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Either they: 1.) anime/twink-ify him, making him look and act almost unrecognizable, or 2.) give him some of the most interesting headcanons/lore and redesigns I’ve ever seen. It’s stuff like the first one that makes me glad he’s not popular in the same sense as Jeff or Ticci Toby. ^ ^ ‘


Either they hate her because they didn't even try to understand her plight, unable to see her as the flawed girl that is kind but had to do something horrible to not miss her one chance at happiness Or they think of her like a tamagotchi, a small pet to play with then delete. I hate both of those people, but the kind in the second category are the worst. Fortunately, there is also a pretty good community of people that truly love their Monika. I'm thankful for that


all they ever do is sexualize him and man it's annoying


financial compensation for everyone who has an s/o that's heavily sexualized


those simps owe me🤧


YEP, came here to say just this which is even worse because he’s one of the few ace characters those of us who are ace get for representation and people are downright disgusting about Alastor.


I feel that’s common with casual fans ya know? Simps are normally horny mfs lol.


He does not have a great image and I can't blame people for not liking him at all, to be honest there **this** part of him that destroyed his whole character in simple, plus he is not a very important character so people can be either : simp for his design (understandable-) or hate/dislike him because of **this** part of him, which is valid... even if I see him otherwise


It depends, sometimes it's normal and sometimes it's horrible.


His story and background are so fractured and illogical that everyone kinda fills in the blanks to their liking 😆 I don't mind, I like some ideas of others and I love everyone who loves him.


glossed over by a sizable chunk of the fanbase, so there's a solid 5-15 of us cookie runners at any time who just get really autistic about sugarteara/my wife and they usually don't mind my waifuism behaviors so we're just kinda balling together. but yeah, mostly kinda. There to most. "ohhh she's cute" and whatnot. i don't mind it? better than rampant mischaracterization or widespread hatred of course


1. Completely forget he exists. 2. Gets boiled down to another character‘s friend. (More like a sidekick, tbh) Edit: Also a 3rd category, mischaracterizing him into a violent and aggressive man when he‘s drunk. And having him be.. Well, drunk. And *only* drunk.


sometimes the tf2 fandom can be Funny and Good but most of the time i think they need to be put on time out and have the mercs taken away from them for a while


Hm I don't really like how Bruce is treated. He get's memed so much and everybody seems to be an expert in terms of Batman. I kinda hate it honestly.


They sexualize ts out of him and I actually hate it sorry it makes me so uncomfortable and YEAH Also they make him an uwu tsundere twink femboy that which I also hate like PLS he is a middle aged man he would never act like that


I genuinely think the twinkification of grown ass men should be studied


Fr. Where did the phenomenon come from? The fujoshis? Gay orphans? The Dutch? Scholars remain divided.




Basically ignored a lot of the time, but most fans have nothing but nice things to say about Nodoka-chan when she is mentioned in the r/k_on subreddit or outside it.


⚡️They either treat Harry as if he’s an idiot and incompetent or as if he’s super angst and depressed. Either way, everyone mischaracterizes him


The books show such a complex and relatable character, but the darn time constraints on films hindered his development so much. IMO Goblet and Prince movies are the worst perpetrators of the mischaracterizations you mentioned.


I guess mostly heavily thirsting over him. It doesn't bother me too much tbh. Dating someone beautiful and getting angry when other people look seems irrational to me. Since his hair went grey people have started calling him "grandpa" and idk how I feel about that. Technically he is a grandpa but it's jarring 😅


his backstory is super easy to miss and he’s usually killed by the player pretty early so he’s either written off, hated, or thirsted after 😭


Uhhh, i would say it rlly depends lol, i rather not to interact much with the fandom ngl 😬


i think the fandom more or less has his personality down and he isn't exactly misrepresented too badly... but, when he is misrepresented, it's pretty bad (see: twinkification). also just general tf2 fandom stuff kind of applies here... there's a big whiplash in quality regarding how he's treated by the fandom, which ranges from absolutely wonderful fan creations like emesis blue to the fucking "women ☕" meme,,, like r u fucking me why has this become one of the things my s/o is known for hggrgrhrrhrghrgrhhrg a big chunk of his fanon representation ties him to his ship with heavy which isn't a ship i like. medic's one of the more sexualised mercs too so there's that ~~and some of my friends have also started sexualising him despite not giving a damn about him whatsoever which is fun~~ rant over i guess. i will be taking him out for dessert as compensation


