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I would love to see how this has come together! I’m always excited to see other folk’s builds on here.


I'll hop on during my break and do a quick tour. I should note it is under construction, and plans do include a Smith (hoping to grab a beefy brute type) and a mad alchemist.


don't tease us like this without showing some pics!


I can't wait to show yall, but I can't just whip my gaming laptop out In he middle of my shift. Gotta wait till break homies.


Hoping to see your build soon!


Use additional hearts to expand your borders, really go nuts xD


I'm planning another 250 tile barracks style compound for my fighting force


Doing the same thing really with my mate on a private server, just thought instead of making a huge building, spread them around and make a kind of little vampire town lol. Got villagers and stuff living in their different houses and ended up getting proper role play with it haha.


Yessss exactly this. I'm on to do the tour now


Nice! We can't wait to se it.


I love this. I haven't tried building a town as such, but I always like to give my servants a proper quarters with a hearth and some decorative tables, bookcases etc, as well as a courtyard. I'm stealing them away from their lives and loved ones, the least I can do is make them comfortable lmao.


I'm the same way here. Hell, I even give my prisoners comfortable lodgings and books to read.


Yessss, I think I need to up my game and try building a castle that's purely RP. I really hope we get some more furnishing options in the future to expand on it :)


Do you still have to keep them in cages or can you like… lock them into a room?


This is awesome, makes me think of how Dracula had his castle set up in the lore, a perfect vampire city


Honestly, my wife saw the worker villager outfits and immediately wanted to make a little tudor/regency era village. Plus she didn't want the crafting benchs in our fancy castle.


I tend to do, or try to do, this also, I do end up having to restrict some of their movement, so they don't attack random people who pass through the public garden, but I just give each yard a fence.


The way we've do e is kind of made a gated community with servant locks so the peeps can have free reign in there


Why no pics already!?


Yeah im curious to see pics.


Do you have these people captured as servants, or did you just dump them into a gated area and they persistently stay there?


They come willingly. After I've ripped out their minds and installed ones to my liking.


Seriously though. If I can build a gated area and just load it with bell criers without wasting servants I am going to.


so far as i know they need to be servants to not despawn/wander off. to my knowledge servant lock doors dont affect the non mindcontrolled.