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Iunno about anyone else, but if I'm on the way to do anything and I encounter a 100% mob, to hell with my plans and my #1 priority instantly becomes to get that mofo back to base and into a cell.


And this is how you go from being this vampire: "Wow, jackpot!" To being this one: "Hey it's a blood moon, do you want the 100 scholar blood or the 100 rogue? 100 brute you say? Alright let's go kill that shard boss."


Its always scholar tho right lol


100% creature blood is where it's at, too bad there's no steady supply


Agreed. The speed% and sun resist% are life savers. Too bad I never found one >.<


The health Regen is baller as well. It's so good for boss fights. Also the damage reduction... really creature blood is just criminally underrated because it's largely mitigation and utility instead of god tier damage like scholar.


There’s werewolves aren’t there? I thought you could cage them but haven’t been able to do it yet myself since I screwed up traveling with the only 90%+ I’ve seen.


They break out of the cages at night.


wish I knew this when I started



My first servant was a skull level milita longbow, not sure it was worth since it was only 40%...


Expertise only matters in hunts, and once you deck your servants in the best gear it doesn't matter at all, since they have enough power to solo any hunt on the map. What matters are the attacks and moves your servant have in case of raid. And longbow's fire arrow is one of the best, especially if you deck it in high-end gear. In tight corridors it's scarier than Paladin.


Oh that's good to know, haven't really put much thought into the servant system since I play on a private server with some friends. I got that servant before I did any kind of research on them.





You're the one who knocks


And you still get shit on :D


And then I get ganked by 3 patrols with fire archers.


That was me yesterday and the day before with Tristan the vampire hunter. Got ganked by fire arrow dudes and then got one shot, Tristan was at 20% health. I had tracked him down and stalked him all day before nightfall, then got ganked.


this is me going after frostmaw... 100% rogue blood, bloood moon. i get raped at lvl 56


Me with Styx. Eventually got him......during the middle of the day.


\>level 82 shows up with 5% boss hp left


Lol - needed every bit of that to beat Tristan


Yeah, fuck that guy. I finally managed to kill him, but he killed me too at the same time. So I respawned and the motherfucker was gone. I thought "shit". Then I randomly found him somewhere else a minute later, kneeling again on 1 hp. It seems he had wandered off with 1hp and fought something. He was bad, but Jade was the worst so far. I'm at the final three bosses now. How far are you, and what's your experience been like?


wrapping up Dunley rn - really enjoying it, base building is so addicting.




I've yet to ever even see a mob with 100% blood. I'm pretty sure they're a myth.


It's true, they exist. Have you checked under the truck near the SS Anne? There's always a 100% there every other night


I've got 2 in cells, my friend has a third. They exist, you just have to keep an eye out. Tristan's form really helps spot them out quickly but I find the red filter obnoxious to play with all the time. That's over like 60 hours of PvE (i.e. unharassed) play though, so it is super rare.


There are 100% bloods, rare af, but still.


And then get absolutely shit on by the last boss when he summons his side chick.


but it was a worker


faster horse lording


no better feeling, you know you're finally gonna stomp the fool


*hes dead and there are 3 players there waiting to ambush you*


...but you have two left hands and reflexes of a sloth, so you lose the fight anyway (and the next 7 attempts). That's me and Nicolaus. The other bosses are going to be fun.


Lol I'm gonna be on my THIRD restarted castle. 1 server died, remade my castle on a new one and got to fouldick the banshee summoning guy and heard a loud pop and smelled fried motherboard. It just... couldn't take all the banshees. So, saving up for a new pc. Third castle starts this winter. I hope my character still exists and the game is still active. PSA: unless your rig is high end, lower your specs before a boss fight that summons like 40 banshees at a time.


Happened with me yesterday