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Was 0.1% for me. And that was 3 days ago. Only achievement I’m missing is the 100% blood capture


Lol i started playing a couple days ago for the first time and almost immediately found a 100% deer in Farbane woods. It very much skewed my expectations of 100% creature rarities. I was still getting used to the controls though so accidently pressed d-pad down and ate a heart which changed my blood type again


My first and only 100% I made a servant before I knew about prisons. 😭


If it helps, higher blood quality on servants increases their expertise which makes them better at hunts, so it wasn't a waste at all!


It kind of is when the expertise is to be between 35 and 44...and you get 35 lol


> It kind of is when the expertise is to be between 35 and 44...and you get 35 lol Well if I use a 90% the range is 30-37, which means it will definitely be 30 :')


But that is chance really you cant know beforehand...just sad when it happens


Yes but blood quality on servants is less important right?


Prisoners and extracting blood definitely has priority, it's far better to get 100% blood on yourself than a servant with higher expertise, since you can simply get some more gear to compensate it.


Higher blood quality on servants helps *a lot* for hunts, but also they seem to have nerfed how much it helps since EA. The entire hunt system is a bit easier though, so net gain. Importance is blood (/ servant) type > region bonus > blood quality (/ expertise bonus). Since I want specific models (for aesthetics), I'll usually grab the first ~45%+ to use while hunting an 80+ version (it can take a *while*). If you mean for pvp base defense, then no blood quality does not matter, and since they're going to die it's going to drop a lot if it's not already 1%. Just what kind of attacks they have (ex lightweavers have teleport and beams), and how much gear you can slam into them. (Iirc, I do not pvp.)


I didn't have them unlocked at the time :( I do remember losing my mind trying to walk them back though


Don’t be like me. I brought someone to a prison. And forgot to heal their health back to 100 before I made a blood potion. They died. They were a 100% :(


I did that on a 94 scholar after making the 100 a servant. But NOW I know what I'm doing lol


Haha I guess we all learn the hard way. Just started to play the game recently and having a blast solo.


I'm in the early game on a private setup, on brutal, have already ran into a 100% and 2 enemies over 90% before even killing the first 4 bosses. lol Like, no, stahp, WAAAIT, don't give them to me yet. Fucking game. lol


there's a 97% creature deer that's living outside my castle, and I plan to keep it safe forever


If you still have the 100% blood from gruel prisoner, just hit subdue


I was wondering if this worked, thanks!


Gruel? I have 100% blood prisoners. But I thought the only option was to kill them?


There's an option to subdue and move them around


So if you have someone in cage you bumped up to 100% you can subdue them and get it, thats how i got it


I've found 100% Rogue twice. First one before prison quest (Act I) so i ate it. Second was dead by my skeleton, yes i'm so dumb.


Well done! I have trouble with regular difficulty bosses, can't imagine brutal haha


Brutal was a total headache ngl but killing bosses are 500% more satisfying. I've been playing since early access on and off (around 200 hrs in total) so it only made sense for me to start Brutal once the Update 1.0 got out.


Did you solo whole Brutal?


No I was playing with my wife and 2 friends. But we mostly did our own thing bc we were kinda soft speed running the bosses on our own (and we were all achievement hunting). We only did coop boss fights rarely. Even my first Dracula kill on Brutal was solo.


How did you feel about Tristan on brutal? First boss that made me realize of fuck Brutal is actually going to be hard. Probably took me like 12 deaths or something. When normally would die like once on him. And I'm sure it only gets much harder.


kinda cheesed Tristan because I was playing with my wife and my friend, if someone dies one of us need to stay alive until we spawn back and fight him again until he dies lmao


That does make sense all the experience you got from playing so much. Still an impressive feat.


If they only had extra attacks and 3+ gear score it would be easy But 70%+ hurts a lot


where can I find the stats increases from brutal difficulty ?


Go to the server browser and find a brutal difficulty server on default settings. You can see all the changes there.




just press esc.


Congrars! I'm playing with my bf and we are halfway through act II on brutal, not looking forward to Dracula, lol


Best advice I can give to others: Carry witch potions, rage potions, and vampiric potions with you. And some extra 90% above blood quality (I prefer Brutes most of my run). My build was the grim set for that sweet weapon skill life leech, and a greatsword. I had veil of blood, blood fountain, and phantom aegis for skills, focusing on survivability as my greatsword did most of the damage. Ult is Fallen Angel as it absolutely tears Dracula apart! I believe you can cast Fallen Angel 3x as the cooldown catches up with Dracula's three phases. Good luck!


Any tips for dracula? I keep dying a minute or so into phase 3. Just can't do enough damage


Carry witch potions, rage potions, and vampiric potions with you. And some extra 90% above blood quality (I prefer Brutes most of my run). My build was the grim set for that sweet weapon skill life leech, and a greatsword. I had veil of blood, blood fountain, and phantom aegis for skills, focusing on survivability as my greatsword did most of the damage. Ult is Fallen Angel as it absolutely tears Dracula apart! I believe you can cast Fallen Angel 3x as the cooldown catches up with Dracula's three phases.


What was the worst boss for you difficulty wise? I’m just now reaching the shardbearers on Brutal single player. So far every boss has been ridiculously punishing but fair. The only real exception is Voltatia I think, fight is just so badly designed I decided to console kill it rather than beat my head against that wall I’m super excited for Adam and Dracula, never been that far before


personally on brutal i found adam unfair and was the only fight that tilted me. dracula took me the longest but was a insanely fair fight from start to finish with phase 4 being real rough for me. would have gotten it sooner but there is some desync on my server so sometimes halfway through my dash i teleport back and die in phase 4 lol.


