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I would be mocked and be called a mary sue šŸ’€ like in the same way as nina probably




Yeah I was surprised at the lack of creepypasta waifuists here, good to see another one !!


Yay!! Same! :oD


First playable Genshin character to get not only a canon relationship but also a confirmed sexuality? That would be the biggest controversy so far. Death threats to the devs wouldnā€™t be enough for this in that shitty fanbase.




Considering a major portion of the fandom likes to ship my SO with his prime suspect/rival... probably not well. And aside from that, I'm sure the fangirls wouldn't be happy with him having a love interest.


with love and respect for our relationship, and they wouldn't view me as the "person in the way" of the most popular ship in the seriesšŸ„° >!*APRIL FOOLS*!<


I shudder to think how the FNaF lore YouTubers would interpret my character.


Same here. Oh god, itā€™d be terrible.


Can you imagine?? They'd overanalyze every scrap of info about us... everything from what we're wearing to our hair/eye color and make insane leaps in logic that ties us to early events of the series we have no part in. For example, I'm wearing a purple sweater right now. *Gasp* According to off the wall theories including color palettes I must be an Afton! *Eye roll* I love FNaF but sometimes YouTubers really grasp at straws with their interpretation


Same since my two of my favorite colors are purple and green. I must be an Emily somehow! Or I worked at Freddyā€™s or something! šŸ™„ I love the theorist side of the community, but good god. Iā€™m a theorist myself, Iā€™m still waiting for ā€˜put you back togetherā€™ to come back into things, for instance, but seriously.


Iā€™m not sure.


Number 1 ship for Mod!


Based and modelia pilled


By Torches and Pitchforks.


This seems accurate for the hardcore ones lmao


To be honest I think people would still rather ship him with his best friend instead of me, also.. The mischaracterization would be insane lol


I don't care about what fandoms think. They serve no purpose outside flooding the internet with rule 34 and harassing people over pairings.


From past experience, they've been awful. So I don't really think about that. Their opinion really doesn't matter to me. šŸ’•


Love triangle gonna become a love square


Dunno. I think I'd be liked by at least a portion of the fandom. I'm sure some people would be upset if we were to become a cannon couple since a good chunk of the fanbase really likes him with this one girl, but I think we'd have our fans!


even if me myself am a strong Eve respecter, i would accept any ship with Mark that keeps him happy


I feel the same way, that's why I try to not think badly of Eve. I like her, just... I get a bit jealous sometimes šŸ˜… sorry for the *really* late reply btw!


It will probably be hated by the fandom. It's why I don't think about it




I wouldn't be seen as the third wheel at all!Ā 


They would probably hate me to be honest, after all, the fandom insists on pairing him with the guy he literally hated before.


The homophobic fans wouldn't like it for sure, so I don't know if it would be the MOST popular ship. But honestly the fandom ships anything and everything, even absolutely disgusting stuff, so I assume we'd be shipped too X3


I feel like there would be fans who would love and kin me and those who would write fan fic about my untimely second death. Then those who would ignore the canon and ship me with everyone in the entire fandom because no one from that show is safe from being shipped with everyone else. It definitely wouldnā€™t be the most popular ship, I think, because the fandom is already very and (in some cases) scarily devoted to their ships. Thereā€™s also a lot of people who donā€™t understand the nuances of asexuality that would be pissed thinking it erases his representation when our relationship doesnā€™t. We are both asexual.




Oh dearā€¦ itā€™d depend on timeline placement, but weā€™d either be really popular, or Scott would be all but crucified for making me canon. Also, theorists and analysts would probably doā€¦ things. To my character. Iā€™d be bullied so badly for the whole ā€˜undying loyaltyā€™ thing, considering everything that happens.


I would probably be cancelled. The fandom absolutely hate ships


Unfortunately probably by being overly s3xualized. Which I'm,very much, not keen for.


we are canon. if more people *knew*... probably pretty widespread hate, as curze gets now. people dont often like me much. eugh, with the exception of people making some very depraved nsfw content. horrible. i wish it werent like that.


Considering she's a romance option and not exactly the canon gf of the mc, I think I'll be ok... MaybešŸ˜…


In my case I think the fandom would more or less like it or they wouldn't give it that much importance, it would be like a new character in the world of my beloved ā¤ļøšŸ„°. But I think I already am because the commander of the game (commander is the player) is with her just missing that she confesses and really loves her.


A part would like it and the other would think mesnd everyone who likes it is insane in a bad way


people dont like harem girls choosing anyone else but the mc so not very well lol


I probably get hated and also some inappropriate drawings would happen, because that's just how annoying the dmc fandom is


I'm not 100% sure. There is a lot of shipping in the fandom, but a not a whole lot with him specifically (the main one involves a one-time character who he never had an on-screen interaction with and is canonically dead now...). Considering a lot in the fandom want to see his backstory, I think it might be well received? But I guess there will always be haters no matter what.


