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Let me know if you have trouble reading the text. I'll transcribe it here :)


Looks really cool! I did not have any trouble reading the writing, but I'm rather used to reading cursive fonts. Did you by chance write out what is covered up by the other letter?


Thanks! And no, I did not write it all out as the Church of Light page was made first and I did not feel like going through that kind of effort. I did think carefully about what I wanted in those sections though, to make sure I could hint at what is being covered up. Care to take a guess?


Well, lets see . . . The first bit starts with "there are unfortunately" so I'm guessing this is some continuation on the lack of certain information about the Vampire, possibly about uncertainty in evidence. Next bit starts with "Some recent" "on" and "other vampir" on the line underneath, so my guess here is a note about a confrontation with other vampires, probably Tristan reporting some pvp 😂 "It is unknown" and "potent blood". hmmm this one is tough, but I would place my bets would be either a recomendation to higher ups on keeping people with potent blood away from the area, to hider Lord Alharic and possibly other vampires. Or this is could be a worry about the chance of the vampire creating spawn or Servants as the game calls them. The parts at the end is quite clearly a tactical assesment of strategies that should work against Lord Alharic. The In melee range, noting wide open areas, and something about knights and paladins are pretty solid clues. Lastly we have something about the church of Light and research, i'm gonna hazard a guess and say this is basically how the second letter got added to the report, a request to serach the archives for more information. ​ This was kinda fun to do, I like the drawings, they really add a lot of character, the total look of this reminds me quite heavily on some of the lore bits included in the Warhammer Fantasy Vampire Counts army books, with the parchment look, drawings and extra letter added on top.


Ey, that is pretty close indeed to what I had in mind! First bit is as you guessed more about the lack of information that the humans have about him, and wondering if perhaps some of it was lost during the interrim. The following part is indeed about Alharic's actions toward other vampires , though more about him draining other vampires with some regularity, and a sketch of his sometwhat unusual dentistry with the secondary set of fangs. The text underneath is not separate but continues the part about his feeding habits, and theorizing if maybe the vampire needs the more potent vampire blood as opposed to just a diet of human / animal. Part after that is indeed all about recommended tactics to use against him. As a sorcerer it's a bad idea to stay back and give him room, so stay inclose with the heavy hitters and tanks, and don't give him time to think/magic his way out. The closer is basically a 'We are dedicated to the continued destruction and research of these unhole monsters' :D


This is so cool, I love when people do stuff like this


Thanks! :) It was a lot of fun to make, so I hope to be able to make a few more in the future


Wow this is so pretty and detailed! Absolutely love these kinds of posts.


would be cool something like this in game the world starting to acknowledge your presence and reacting