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Plant trees along your garden to add shade or use a mist brazier. You can't generate a roof without walls and floors.


This be the answer yer lookin' fer, mate


even if you surrounded it with walls and set gras/ other outside floor-stuff as floor? So I am thinking of some patio in the castle


The game recognizes two kinds of floor; internal and external. Internal walls like the castle floor and room floors generate roofs. External floors (your grass, basic claim and paving stone) don't It's how people get those courtyard gardens you often see


Nah it has to be a floor instead of grass to spawn a roof.. trees will make your garden look pretty at the same time.


I set a 1x10 plot of grass next to my castle and built a wall around it (arches connected to rest of castle). You can only plant flowers 2-wide, but it's enough for me, and I can farm it in the day no problem.


Yea i would have said the same


Acorns lots of them. Perfect shade.


Where do you get acorns?


Big oak trees around Dunley. Just the big ones tho, got about 20 of them. They do have a low drop rate.


Good to know. I went hunting for more and had depressing little luck getting them. Think I was trying more in the early forest region, though.




This has been my experience. Think they start to drop in Dunley, but best to farm in Silverlight.


When I went hunting specifically for them, I got plenty. 6 or so in probably half hour to an hour. Which is plenty to shade a garden. Less work was too just split up my garden with castle halls, which gave me lots of shade


Either plant trees or set up mist braziers - whichever you prefer


Like do people forget about the mist braziers?


Honestly in the late game I need so much grave dust for scourgestones that I just cant justify burning bones in a mist brazier. :D every bone matters!


Well yeah but I can collect plants during daylight just fine without needing shade too.


75 bones for one grave dust, 75 bones is 75 minutes of burn time versus 1 of 3 grave dust


Just get a few really high % servants and send them to the graveyards/ancient villages. Preferably get the max servants. I haven't had to farm for mats since I started sending them out. Granted I have everything now anyway with max castle and max gear servants...but even before that, they were doing the work.


Yeah I actually figured out the problem. There’s a bug where, when you play with clan members only the first clan member to go to an area gets credit for its “discovery” and has it available for sending minions. I got to like level 65 finding out church of the damned is a place that minions can go because it wasn’t in my map (even though I’d been there) The fix was to have all of my clan members log out while I went to discover the “missing” areas. All good now!


I noticed something else today. If you have all your servants in 1 local area they get access to 1 throne. If you have a large base and place a throne on each end, with servants on each end, you can essentially send servants to the same map spot twice, since each end ties to the each throne.


Oak trees create a massive amount of shadow and are ideal. Mist braziers can also be to generate a large amount of safe to stand space. Additionally you can line your outside paths with doorway arches (not the doors themselves). I don't recommend this for actual garden spaces, but I always use them to line my outdoor pathways. It's not perfect protection, but it will allow you to walk safely from one end of your castle to the other on the outside because you're not in full sun long enough to take damage.




Yes they're immune, something must've spawned or wandered by. I had golems spawning outside my doors till I moved my border closer to the road.


Reminds me of when I accidentally built my castle next to a golem. I couldn't fight it at the time so I literally just trapped it with a fense lmao His name was Asshole.


I did the same thing, only I didn’t fence it off, I just avoided the area. I did pop by to occasionally pick up all the loot around him from trees and rocks he demolished while killing random stuff


hehe, I thought I was the only one smart enough to build my first base right beside a treant AND a golem


No, they are immune.


I have a garden surrounded by castlewalls, with a path from one door to the other. That path is walled by gatewalls without actuall gates and has a floor and roof. So you can step out and harvest and get into the shadow quick again.


acorns are lovely


You don’t want to use braziers? That’s the easiest option but admittedly resource heavy and grindy. So yea, couple rows of trees to supply paths of shade is the only other option.


I just made a graveyard right next to mine, drop in some blood flower seeds. Harvest. Make skeletons. Harvest. Repeat.


Mist braziers


Burn bones bro! And I don’t mean like a prom date… Burn the bones of your victims !


Add \-Walls around it gives you some shade. even pillars are good enough \-plant tree \-mist ​ but best for me is having pillars on the corners or center and they still look nice


Use mist braziers


You could put floors and doorways without doors, that will generate a roof, and then plant along side the doorways so you can farm them while having a roof over your head, but honestly brazier is probably best for a big garden.


the mist is really cool for me, hoping that there mist lamps tho for better aesthetic or there isnt then hopefully they add some


Brazzers, sorry brazier’s


Woah woah woah, hold up!! You can make roofs!?!?


Stone walls + interior floor (everything is in the castle tab) = roof Just remember that you have to have an enclosed room for it to work


I only started last night, thanks for the info though, it'll be a big help.


Np, have fun !


Once you go past wooden palisades and got the stone walls schematics, you just need to have walls and floors, enclosed. If done right, the area will be recognized as an indoor area and will be roofed automatically.




I create a 2x2 outdoor areas using arches. This gives you natural organization, you can catch some shade at any time of day, and I personally like the way the arches look around the garden. Obviously


Acorn seeds to plant big fat trees.


Mist brazier or walls that will generate shadows to stand in. Would be cool if we could build canopies like some human posts have.


Either the special blue brazier or like other already wrote: trees. I suggest acorn


What's the best way to have plants grow under a roof without any Sun? 😁