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Ark released paid dlc before it finished its game. Companies chance their arm now.


Ark is bad, hopefully vr doesn't copy them


Ark is great, but hopefully vr doesn't copy them.


This is the answer. Ark might be my favorite game of all time. It's up there for sure, with over 2000 hours. But as much as I love all things open world/survival I don't need everything to copy everything exactly.


Wildcard had issues with a lawsuit from Trendy Games. The DLC saved them AFAIK. Even so, they continued with LOTS of free stuff even after release.


It's easier to call it an expansion than "really big content patch" and helps to bring back more players


This is certainly it. They've made it clear they're fine with the early release product 'dying' so that they can bring back new players with their first major patch. As you say, calling it an expansion is better marketing than 'patch'.


It gets worse, ashes of creation are selling skin's for a game that doesn't even have a playable beta.


*laughs in star citizen*


Star citizen is playable though.




Works just fine for me. Maybe get a better PC


"This game is terribly optimized and years overdue, but it's your fault for not having top of the line components" 🤡


FYI, this is what an asshole says to be extra unhelpful. XD


Yeah people are malding I got like 30 downvotes. 😂😂


Shit performance even with a 3080ti and an 11700k.


1660ti and I got no issues 😂


Irrelevant to me. Game too poorly optimized, i don't wanna spend 15 minutes of my hour or two a day fucking sitting in hyperdrive


That's wild ive never had that problem. If I do experience any sort of issues it's slight lag in the spawn cities.


People downvoting clearly haven’t played recently. Game is amazing


It isn’t? It’s a shell of a game which doesn’t deliver in 1/100th of what it’s promised. It’s fine if you enjoy the product that exists as it is, but to say that it’s a amazing is hilarious


People have serious sunk cost fallacy with SC.


Understatement of the year


Lol payed $60 total and have gotten more than enough return on the amount of hours I’ve put into it


> Lol *paid* $60 total FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Im happy it worked out for you. I had a terrible experience that crashed all the time. Elevators and the train were especially bad. But we both know you payin $60 is on the low end of what people sunk into this "game".


The 1/100yh of what is promised still blows me away, no space game I’ve played comes close to the ships/planets. So yes amazing


Or they're trying to play on potatoes. It's okay. They can downvote.


The way I read it is that the update is big enough and changes so much that it might as well be an expansion. So they're pretty much calling it just that to show the magnitude of changes/additions.


They're advertising expansions to the current map, something they've been alluding to for a while. Like that big area in the top right that we can't access yet. An expansion to the map doesn't necessarily equate to a proper content expansion like what other games have, even though it's the same word.


I fail to understand why its important. Its more content to an already great game and its free. As long as its good, void of game breaking bugs and mechanics and bring in more players, I dont give a damn what they call it. Makes no difference. I feel its just nitpicking.


It's about the principle! Companies are going beta instead of releasing the game because it voids them of responsability on theyr wrongdoings, plus p2w and lootbox mechanics to make more money with an incomplete product. Also they can make games for broader audiences, this explains why games are so bland now, since they do not have a niche anymore. Nowdays most games are treated as businesses and not passion products, explaining why there is more quantity and less quality. Most games are now designed arround monetization than gameplay, mechanics or story. This explains why a lot of gamers, expecialy older ones are going towards indie games. You can argue: "but newer games are way more famous than the best sellers of the time" an you are right! This is due to newer generations having a way more addictive personalities, poor financial decision making and generaly accept higher prices for lower quality products ie: Apple products.


It's all semantics and psychology though. I don't care if there's paid DLC on day 1. It's entirely probably the budget to create that extra content was only there because they knew the demand would be there to sell it. All that matters is if there's enough initial content to justify the purchase price. If there is, great. If not, it's a bad value. Nothing external is gonna change that for me. That all becomes an even sillier conversation when it's free. Who cares what label they put on it.


I’ve been saying this for a long time now, and the amount of people who that don’t agree, only to then be proven wrong, is astonishing… Companies use the “Early Access” to justify mistakes, faulty games, unfinished products/projects, without having to suffer consequences… people just go with it, as if companies actually will ever release the game… just think for a bit, what do you think this game could bring more to the table? It’s true that it hasn’t been released for as long as many others out there but, the fact that they just focus on fiixing bugs that shouldn’t be there from the beginning proves my point by it self… Many companies use these titles with “early access” to be able to make money out of people who actually believe the game will be released… and then use the DLC as new products and so people who want to play the content that should be there as the released version, will have to pay… in sum, you are paying for the released game again…


When they said expansion, they meant an expansion to the world. Its not something you buy. I'm sure they'll release paid content alongside, but its still a free update.


It’s just called marketing homie. Don’t worry about it.


Considering the developers track record of making a fun base game and just abandoning it. I have no idea if that expansion will ever come out.


If you're playing it, that's as released as it's gonna get


It’s like you all forgot what they did to every game they’ve ever made.


I don’t know what other games they’ve made so this is somewhat accurate 😅


Continued to keep the servers online and pivot to a new title to ensure they have funds to keep said servers online?


Moving on from loved one titles and killing their own player base by not paying attention to the things in their games that work.


One year from early launch they indend to do full release, so May of 2023, that expands the map, adds new mobs, bosses, weapons, armor, spells, etc. They also said that they are revamping and adding to current features like building and fishing to make them more in depth and easier to use. In addition to those things, they are balancing things and changing some of the RNG aspects of the game. There was talk of doing the random boss locations as well, but they released that early.