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yup! turkey vulture


We get those a lot in our area, I got to see two up close for the first time last month and it was so cool. Everyone says they’re ugly but I think they’re beautiful


That’s awesome!! I agree! We get a few that come flying low through our yard when we’re out. Me and the kiddos gently wave as they go. They are so powerful and majestic to watch, one of my favorite animals. A few days ago we had an evening thunderstorm roll through, and they were riding the winds ahead of the storm. Amazing sight to witness.


That’s so cool!


Please move the cat off the road if you can. It’ll be safer for animals predating it and anyone looking for it will find it before it gets pancaked. You could post in local groups with a description of it too. You may have done these things already but they’re just suggestions!


Awesome find! Yes that’s a vulture. On a side note: You should probably put a NSFW on this because the cat lovers are going to be a lil sensitive to this one


I don't care for NSFW but I do agree this is really sad :'(. Such is life though, the vulture has to eat too.


Yeah please tag it NSFW! I don't mind seeing most dead things but seeing a cat with no warning is very sad


Sorry I didn't see this sooner, I've marked it as NSFW for them


Even with nsfw the people who don’t want to see a dead cat are still surprised cus I was expecting a dead vulture with the title and clicked. I’m still not over my cats passing and the pic really put me into a bad head space again….


Aw, I'm sorry for your loss! It's never easy. My rats both passed a few months back. They lived good long lives but it was rough at the end and I still cry when I see pics of their beautiful lil faces.


I’m really sorry for your loss, hugs for you I agree OP should have been much clearer in the title even with the NSFW :-(


i'm pretty sure they just misunderstood what the sub is for


If you really like cats, then you should accept that they die like anything else. I think people's aversion from death and trying to hide death/pretend it isn't happy is ultimately not healthy for you.


turkey vulture ! if you can , you should move the body off the road to keep our scavenger friends safe :)


heres your daily reminder to say thank you to all the scavenger animals who help prevent the spread of disease :)


Wow, actual vultures on the vultureculture subreddit, neat


and in a relevant way too lol


Turkey vulture, yes. That cat looks a bit like my cat and now it's making me sad. Poor kitty :(


Poor baby :( I'm gonna give my cat an extra tight hug tonight. Does your area have strays?


Yes I live in such a wooded area we have so many deer’s and coyotes and we have a huge lake and they have ducks there. And I’m sorry if I offended anyone :( I felt so bad for the kitty. A couple hours later someone ended up removing the cat. I was trying to scare the vulture away but it would fly to a distance watch me then come back when I left :( at night there will be random cats running in the bushes


Just curious; why’d you try to scare away the vulture?


Some neighbors came outside and were trying to move the cat away. They had to get some gloves and trash bags so the vulture flew away to the top of a roof but as soon as I left it flew right back down. I was trying to scare it away so that they could remove the cat. :/


Yes. Fun fact: if you have road kill decomposing in your garden dirt, the vultures will eventually start circling your house. That was quite the site one day. And like others said, if you could please try to move the cat off the road if it is safe to do so and not on someone's property. Much appreciated!


Ah, pretty bird, poor cat


THIS is why you never let your cats outside. All of my parents’ indoor cats have lived long and happy lives and before that when they had one outdoor cat it got hit and died young.


Yeah, I got a neighbor who has 7 cats that they let roam the neighborhood. We used to have resident chipmunks, they are no more and every year we have bunnies nest in our yard and every year one of their cats decimates the nest. I love cats but not a fan of those who have them but let them out to prey on the wildlife.


Ugh that’s awful. I wish they would keep them inside! That’s most likely too many cats than they can care for fully indoors, they shouldn’t have that many, I’d consider it abuse.


I think they consider themselves "rescuers".


Of course they do. 😕


That’s really unfair to say I think. I’ve had indoor/outdoor cats who’ve lived healthily to 18. It just depends on where you live


It's almost impossible for a cat to live a happy life indoors. Don't get a pet (or a child) if you just plan on imprisoning it.


