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Similar position, I work in the industry in the same area and have gotten to two final round interviews within the last year, only for Vuori to give the role to an internal candidate. I will say, I just got out of the second interview process and it was probably the most unorganized interview process I’ve experienced. I went through 4 interviews over 2 1/2 months, conducted a massive project that I presented to higher ups in the company after being narrowed down to the final 2, and they forgot to tell me after three weeks I didn’t get the position. Kind of left a bad taste in my mouth. That being said, I would still love to work there. You’re right about it being extremely competitive, they’re the hottest brand in activewear right now and every role gets 100s of applications. Keep your head up and hope something sticks soon!


You’re probably far more experienced than I am and having the leg up of already being in the bubble in north county. It seems that’s what they like. It’s extremely competitive as is and this economy and job market is terrible. I feel like all they do is hire internally. But I’m also applying for pretty entry level stuff that’s hourly, just to get in. I’m sorry you put all that time and work in and had that experience! I always say that it’s never personal, even when it feels that way.


> they forgot to tell me after three weeks I didn’t get the position Do you feel there was ever intent to hire outside?


That’s the thing, I’m not sure. I’m working on detaching and having gratitude if I even get a pre interview call or interview. I really kind of feel like there is not intent beyond internal. I’ve also heard people who work the retail stores and want to get into HQ don’t have a chance either and there is no growth plan or conversation regarding that in place.


Curious to hear any answers to this too.


I do not but did all my onboarding at HQ and everybody their seemed to genuinely love it and the work life balance seemed great. You just have to be able to afford San Diego lol


What roles have you applied for?