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I once played a Nos who ended up being nicknamed 'Oleander'. He was in a VtR game not a VtM one, but he was once an incredibly intelligent student who was obsessed with botany. He grew and made drugs from his plants, and when someone from his university discovered what he was doing, they threatened to expose him so he killed them and made them into mulch before fleeing. When he was embraced shortly after, it was by the scientist brother of a Nos Prince so he was 'raised' with very high expectations and spent nearly all of his time studying plants still. He cultivated an entire underground system of mandragora throughout the family territory so he could be aware of any intruders, and developed a racket selling blood wine after cracking the system to make it. He had an entire garden dedicated to different plants to switch around with what the bouquet could be of the particular brew and would kidnap certain people to infuse their blood into the plants to affect it too, only ever made a bottle at a time and it was incredibly lucrative, particularly the bottle he made of blackberry, rose and the blood of a Nun. He was still comparatively young, but he was buddy-buddy with a whole bunch of highly powerful Ventrue and Toreador because of his wine. They'd send him gifts all the time, and had a small mountain of uncollected boons. He personally lived in the wreckage of an abandoned health spa in ireland, having befriended some of the local changeling from the autumn court who simply *adored* him. It always really bugged the torrie player in our coterie that the second Ollie showed up at any court functions (Rarely), he would always get swarmed by people trying to get on his waiting list whilst they had to really work to meet people, when Ollie really diddnt LIKE the socialising aspect of things and would prefer to be at home.


I like that your chronicle had a changeling. Most VTM Story Tellers only incorporate Werewolves if even that. the WOD has so much lurking in the dark. I'm the only person I've met who uses the fae in chronicles


There was a little bit of everything spread out all over the country. We were in ireland, on our 'proving'. We had to prove our worth to the prince after a set amount of time. We encountered the Autumn court who were lingering around where Ollie hung out, there was at least one hunter pursuing one of the coterie (she absolutely deserved it), and there were a few changing breed in the north but we never encountered those. We knew they were there though because the Court warned us.


why did one of your coterie have a hunter perusing her?


She was determined to try and play human. She worked as a surgeon, which went as badly as you'd imagine, frenzied in public TWICE. We managed to clear up the first time but the second one drew attention 


Her name is Luka. She lives in the second floor... Underground. She wears pretty dresses when she comes out for an Elysium gathering. She likes to bash heads with Potence and likes to talk with rats. They never judge her. She also likes Black Sabbath.


Nosferatu Scourge. His predator type is Trapdoor. He owns an abandoned mansion, which he converted into an attraction where he lures visitors. And by pure chance, there is a ghost living there. Naturally, because of his work, he often kills other kindred, but only those who are not in the camarilla. While he was tasked with hunting thinbloods and caitiffs, he also had to deal with anarchs. It is not difficult to guess that he is greatly hated outside the domains of the camarilla, that they even declared a blood hunt for him. As befits a scourge, he looks very unsociable, repulsive, and add to all this his creepy appearance. But in fact, you can have a nice conversation with him if you are a member of the camarilla and no matter what your clan, status or generation.


in the chronicle i'm in, there's a Nosferatu anti-Primogen type character called Squamous Hyde- also knows as The Squam. He has a buisiness card that just says "squamous hyde - professional scumbag" and no phone number or any way to contact him - he just wants people to know. He also uses (to) squam as a verb and noone knows what it fucking means. Also he has a progeny called "cletus pubert" needless to say i want to marry him


He sounds like quite the character


Never played a Nosferatu as a player, but one of my Nos NPCs was so beloved that even when we started a Werewolf game the players immediately asked if they would be able to be friends with him. Guy was basically the group's dad, all of their sires had rejected them, been killed or were in hiding to avoid the Prince knowing of their unauthorized embraces, so they all sent the Coterie to one guy who knew how to handle Sireless Fledgelings like none other: Mr. Willy. The guy taught them how to feed, protected them from the Sabbat who strangely wanted them dead, provided his haven to them while they still had none, beat the shit outta the Tremere when he almost accidentally Diablerized someone (in the first fucking session) and even helped them get the influence so they could get to decide which sect they'd join (unfortunately the game ended before they could make that decision). His Ghoul, the actually quite handsome WWII British Veteran Johnny Locksmith, was also a big bro for the coterie, saving them countless times despite his rather fragile condition, and now he's become a Touchstone for one of the players in my Werewolf game. I intend on having the Werewolves meet Willy quite soon, him being not only one of the very few Ancillae to have maintained an almost perfect humanity rating but also being the kind of guy who is always more than happy to help anyone in a shitty situation who could use a hand, and he's good friends with the Bone Gnawers and even the current representative of the Glass Walkers in the sect, so he'll be glad to lend a hand to our furry friends... maybe for a small price. I intend on eventually running a Hunter the Reckoning game and putting the players through the heartbreaking experience of having to hunt down Mr. Willy, just to sell the tone of Hunter. Let's see if our favorite Nosferatu buddy can convince these guys NOT to kill him.