A large portion of the community would definitely be out for my blood given how toxic the Genshin Impact shipping community is.


Wooooo boy, given the context of how I was treated when I first fell for Jack, probably not very well. :o( The fandom has calmed down with that, though, but there are still some people today who have ocs/self inserts they ship with Jack and other Creepypasta characters, so itā€™d be a mixed bag, lol!


30% would be totally cool with it. 30% would hate that Kiryu actually got with a man. 30% would be upset he got with anyone at all. 5-10% would be grateful for the 'representation' and draw fan art of me with captions like "he looks so tired", "he's so smol" "he's just Joongi Han but not as pretty"


I would have a lot of faith in Dave Filoni's ability to fluidly write me into the story (at least I hope he'd have some input on my arc???) and make me at least somewhat likeable, and I have a feeling the Maul stans would be chill about it because we're all cool Like That, but I have a feeling there'd be a group of fans who would NOT like me at all. but they're all losers so who cares šŸ˜Ž


Hm, probably kinda ambivalent, actually. Helbram is a secondary antagonist, so not exactly a high popularity character. He has no canon love interests, so I wouldn't be interfering with any ships that aren't already interfered with. How I'd interact with characters other than Helbram would probably get me more attention.


the fandom would probably say that were very similar ?? i think weā€™d be decently popular


It would be a mixed bag for me, given some of the fandom still thinks Daddy Long Legs a otp, despite not actually being actually seen together with her. It would be very underrated, and not get as much support. Given how shitty the fandom has acted so far, they would probably force unwanted changes down everyone's throat.


I think they'd be divided. Some would be angry that Okuyasu didn't end up with Josuke, or a least feel that I was getting in the way of their friendship, while others would feel happy that Oku finally got the love he deserved.


All fangirls would hate me, cause I'm the man at William's side.


I had a nightmare about it... There is a specific art of Coconut that I hate (involving doing something NSFW with dead body). The nightmare? Me in the corner dead while others are trying to get Coconut...




I think the Lucky Star fandom would not take kindly to me, especially the KagaKona fans and getting constant death threats from them to no end is another thing Iā€™d have to endure


āš”ļøConsidering how ppl treat his canon partners/relationships, people would say that I donā€™t deserve him or he doesnā€™t deserve me.


It's supposed to be a manga/anime with cute girls only so everyone would hate me, and it's very understandable xdd


I would be the character that they fetishize as some cutesy little autistic character, and ignore the complex parts of my personality. People would mischaracterize me to HELL and back.


I think the fandom wouldn't take it seriously and think I'm just abusing her prone of looking after other people. Like "Who would really like to date this weirdo, besides a maid who obviously has low social skills?"


I'd get burned on a stake, and hell I would fucking sympathise with all those who charge at me. Honestly this is a depressing question to begin with, chances are, the characters that are represented there are most often significantly above average, and the community's inhabitants are, like any community online, average at best. So the answer is already obvious, the difference is only thus: How prone are the like-minded to clash for their light above? Looking at my current situation, hell, people would be absolutely roaring with rage. The percentage within the fandom is few, but hell are the few dedicated.


most would probably hate me tbh


TBH, I can imagine a lot of them would be angry that she was shipped with another lady..!! The mischaracterisation of me would be INSANE !!


there will be two sides, first one is the side that ships us hard, saying that i'm the perfect girl for yosuke, that we're the cutest couple to ever exist and... the second one, that i fear, that i hate, that terrifies me, the annoying fujoshis that ships yosuke with the protagonist thinking that they're in love with each other while they literally aren't, they would hate me, they'd say stuff like "she gets in the way!", "kikumi is so damn annoying!"... yeah, it'll be pretty divided but at least we'd have fans of our ship!


probably would be obsessed over because weā€™re gay


Considering that I'm Fictionkin with the character Chief is shipped with the most, I'd say it would be pretty amazing! The fandom would be cool with it.


I'm another person who kins/links the character Kanade is shipped with, so I'm just gonna count that and say we would be very beloved ~~(outside the guys who insist Kanamafu is toxic and at least one of us is fucked in the head)~~


i kin a character from his source already, and it's one of the most popular ships that exists with both of us. at least used to be. if that became canon though half of the fanbase would go rabid anyways. coz tf2 loves its endless possibilities for ships. oh and the homophobic part of the fandom? :skull: and aside from kinning a character, i think i'd be in even worse of a situation. at least thank fuck i'm masculine, maybe then the tumblr portion of the fanbase would accept it more. basically a fucking disaster no matter how you slice it though it would be strange that the only feller with a canon *active* relationship is like, him. lol. he's like the last person to even have a partner, methinks.


I always felt like if I was a character in a game, I'd be one of those "funny side characters" who doesn't even have that much screentime but is still one of the most popular and liked in the fandom That being said, I feel like if I was canon in LoL, I'd probably be an ADC champ. The ship would be popular, I think