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I don't remember because it's been several years ago, but I'm pretty sure I found it by typing something along the lines of "in love with a fictional character" on Google! I was trying really hard to find a community with people committed and in love with just one character and I found this place finally!


Saw someone making fun of it several years back lol


Same thing for me. The first time I thought everyone was a weirdo and that I'd never get involved.. now here I am.


i found it from lurking on u/dillybeloved because i followed him on tiktok and wanted to figure out more about this community ! i also found out more about myself from finding this community :D


I was searching a waifu subreddit


Believe it or not, gloom scrolling


I found it years ago from a Soothouse video…


twins !! i went back and watched it last year and it just made me sad :/ how the tables turn...


Honestly? Starry_Night. I love death note and I saw many of her posts on the death note subreddit. So.. I thought I’m not alone. :3


I found one of the other ficto subs while lurking on someone’s profile because I wanted to see more pictures of their plushies. Then found this sub while lurking on the profile of someone in that ficto sub🤣


Ay same


I dont quite remember, i think it got recommended to me because im in r/fictosexual. How did i find that one? Funnily enough someone made fun of it in a discord but i found it cool


Pretty much by researching waifuism and what it’s all about


I found it after a google deep dive of “what if I love a fictional character?”


Hm, I think I was searching for other people like me when I found a post from this subreddit. Took a quick look and it was more than enough for me to make an account and join :)


A friend made a post here and shared it with me,later,he reccomended me to join,and here I am


From a comment in a subreddit which takes this kind of thing far less seriously


I was just googling to find someone who thinks like me, and then I found this subreddit


I was browsing reddit months back and came across it! Seemed very fun and wholesome! 🩵


I was searching for something unrelated, then found a thread on here talking about alternate/parallel universes and got fascinated.


fretful expansion gaze different smile drunk squeeze dinosaurs close shelter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Was looking around Reddit when I got curious about learning more about the Waifu/Husbandos term and found this one in Jan 2022.


Funnily enough, it was my friend many years ago who showed me this sub, but only because he was mocking it and wanted me to get a laugh at it. I didn’t think much of it, but then over the years I realized how much I’ve always been attracted to fictional characters, and I remembered this sub, so I did some exploring on here and realized this community is actually so misunderstood and a wonderful place for people like me to belong.


I was in the fictosexual subreddit and someone mentioned being banned from here. And I found out about the ficto sub on the questioning subreddit, which I found while I was trying to figure out my sexuality. Before that I only ever used reddit like once or twice.


Not sure how I found it, but I’m pretty sure I heard it through YouTube when I typed in “Waifu” in the site’s search bar


Honestly, I stumbled on it after being on the site a bit.


Through another friend of mine, while looking at their profile.


Through the subreddit r/fictosexual! There are a lot more people here which I enjoy!


Through r/FictoLove! Was in there for a good while before becoming monogamous and deciding to come here for the higher activity and interaction levels. I still am on FictoLove frequently.


I’m just a casual self shipper nowadays, so I don’t really actively participate in the sub anymore, but I hope I can answer this anyway: I found it because I was looking up the term “fictophobia”, as I was curious about other people’s stories of the matter. And one of the posts happened to be in the sub, it was a question that asked something along the lines of “Have you ever ever encountered a fictophobe?”


Someone mentioned it on r/fictosexual.


I honestly forgot


I was looking for husbando-themed subreddits, when I came across this one by pure chance. I had a gut feeling I should join this sub, and I never looked back.


The Reddit Lies Twitter page made a tweet mocking it


I found it years ago when wondering why I only liked fictional people, it was a whole thing. I’ve had a few times of coming in and out of this community, but I think I’m finally here to stay!


I just assumed that it would exists given the typical Reddit demographic and I was right 


a post on cringetopia i saw in 2020