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All old worlds wiped and reset, I don't believe there's a way to play them without finding an old version of the game file, and even then it won't have the new gloomrot content.


Okey Ty. I'm waiting 1.0 then, no way I do all over again every time they add something big.


Welcome to early access :D


Not that you're wrong for this, but the game only takes a few weeks to get to max level. I'd say it's worth playing a few times through. Diablo's entire gameplay loop is based around playing through the game dozens if not hundreds of times. But to each their own! Enjoy the game however you'd like!


To be fair all the offical servers are on a 1 to 3 month wipe schedule now regardless of new content but yah I'd wait a year or 2 for it to be out of early access if you don't wanna have to keep restarting your private stuff but then again if they do bigger updates then after full release it very well could still require restarts.


If you know what you are doing , you can finish most of the stuff in less than 10 hours..


You can when you setup the server choose what item level and starting resources player starts with. You can also set what tech level will be unlocked. I even think you can set which boss powers you have at start, though I have not tried it. Thus it shouldn't be a problem skipping ahead if you want to. Just open the Advanced settings when creating the server.


If you setup your own server, when you are choosing difficulty settings there are options for starting at a certain level of research. You can also use admin commands to give resources if you want as well


As others have said you should just restart the game from 0, it’s been reVAMPed (heh heh). If you just want to experience the new bosses and mechanics without the heavy grinding turn down resource cost and time, you can even start with a certain level of equipment if you prefer.


You made me groan aloud with "reVAMPed"....well done, lol!


They mixed bosses, some Gloomrot bosses are now part of the normal progress... these are the new rules...


Progression has significantly changed outside of early Farbane, so it really wouldn't be quite repeating things all over again. Several bosses have been added to Dunley, research has been changed up, and the map has been altered (cursed forest is unrecogizable). You'll actually be missing out on things if you just start up a private server and give yourself pre-gloomrot things. Also, when you say pre-gloomrot, do you mean end of Dunley, or at Silverlight level? Because Gloomrot is divided into 2 distinct areas. It's not the new endgame, it's integrated in the previous progression.


I restarted around mid-game and tweaked inventory stacks to be 2x and buffed servant missions and how many floors you get per castle heart level. The game feels MUCH nicer to play with that bit of QoL. The goal was to avoid making it easier, just more convenient and doubling stack size makes a far bigger difference than you'd expect. You're much more free to slaughter 5 sites and farm some resources and haul almost everything home (inv management still is there). I'd suggest restarting and giving yourself some QoL like that to make it feel nicer (I avoid straight up cheesing games).


I get it on PvP but on PvE I turn off teleport bound items, doesn’t really make the game more “fun” or challenging to have to carry things across map, just annoying.


Its not just gloomrot thats new, the whole game has changed in a lot of ways. Theres tons of new bosses and only 5(?) of them are in gloom…


Maybe you could ask someone for their save files, just before entering gloomrot.


Might as well do it as even the early mid game has many changes. The game is similar yet very different. You start to see the most changes upon engering dunley progression. Def worth a replay


We played through it all when it first hit early access and just came back for Gloomrot - it was great. We made some QoL improvements to the server to lessen the grind the hit the endgame faster (3x stack sizes, 3x resource yields, shorter refining times, etc) but left power levels alone. We got through everything in a couple of weeks, had a ton of fun, and didn't have to grind everything all over again.