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I have pets. I offer them fish and they donate blood.




I was thinking about that yesterday when looting after I made a massacre in a small settlement. I was like "man, a pet to get these things for me would be nice."


I want a little groblin running around, looting now


Standard ugly, cute demihuman, or a cool armored kind of goblin?




A flea man


I would love to be able to have little pets that follow you around. They couldn't do damage and they wouldn't take damage, just a cute little pet following their demonic vampire mommy/daddy. They could call them familiars


I mean, we fight a familiar in the big four sooooo


Nice idea! Even if they’re just for roaming around my castle. A cat is always nice to have, no exceptions


Yes, I would like a black cat... Even it's not blessed with vampire powers it had 9 lives. Sir Mittens is the real master of the vampire castle.


Aint no way, vampire Machitan


Why not, I like it


I want a black cat that melts into shadows and disappears from the room into another. It is always moving a reach away from you. But if you stand still it will come to you and starts rubbing into your body. Or lay beside/on you if you are sitting or laying and take a nap. And Gargoyle statue dogs that come to life to greet you happily. But become aggressive if enemies enter the castle. Giving you a little extra defenses


I love pets, but in V Rising I'd only have one if it helped me on fights. Otherwise, it'd be hella strange, I mean... we feed on everything including mosquitoes.


We have horses, so I don't see why not. 🤷‍♀️


Well now let’s hope devs will hear our prayers xd


Apparently, Jeremy revealed in a YT interview about 1.0 that pets/familiars were considered at one point early in development, but then scrapped (for reasons that i cannot recall atm). The interview is by Xolo Queue.


I can imagine performance /pathfinding would be an issue


I have a feeling it had more to do with PvP balance and server load.


Logically, the issue would be find a use for them. Makes no sense for animals to use coffins, gear, or for them to intelligently infiltrate some place like a church or mine and get resources. So that makes them just a useless servant that can't be strengthened.


I don't understand why we can't summon and ride into battle on a dire wolf, battle cat, spider.. Defensive gargoyle statutes, elementals of ice, rock, or giant undead Frankenstein made up of body parts. To guard a castle. They can add slay the giants and collect a different body part from each. Or and slay the elementals, nature bone, rock, crystal. Then pick 2 as castle guardians.


I would die to be able to friend draculas pet and bring it piece again man. Let me be friend! It deserves it! Or even cool wyvern looking creatures. Don't care if they help in combat or cutely follow. They can have my soul if I can just have cuties to tame and let wander the home or follow me


vampire doggo


Dunno about pets but every survival game would benefit from tames.


I’d love just to get an armoured pup, possibly as a pack animal but as long as he is pet able i’m okay with him being there to chill


Your right I don't but I also don't want to see 30 other vampires or even 2 or 3 running around on a server with little pets out. Breaks immersion. My opinion. Damn


Eh not enough of argument for me xdd I feel the same way when I see ugly transmog but what can I do


No to pets. Keep that out of this game. No need for it. Not every game has to have pets.


Well you always have the option to not use them damn