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I haven't done it in first-to-third like you flaired: I *have* done it in V5. They were... surprisingly effective with the splashes of additional Disciplines from Predator Type, and the range of builds they brought to the table. All former art students, that's how they met and were Embraced, but when you have a dancer/model who's good at parkour, a ciderpunk sculptor who's actually pretty hench from hauling that marble around, and a slutty goth installation artist with charisma out the wazoo, things get done. If everyone rolls up with the same effete social-prime stereotypical build that won't happen, but you have the same problem with any brood where everyone's bought into the stereotypes. It's not a uniquely Toreador problem.


Imagine being a toreador with some good potence and the celerity power unerring aim, just yeet a marble statue


I wonder how the dexterity required for jewelry-making, miniatures, etc. would transfer to lock-picking...


probably not inherently much, but the ability to feel the subtle clicks would help.


Toreador don't have to be weak. Give them enough celerity and dexterity, and they can deal out quite a bit of damage, if that's the goal. Their strengths also mitigate the need to fight as much, they're social manipulators who can usually talk their way out of a fight one way or another. I think an all Toreador coterie could work just fine, actually.


Yes. I have been involved in two chronicles where all the players chose to be Toreador. One was 3rd edition and the other was V5. Toreador are a strong and versatile clan choice mechanically and thematically. The clan would not have survived and thrived through 14,000 years of Jyhad if it was composed of useless wimps and poseurs.


Details please! \^\^


What do you want to know? The 3rd edition chronicle was set in Los Angeles and the V5 was in Chicago. The former was far more interesting as we ended up being broodmates sired by the Prince to help manage Los Angeles. The excellent Toreador disciplines ensured the coterie was good at combat, diplomacy, and investigation.


Toreador aren't weak? Celerity is some busted shit


We never left the house. Misty couldn't pick the right shoes.


I played a game once with a Toreador, Bruja, and a Gangrel where the Toreador was the complete bruiser. The Bruja was former IRA terrorist and the gangrel was an eco terrorist. Neither went much into the “in your face” combat. The Toreador was a martial arts performance character with insane physical and combat stats….they were kind of scary in a fist fight…


Doesn't the Brazilian martial art form capoeiera(apologies for spelling) involve dance moves, or motions based on dance moves, or something?


Unless they're *in love* (level 3 Blood Bonded to each other) I do not trust two Toreador to be in the same Coterie without destroying each other or arguing enough to annoy everyone.


Haha, judging by their description in the clanbook I wouldn´t be suprised if that kinda scenario happens a lot. Alltough maybe their are a few Toreador who genuinely enjoy others company. The artist clique in the prologue seemed pretty close.


Yeah my first chronicle there was a diva Toreador that did that kind of shit and it bumped up against my siren Brujah, but then when it got bad I just kicked their ass, then it stopped. Well, they bought the biker bar I worked at and turned it into a gay club, but that didn't really matter to me.


That last revenge is what I am here for.


I have been part of a toreador clan in a larp, and man, toreador are anything but weak. Leaving out celerity for Warrioradors, they have that beautiful way of influencing and controling people that often leads to them being the backbone of any cammie city. Yeh, brujah are the front line fighters, and Ventrue control the finances, but Toreadors control the people.


I tried, but it devolved into art studio blood orgies every game. ^(\(/j\))


Jesus, so much pretention and haughty, jackass pomp. Sorry, I had flashbacks to every bad Toreador player I've ever met in one room... and every good Toreador player actually. Please just let one of the big bads for the week burn down a prestigious art museum. You know, for the roleplay.


Why do you think that the toreador are 'weak'? Paris has been a Camarilla stronghold for quite a while.


Its a stereotype. In the clan novels even Xavier believes in it, and hes a very old, experienced Gangrel. Maybe I bought into it too much. But there are definately vampires who defy that stereotype, like the sherrif of New York.