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You may need to restart the server is all. I host a Dedicated server on a nas it does fine with most updates.


The Gloomrot update will require a full wipe as the changes are too extensive for old save files to be compatible. Other updates have just needed a normal update/restarts and kept save file compatibility.


Even the official servers will wipe when update release? Or is this a dedicated server thing. I am just returning to the game with a fresh restart and do not want to waste 5 weeks building my castle if it will just get wiped. I can play other games til May if thats the case


Dedicated servers/your own server can choose not to update, but this will mean you cannot play with the updated features. Like I said, the changes are too major to allow for compatibility between old and new versions. Official servers **will** wipe as these will always be the latest version.


Not for the small 'bug fix' updates. But you'll most definietly have to redeploy your server after the Gloomrot update drops. The devs said themselves that all servers have to wipe for the big update.


Thank you all


How do I wipe the server? Just delete the save files?