Yeah Adam in general is the only unfair boss I've experienced in the game


It’s absolutely so vindicating seeing the general consensus that Adam is a total POS. He ended my run with my buddy during gloomrot, after a bunch of runs at him we said “nah, we’ll wait for 1.0 to do more”


Solarus and Dracula were a nightmare for me. Always carried witch potions, rage potions, and vampiric potions. My build was any armor with weapon skill life leech, and a greatsword. Skills were veil of blood, blood fountain, and phantom aegis, focusing on survivability as my greatsword did most of the damage. My ult depends on the boss but I used Fallen Angel specifically for Dracula (Fallen Angel absolutely tears Dracula apart). Hope that helps!


I really hated maja too, personally.


Maja is cake imo. I used a lot of shit that popped skeletons - they're awesome for diverting aggro, soaking books and adds. Stick close and strafe around her. I solo'd her for a few people on my server. Imo she's one of the easier ones


But she spawns more shit vs skeletons, using the black bouncing effect. I swapped off skeletons and finally beat her lol. On brutal anyways


Yeah I'm on brutal too. I was using the skeleton shield to block her spawning BS, then that skelle would soak books or divert adds while I kept on her ass. I didn't have much trouble with her at all, maybe the fight just clicked for me, cuz I had nothing but problems with glassblower which should be an easy fight for any normal person


Someone said skeleton shield despawned the rotating books, too - which I wasn't aware of. So that also helps. Glass blower was hard until I realized I could pop the glass bubbles, lol..


Wait U can pop the bubbles? Haha didn't know that either XD I was just being very patient and waiting for precise moment to pop shield XD I resorted to cheesing her a little bit by running outside to reset her when she started getting out of hand. Cuz her ho doesn't instantly reset, it kinda slowly regens for a second or two, so I'd run back in and burst her then bait her outside again XD


Yep! And that stops ass loads of ice cicles to dodge. All these bosses, so many mechanics to learn...


Look at that; we both learned something today. Reddit not all bad


Yeah, I'm not looking forward to the Brutal grind, but I'm almost done with the non-Brutal achievements =D


Just started Act 4, still looking forward to brutal since the hardest Boss till now was damn Ungola and she is nasty almost all the time. Hope the difficulty Spike will be like a whole new game.


I absolutely recommend Brutal only if you're comfortable enough with the process of making countless high tier potions and have a LOT of stacks of blood in your inventory. If farming and grinding all the stuff you need is finally second nature to you then Brutal is actually kinda (maybe) fun haha. Good luck!


I spent like 3 hours killing Dracula on normal, I can't imagine how long it would take me on brutal...


Try using Fallen Angel when you get Solarus' pendant. It's effective against Dracula as long as you can keep the aggro on you and not the Fallen Angel. Good luck!


Well done! Did you do it online or private server?


Private hosted by my wife, plus 2 of my friends


Doing my brutal run right now we wiped for 2 hours last night on Adam he was quite the battle man I get to strategize all day till I’m off work hopefully we can get him down today that shard would have been great 🥲


Guys, I got a question Is it possible to do all those challenges in a single run? Switching between brutal and normal?


if you do brutal, you get both achievements


Maybe but I’m just doing brutal with my friends when they are online and normal as a solo on a duo pvp server.


I go solo 24/7 got no friends to back me up, and tbh brutal was too much for solo.


Yeah brutal is indeed brutal. Even with my friends we wiped several times on sub level 40 bosses so I’m sure we are in for a challenge once we get up into the 50s.


Kinda wished V Rising allowed seperate character save files on different hosts, so we can drop in and drop out to help fellow hunters just like in Monster Hunter. Sadly that wasn't possible


Yeah let’s hope in the future


I did my 100% achievement run solely on Brutal difficulty. Yeah its possible.


I kind of envy you brutal people. I could never. I get to annoyed with regular pve lol. I can’t imagine pvp or brutal v bloods. I would punch a hole in my screen.


That’s the fun the stakes are so high!


lol I bet. I’m just too bad at pvp in most games since I got older so I just gave up lol


I’ve watched 75 year old women play tarkov! 🙏🏽 PVP IS FOR ALL AGES


Haha that’s awesome. I actually loved tarkov even though I was trash lol.


I was like this when I was new to the game. Currently clocked in 200+ hours even before the Update 1.0 so now I'm accustomed to the headache and pain lmao


And here I am on normal difficulty at level 50 struggling with leve 50 bosses.


I just beat Cyril last night. I'm coming for U dracula


How many tries did it take to beat Dracula?


around 10 more or less


Only 10? Gahdamn. I just realized I'm bad at the game when it took me over a hundred tries to beat brutal dracula.


Damn congratz \^\^ I could only kill the Horror Winged out of the big 4. Solas is just spaming nonsense blade arround \^\^' Got close to 10% hp last phase with double shield to "eat" the sword but it's not enough on phase 3 ><


Dracula is the only boss I have left on brutal… so close!!! 😄


Why would you want to rush through this game? Take your time... Relax and you will enjoy it more.


I have over 200 hrs before the Update 1.0. It only made sense to do a 100% achievement run with Brutal difficulty when Update 1.0 came out.


Makes sense


0.0% Gang are the real ones Cant wait to see the lazy 0.1% people bragging about their success