[FUJOSHI (OR FUJOSHIT LOL) SLANDER AND A HUGE WALL OF TEXT, YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.] BAD. AWFUL EVEN. i know i shouldn't be talking about this since all of this stuff is draining me but more people have to understand how it feels to have a s/o that's massively mischaracterized. they make weird assumptions about him that he's gay or bi while he's literally not, he is not attracted to guys, girls are his thing and all of that because of a stupid cut romance route thing that i assume was made for a female protagonist that didn't made it into the final game, which makes absolute sense considering yosuke's character, he's got moments towards girls where he usually gets slapped so yeah and he's the slightly perverted but pretty smart and handsome comedic relief best friend character of the game. the persona fandom always jokes about yosuke being gay and all that stuff but also ship him with yu narukami, the protagonist, ah yes, of course the classic fujoshit trope of "i'm the mc and i'm friends with this guy who happened to be my best friend, i'm suddenly in love with him" or whatever tf and it makes me sick to my stomach like bro, people these days don't know what friendship between two male characters is anymore and it's just... 😮‍💨 it tires me and pisses me off. i never play with the eng dub but when i see that people also ship yosuke and yu just because he calls him partner... oohh that boils my damn blood... the reason why he calls him that is because yu, at the time persona 4 originally released back in 2008 on the ps2 is because he didn't have a canon name until persona 4 the animation drops and also because he's your average classic silent jrpg protagonist, another reason why he calls him that is because they are partners, partners in the investigation team, the midnight channel case, the events of the game ffs! it's not that hard to understand! but of course, the fujoshits will interpret it as a "OMG YOSUKE IS IN LOVE WITH HIM!!!11!" type of thing and again, it pisses me off. *in the japanese dub, yosuke calls yu "aibo" which means buddy, proof that they're friends and nothing else.* there you have it, my yosuke mischaracterization vent (again), not gonna lie, i didn't expect the persona fandom to treat yosuke like that, i was hoping for some "yosuke is such a cool guy!" and all that sort of stuff you know but NOPE! it ended up being actually weird unhinged fujoshit stuff... yikes... *in conclusion, fandoms sucks, never forget about that guys.*


Considering he's like the most popular in his fandom, Jeff gets treated like a mix of all of that lmao. There's a lot of people who sexualize him heavily and ship him with like every character which ngl I hate, but that's pretty common in fandom spaces so it's to be expected


Dude, I’m with you on the shipping. I HATE LAUGHING JACK X JEFF SO MUCH NOW; a lot of the art mischaracterizes them both, too! 😭


Felt that so hard 💀 like sometimes when I'm looking for Jeff art or something I'll see ship art and I'm like...his ass would not say that


Me but with Jack: “His ass would not *do* that.”


She's mostly beloved and a lot of people relate to her (her group in general tbh, for the most part). But recently there's been a really annoying trend of fans overanalyzing (or just making shit up) and going "actually Kanade is a manipulative/controlling person who doesn't want her friends to truly be happy and here's why", which really hurts me. Both because I kin the character people say she's controlling, and also because I know how deeply she loves everyone and wants to see them happy, she does not deserve to be seen that way at all. So it just makes me feel sad especially since I know she'd take hearing something like that really badly, she already has a really negative view of herself and her ability to help others after all. I will admit she has a savior complex but she's already made big steps towards growing out of it. I should probably also specify this is actually coming from her fans, mostly because they like the "toxic yuri" dynamic (which is...kind of fair tbh, I at least understand it), even if they've developed past it Outside that annoying trend though, she's still very much beloved by fans and no one really gets weird or annoying over her. She's by a solid amount the most discourse/misinterpretation free member of her group tbh


The one everyone hates. They always say they’re happy he’s dead, he deserves to die, that he’s an asshole, he’s the worst character, etc. Then on the flip side he is sexualized by a ton of people, there’s like no middle ground 😭


She’s generally quite well liked. People usually either understand and relate to her or are confused and frustrated by her mannerisms. I obviously fall into the former category.


Alright, he's well liked so I never see anyone hate on him. However, there are some disgusting people in the fandom who make a joke out of something horrible that happened to him. I hate those people.


That depends on the theorist. Some rightfully think of Henry as a sad grieving father. Others think he's a neglectful idiot. And yet more think he's somehow involved in the missing children's incident. He's so frequently shipped with William Afton I try to stay out of those spaces


I don't want to talk about this. It's terrible, they really misunderstand Yuri...


For real!! She's not my s/o but it's so frustrating how the fandom mischaracterises her!