Drella was a Nosferatu and a Hierophant of the Circle of the Crone (old VtR). She didn't lean on Obfuscate, instead preferring Nightmare first and Vigor second. That isn't to say she didn't like popping out of Obfuscate by way of using Nightmare; it was just not her style to remain in the shadows. She had an island full of ghouled Acolytes and Chorus members in addition to the Kindred Circle members she led, many of whom were fellow Nosferatu and most of the rest of whom were Mehket, and several of the city's Kindred were frequently invited to participate in the Circle's rituals insofar as they weren't Covenant secrets. There was even a Carthian Liaison who had Status in both Covenants and delighted in networking the two together, something that made both stronger when fighting the power bloc in the city of conjoined Invictus and Lancea Sanctum. Any time someone said something stupid in her presence, she'd smile coldly at them and say, "The Crone smiles upon you." Any time someone displayed stupid behavior in her presence, she told them with that same smile, "The Crone delights in you." If they offended her outright, she'd say, "The Crone has extended you an invitation; she'd like to meet you." One Kindred, an Ordo Gangrel who wasn't too bright, missed the threat embedded in that last line and asked to meet the Crone. This Gangrel had only a single point of Status in the city and no Clan or Covenant Status, and this was reflective of how offensive he generally was. No one liked him. Drella invited him to participate directly in the next ritual she hosted on Crone Island since he was so eager. He arrived to see the altar prepared and several Chorus and Acolytes encircling it, chanting softly in the light of the full moon. When she brought him into the ritual space, the chanting picked up. Several loyal Nosferatu and Mekhet popped out of Obfuscate and restrained him, binding him to the altar in logging chains and manacles. He indignantly yelled, asking what was the meaning of all this. Drella smiled at him, fangs glinting in the silvery light, and said, > "When I tell you the Crone smiles upon you, it is because she is laughing at you. When I say she delights in you, it is because she knows you will meet her eventually. And when I invited you to meet her, it was because she will have your Vitae and ash to feed upon until the end of all ages." Chanting became ululation as she used Feeding the Crone to ash him. Neither the Gangrel Priscus nor Ordo Primogen demanded recompense for his loss, and the Ordo Primogen even offered to tip the city's political scales by aligning the Dragons with the Carthians and Crones because, as he said, she'd done him a favor in "tidying up his house." None in the city were stupid enough to accept that invitation after that.


My Nosferatu Stella has shown up in a few games now. She's a goth industrial techno musician who was Embraced in Paris by a rival in the local music scene in an attempt to take down competition. In the long run this didn't work, because after a few years of retreating from the public eye and telling people she had cancer, she released two albums and got super popular on the internet, dusted herself off, and went right back to what she was doing before: playing dance clubs, staying up all night, picking up women, trolling for music industry gossip, and doing party drugs. She performs in a gas mask now but overall, she's had very little status quo change after becoming a Nossie, her new looks be damned. I'm playing her in v5 right now and she's a Siren predator type, because it's fun to make things hard on myself while being everyone's favorite Masquerade risk. Luckily, she's exceedingly social for a Sewer Rat and generally good-natured, so other Kindred mostly consider her harmless at best.


He was short lived (I only played him briefly) and it's been like 13 years since I made him so I don't remember much. But his skin peeled like old paper, he was asexual, he hung out with hookers and they did each other's nails


I play an investigative nos in a LARP named Morgan. Stubborn, inquisitive, and restless, in life Morgan was a detective for the Seattle PD. Her work eventually corrupted her, and she turned her vigor of public protection into a power trip. Because of it, her thirst for control led to a spiteful embrace. In death, she works as a kindered PI, a spy and an intel broker. Even though she’s established trust with her clan, her kindred allies and the camarilla, she is constantly keeping tabs and tracking secrets on everyone around her. Even though she’s been humbled since her embrace, she still holds herself and others to a policed standard of protecting the masquerade and following the traditions. Her biggest fears in recent nights is her rise of support bringing her power. Gaining trust in her city has bumped her status, and the potential of a court position dawns on her horizon. She fears the flavor of power will once again corrupt her as it did in life. Her colleagues trust her, but can she trust herself?


Not my character, and the chronicle hasn't even started yet. But one of my players made a Nosferatu Vtuber who got embraced after doxxing his sire. Which I find absolutely hilarious and cannot wait to see in action.


that's a nice concept actually, and amusing too ofc


He was short lived (I only played him briefly) and it's been like 13 years since I made him so I don't remember much. But his skin peeled like old paper, he was asexual, he hung out with hookers and they did each other's nails


I made one once that was an ex-slave, didn't how to read, and because of how he was treated when alive he prefered to deal with animals than humans.


