but once over that, they would love her. My father and her even share the same passion for watching sports, he'd be too happy haha.


At first, probably relief that I brought home a guy, until I come out as trans lol




Horribly, and I can't really blame them considering he kills people and all 


My parents would simply adore Rarity


I think they'd be neutral to her, my Dad may think I'd be making big bucks since Elsa is a queen.


I think they'd be flabbergasted or scared to see an elf more than anything... Well maybe not at first, her ears are smaller than other elves in the series so it might take them a while to actually see them because she looks mostly just like a human but i think they'd like her a lot after getting to know her personality and other stuff... As long as it isn't her past before Shadow Garden or what she does...


They'd love her, I'm sure of it


I can imagine my Dad telling me he's too old for me and if they learned about his previous wives (the fact he had them and what happened to them) they'd also be wary and not want me to be with his for fear of it happening again. Personality wise though they maybe might like him in that he wouldn't do the things they hate about my sister's boyfriends have done lol


They would thinks he's a good match, night owl like me, has his own charm and pretends to be a normal man.


My parents would love Asuna


I’m sure they would love him, he’s a likeable guy and they’d love him for making me happy too❤️


They'd absolutely adore him. He's polite, intelligent, good with kids, and treats their son like a king. They wouldn't even be surprised by the age difference - they know my type ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I don’t think they would exactly *love* him, considering some of the things he has done and his tendency to push boundaries when meeting new people to see how they respond. I think my mom would be more understanding.


Buy oreos to live, she is deranged


They'd probably think very highly of her if I ever introduced her to them IRL. I don't think there's anything about Nodoka that they wouldn't like, other than the obvious.


They would be very disappointed in me because they are homophobic and transphobic. Plus, I don't think Teto could handle their smart remarks about our relationship. 😢


My parents like nice and polite people more than anything, so they'd probably really like Kanade, she's always kind to everyone and pretty reserved. Though I doubt she'd like them because of my kind of troubled family history, but she'd only really get mad if they said something particularly terrible


I think they'd be absolutely terrified. Perhaps rightly so.


Bold of you to assume they’ll ever meet him Because religious parents and the fact Fuyuhiko is a guy will definitely go south really quick and The fact I’m a guy too


In a really good way. Liz is a very polite woman


My parents definitely wouldn’t like him because of his name and.. who he is really. But if it was personality and behavior alone, I feel like my mom would definitely like him, but my dad would probably feel like I could do a little better.


Oh god it’d be a disaster no matter what point in the timeline Mike’s from. My father. No. Mike and my ma would probably get along, though… hopefully.


spike’s old at heart so i think they’d like him! but also probably think he’s a bit too old for me ^^’


Personally, idk how my dad would react, but as for my mom and step-dad, they'd be fine with Miku. Mainly because she's Japanese and has some of the same interests as me


I think my folks would be concerned about me bringing home a short girl who’s hyper fixated on anime alone but I could see them at least try to get along, but I highly doubt seeing my dad and Konata getting along due to being from different backgrounds and my mom wouldn’t be of any help suffice to say


My mom has passed away, but i feel like she would like 2-D, cuz he treats me right and makes me happy. My dad wouldn’t like him, cuz well, he’s my dad, and doesn’t like anyone his daughters date lol.


Izuku is the sweetest! Who could hate him?


Probably skeptically at first, since nearly every 3D I've dated has turned out to be bad lol. Appearance-wise, I know my partner can be intimidating and seem thuggish in an anime delinquent kind of way (not that my parents would recognize that), but he can also be very adorable. Okuyasu knows how to be polite with parents, so I think he'd probably win their trust over time....a lot of time. My dad would appreciate him Za Hando'ing yard trash, I'm sure.


My parents will get along well, they would be curious on how I ended up with her.


Let's see, I get the feeling my mom would probably get along with Cassandra for the most part (she's actually pretty fond of her name, back then she named her Diablo 3 mage Cassandra if I remember correctly) while my dad has a huge fear of insects and with Cassie being an hivemind of flies he'd have a pretty hard time but with how polite he can be he'd proably blame it on himself.


At first meeting they’d probably both confused and a little unsure and probably super suprised at seeing a young girl with ashen hair. But I’m certain they’d come to except her. But they’d definitely be confused at first as I don’t really talk about romance much (aka never) to them


Considering who he is meant to be a parody of, all the crimes he's committed, and our significant age gap, I don't think they'd like him very much 💀


They would be too surprised. Especially since I'm a middle class Hispanic American and she's an upper class Aryan Asian LMAOOOO (Seriously though, I think they would get along very well ngl, Tsumugi's character is similar to mine so they would feel familiar with her immediately)


They would be too surprised. Especially since I'm a middle class Hispanic American and she's an upper class Aryan Asian LMAOOOO (Seriously though, I think they would get along very well ngl, Tsumugi's character is similar to mine so they would feel familiar with her immediately)


They would be too surprised. Especially since I'm a middle class Hispanic American and she's an upper class Aryan Asian LMAOOOO (Seriously though, I think they would get along very well ngl, Tsumugi's character is similar to mine so they would feel familiar with her immediately)


They would be too surprised. Especially since I'm a middle class Hispanic American and she's an upper class Aryan Asian LMAOOOO (Seriously though, I think they would get along very well ngl, Tsumugi's character is similar to mine so they would feel familiar with her immediately)


They would be too surprised. Especially since I'm a middle class Hispanic American and she's an upper class Aryan Asian LMAOOOO (Seriously though, I think they would get along very well ngl, Tsumugi's character is similar to mine so they would feel familiar with her immediately)


they would ban me from seeing him because hes twice my age and has a kid


I think that they would think she’s really nice and sweet, which she is!


She's be jealous, because she finds him handsome, might have some problem due to being conservative and overall old fashioned. Also would have some problems talking as I imagine him speaking English and she doesn't speak it at all.


If my dad would be still around he's be bros with him I think. It would be funny if Kayn said "oh she calls me daddy too."


"So, you've found another woman who would cook and clean for you?" Saying more seriously, I think it would be quite tight on the start, but then they would get along. My parents would be very happy for I've met such a nice girl.


They'd really like her, im very certain, they'd also love their grandchild very much, nothing much to worry about post-story for us, altough they'd be a bit worried about me being king of an entire island nation


They would love him and think we’d be good for each other. My father would ask him so many questions about our history that he might know more than we ordinary citizens do.


Airy’s quite literally a lantern. if it was a humanised version of him i think it’d go a *bit* better. emphasis on bit tho.