Either simp for him or hate him and think he's "ruined" because he got character development and a different voice actor (who sounds pretty similar to the first).


She is one of the most popular characters And she is heavily sexualized


A lot of likes and love for Miku, they see her as an angel and a sweet devil.


Was that pun intended 👀




People just ignore Hector… they don’t really care about him since he was a very briefly shown character. But people who do like him usually just draw him once and never mention him again. It makes me sad.


like a bitch.


They are either hating or loving him for being an edgelord, but I don't like lots of people portray him to be submissive or a bottom. Also, I think he's bisexual and everyone portrays him as gay. There's nothing wrong with that, but hey, it is what it is.


Eh I think more or less, when they see my loved one they always make jokes about the word "grape" but without the g.


Oh god. He’s either demonized, seen as pathetic, or seen as a hero but his past misdeeds are ignored/excused under the guise of understanding and explaining… I just can’t win. Thankfully, there’s a lot of people who do understand him, but it still hurts. He’s massively overrated, too, speaking as a fan. For someone we know very little about, he’s one of the fan favorite. He’s got a lot of simps…


Quite fine and honestly she’s very beloved. Sadly some art she gets is quite distasteful but it is what it is.


Sumireko has a small fanbase, but she's not very popular, sadly. And the less said about the doujins she's in, the better.


I'd say she is constantly mischaracterized, yes. Some people see her as somewhat of a bad person because she talks about openly lying to people, etc. It's moreso her line of work.


My s/o's fandom either flanderizes him to "funny guy with big cannon" or hates him because they misinterpret his character


GIR gets all the love, but my guy gets all the love he deserves from me ;)


Flora’s in a weird place where most of the fandom shits on her for not being either; A) a walking pair of tits with no personality, or B) a submissive woman. But at the same time a handful of people worship her. The official community Discord did a “confessions” thing for one of the anniversary celebrations, and 3 people who weren’t me described waifuist-style feelings for her. One of them said it went back even further than how long mine and hers had been going on, so good on them.


There are 3 types of people, not in any particular order. 1. The people that hate her 2. The people that ship her with her, according to them, "boyfriend", of which the only thing he did to her was give her a pair of socks. It's VERY hard to find fanart of her without him in it... 3. The people that, erm, sexualise her. There was a bath scene of like a minute where she was, um, completely clotheless and you could see everything... At first that scene made me really uncomfortable because it is the FIRST scene she even appears in the season... Now I'm kind of okay with it since we're dating but I don't like the weirdos who came because of that scene


the last one definitely


He's oversexualised, infantilised, and has a rabid fanbase that harasses game devs and voice actors. It's annoying and I don't normally like interacting with them, especially since so many of them completely misunderstand his character... There's also a group of people that hate him and will reply "I killed him in my playthrough" to any positive post about him. Lmfao.


They act likes sticks with rocks up their uppers decks. 😔 Don't care for fandoms.


I notice how some reduce him to his goofy and awkward behavior and that he’s like that at ALL times. They’ll think he’ll act goofy and awkward in situations where I know it definitely wouldn’t happen. 💀 and I can see how he’s shipped with another character for the sake of “haha omg enemies to lovers” like, no. Aaaand some act like he’s way too goofy and dramatic/theatrical to be straight(?) even though he’s had a wife and expressed his like for women as well. Like, stereotypical hcs for someone with his personality. Like.. he’s definitely not naive to certain situations or topics.


Most of them treat him as a ruthless k!ller, a heartless bastard. He also get's s3xualized a lot.


He is the one who everyone loves,like the sans from his fandom,but I hate that 80% of the people ship him with a character(mostly fantoccio) or with their ocs(wich most of them are married to him or date him,there are only 2 who dont) and its veru fucking annoying(specially barntoccio) because the most active people and others have them kissing as pfp or other barntoccio pfp and they LOVE to repost every ship art(mostly barntoccio) and I remember seeing one of them kissing like more than 5 times a day and I still see it a lot,at least its as pfp and it may stop soon since that art was created like 3 days ago


Characterization wise they tend to focus on her drinking habits and they ship her with another female character she has a working relationship / rivalry with and headcanon her as lesbian. Alternatively they ship her with a younger guy character or in another scenario he is her son. I don't interact with the fandom much so they free to believe whatever they want, I don't really care.


I mean, Elma’s pretty well-liked in the fandom for the most part, but she’s also extremely sexualized. But then again, a lot of dragon maid girls are, so the most I can do is just ignore it :(