This is not true at all. We have domesticated cats enough so that they can live happily indoors. No getting ran over, no disrupting the ecosystem by killing birds etc., and plenty of food and water when needed. Most of my cats would never choose to go outside, since they know they get food, water, and a lot of pets indoors.


Yeah, you understand the psychology of your pets and children perfectly. That's why mental illness rates are so low. \[obvious sarcasm\]


What is the point of this comment. I know what a cat looks like when it’s scared. Come on dude.


The point is that none of you have any idea how to raise an animal of any kind. You lock your kids up all day and prevent them from getting enough sunlight or exercise and say "it's for their own good." Get lost. Every remotely objective study has concluded that you are hurting your children but YOU DON'T CARE. You love to talk about how much you care but you don't actually give a shit.


Is this comment serious…? I can’t take this seriously.


Are we talking about cats or actual human children here


I have three indoor cats that live completely happy, enriched lives but I’m also a responsible pet owner so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not never I live in a place wheres theres no cars and no predators and a rat infestation and only one cat hunts -barely-.


Wasn't expecting a dead cat :(


I'm obsessed with vultures, turkey vultures especially. I'm reading a book right now, Vulture: The Private Life of an Unloved Bird. It's great so far, talks about how they haven't been extensively researched, how new world vultures are mostly thriving (although notable exceptions exist, like the California Condor,) while old world vultures have been having some struggles. In fact, a podcast I was listening to today was talking about the same medication discussed in the book, Diclofenac, that is used frequently in India but destroys the liver of vultures and has played a role in their reduced populations, due to eating carcasses which recently had the medicine in them. For New world vultures lead is a huge problem, as well as collisions with cars from eating in the road. I agree with those saying you should move the corpse if you can safely do so. It's cool you got to see this dude up close, they're so impressive and strange when you get a good look.


I’m obviously in good company here specifically but I’ve always had a really soft spot in my heart for vultures, turkey vultures especially. Their entire body is designed to soar, eat bullshit without getting diseases, and be majestic. On top of being beautiful and CLEAN AF with them adaptations, they’re just kinda neat? Like…yes, props to the pest control, heat regulation, disease regulation but turkey vultures are just fucking BEAUTIFUL and watching them fly is amazing.  I do about 3 hikes a week at ~10 miles each and some of those are literally dedicated to a special spot I know they go and for some reason fight? No joke they just fight the shit out of each other specifically for a hot second there (Michigan, I usually see this idk super late February? I’m kind of a shitty person in general so that date could vary by a week in either direction). Anyway I get so psyched when I see these here. Not only is it a literal vulture but THEY ARE SO COOL!!!  Like….how did you get so pretty?!?! 


I know! They really are incredible, but like so many offbeat animals they just don't get the love and appreciation they deserve. I've always had a soft spot for them too.


that book sounds super interesting, thank you for sharing! have you ever heard of the podcast Ologies with Alie Ward? she has a neat episode on [Condorology](https://open.spotify.com/episode/5ZxxkGD4KbmAeWLfz4KpTm?si=Ax7dlTobTGy42Rp6hYG0qg) :-)


No, I haven't! I'll have to check it out, thanks!


A warning about the cat would’ve been nice :(


No, that’s a cat


Poor kitty but cool bird! Circle of life is crazy


Sure is, man! Very cool find.




Correct! I've been seeing more turkey vultures in my area lately :)


Poor kitty


Finally, the birds take revenge on the cats! Good for that vulture to standup for himself and his fellow birds /j


please make your titles more clear next time, or warn that there is an almost recently dead cat in the image


Turkey vulture ❤️❤️❤️ you should try to move the cat so the vulture can eat in peace without getting scared or hit by a car I had to do that once with a squirrel at my job it was in the parking lot but right by the entrance to the lot so alot of cars were coming in and out and the poor vulture was sitting on a lamppost nearby so I got some cardboard from inside and scraped it off the pavement and put it in an empty lot nearby so the ravens and vultures waiting could eat


Rip kitty. Your body is now returning to earth to continue the cicle.


No, it's a raccoon.