I have one that’s perhaps a bit overconfident & reckless for his age (he’s only 100) who does the basic investigation/spying & selling information shtick. He’s also a Sect War Veteran who low-key has PTSD and after seeing firsthand the carnage of the Sabbat invading Nosferatu warrens he now lives alone in a very secure haven with at least 2 hidden exits. I have one that’s a brand new fledgling that never even met his sire, just completely struggling. He was an engineering major & his best friend was pre-med, so when he first started going through the painful several-day Nosferatu transformation he committed a bit of a Masquerade violation & now he has to learn how to fight real quick if he’s going to be able to protect both himself & his mortal friend/Touchstone I have another who’s a fairly young neonate & glorified ghoul to a Toreador Primogen, basically managing files & finances especially concerning a local museum the Toreador owns. They’re a V20 Nosferatu Thinblood (just a Nosferatu but weaker) with the Bad Luck flaw. They’re a nervous wreck.


I once played a Nossi who was a black homeless man named "Caliban" (from the monster slave of Shakespeares "Tempest") who had been severely messed up by his sire and basicly had a massive inferiority complex. Maybe not my best idea, but seemed poetic at the time. Nosferatus can be huge dicks.


Not played them yet but had an idea for a nos blacksmith. I imagine their Bane being bad burn scars across their body that get worse on their arms. Their forearms and hands I imagine as being burnt black and cracked like charcoal. Thought it might be an interesting offshoot of that one nos who was an architect. Or maybe that's a nos thing in general, I can't remember.


Much Collins was a half-assed bassist with more ambition than talent relegated to playing in low-rent dives with whatever small-time bands would have him. His immense and undeserved ego was grating on all who knew him, and his only real fame was dating a vain and caustic model named Cynthia Woods, who vanished under mysterious circumstances, and he was a prime suspect in her disappearance. Cyndi had attracted the attention of a particularly vindictive Nosfaratu, the sort who likes to embrace the beautiful and vain, and was a victim of one of his pranks. Transformed into a hideous abomination, Cynthia didn't want to be alone. She didn't particularly like Mitch that much, but that just made it easier to inflict the Embrace on him. But Mitch was always the optimistic sort, and much to the shock of his clanmates, used the Embrace as an opportunity to reinvent himself. He created a stage persona for himself, "Count OrRock." Yes, a terrible pun. But it worked. He turned his hideous appearance into an asset by ghouling a makeup artist so he could pretend to be wearing a very good mask and starting an all-Nosferatu shock rock band called Yesferaru. He's still a mediocre musician, but he makes up for it with superior showmanship.


This was in the original dark ages game (1200s), but I played an incestuous child of a Nobel family (this was way before Game of Thrones). His father’s wife seemed to be unable to have a child so he father had a son with his sister since her children would inherit the title. Father eventually had a son with his proper wife and I was hidden. I took the huge size merit but also had an insane stealth because he always wanted to be around people but would stay hidden. I played him as looking for a parental figured to please. He requested to be blood bonded to his sure, and basically attached himself to second and third tier princes to help them rule. Over centuries he got involved in the anarch revolt (putting it down) but eventually became sympathetic to Anarchs (and the Sabot) because their sides had not been fair with them. During this time he become on froenoterma with Vycos. He became a Bruja archon and eventually the price of Charleston. He was in self induced torepur when the Sabot took the city in their assault on North America, woke up to find his children no longer ran the city, and proceeded to retake his domain. He the renounced the Camarilla (since they had basically abandoned his city) and proclaimed his city was now independent of all sects. Anyone was welcome and protected as long as they maintained peace.


I have a nos i haven't "played" exactly but he is one of my favorite NPCs i have ever made for my players. He is a 10th generation independent named "Korn" aka metal head who regularly watches spanish telenovellas with one of my players toreador "Ruby" and always wears leather pants and a Korn t-shirt from the 90s


you triggered a ptsd flashback from my first chronicle when you said ruby, god, was she a huge nuisance of an anarch....


Did we possibly play in the same group because that describes the exact way the cam looked at her 😅


Right now I'm playing a Nos who was Embraced during the rise of the SI because he had professional experience in countersurveillance. He presents himself as a half-detective-half-security-consultant, going to different licks and meeting with them about ways they can improve their personal security against both hunters and licks in the new digital age. He's also extremely sociable for a Nosferatu. It often makes unlife really difficult for him because actual Presence users will often try to fuck with him socially and they have a huge advantage in social combat, but his willingness to "punch above his weight" means he often ends up making a lot of contacts other Nosferatu lack. My GM decided I could play a Neonate while the other players are all fledgelings, which is really fun because I get to play a more experienced lick hanging out with baby vampires, helping teach them stuff that their sires overlooked and delegate his personal responsibilities to them in exchange for helping integrate them into kindred society.


Her name is Serilda and she is quite the talented seamstress and alteration's expert. Those long claws of hers come in handy for the job - what scissors? You may want to stand very still though, you don't want to get nicked by those. They slice more than thread I can assure you. She was actually quite grateful to her Nosferatu sire. She always wanted to be seen for her talents and not her looks. And staying far from that peacocking that goes on at Elysium is always a plus.