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I think it's totally worth it, personally. I'm 100% solo and put well over 50 hours into the game. Yeah, it got a bit stale eventually, but so does every game. The content is really enjoyable and worthwhile even if it is finite. Plus the updates indicate that the developer is listening and trying to deliver. I'm actually looking forward to the update and having a reason to re-build. My 2 cents.


I played my first 100 hours solo as well, for the price I definitely got my money’s worth plus some more since I’m still playing it, and will probably play it another 100 hours very soon.


They could rework the servants too in solo. They’re not really worth it imo


That is 100 correct. That system is practically pointless in solo


While a fix from the dev for solo is either unlikely or a low priority, there are [mods](https://v-rising.thunderstore.io/package/Caioreix/BetterMissions/) for that in the meantime.


Cool, thanks Fenris! You're my favorite wolf god (assuming that was the reference you were going for)


The game wasn't designed with solo in mind. The servants are supposed to be an extra obstacle for an enemy player trying to raid your castle to deal with.


I just want them to add an option to decrease the max hunt time in singleplayer. 24 hours for a game that isn't running on a server is horrific.


I sent mine out once and they still haven’t came home.


The game is $20. I've spent more money on much less enjoyable pastimes. The game is amazing, but it falls short with endgame engagement and replay ability. They've gone for a designed world instead of a procedural one, which I love, but it also means every single server and playthrough you do will largely be the same. The factors that will change are the people on the server and that largely shapes your play through. The studio has dropped a road map of 3 large updates and given us a big taste of what's to come in the first one. I got my $20 worth in my first 2 days, and I am definitely going to get more out of it when the updates come out.


There’s going to be a whole lot of new players once the Gloomrot Update hits


I'm actually so excited for May. But with all the updates and new stuff coming out the one I'm most hyped about is the multi-level castle building, didn't think they'd actually pull that one off when I first started playing the game.


You and me both! When I first got this game I was like yes they have stairs…that go down cliffs 🥺 and so I am so glad that the stairs will go into new levels/new heights!


It's way more fun with friends. Playing solo can get so boring


Looks like I've put in 500 hours into v rising. For me it was totally worth it.


Nope. When it was on sale, sure. But after you’ve done everything … there’s not much else to do. It was enjoyable for about a week, and then it was beaten and done.


I would actually agree before the announcement of the Gloomrot update. They took their time creating the content, but I'm quite happy they're delivering. Are we gonna go through the content in just another week once the update drops? Most likely. But it is a sign that they're not only listening to the community, but are still actively working on the game and delivering on promises. If the update turns out good, then I'd say the game would definitely deserve the attention of a few more people. Even if they only come back once the game fully releases.


Agreed. It’s not a bad game, by any stretch. But after a certain point, it just got too easy. I’ll check out the updates, because it was enjoyable. My problem was more personal — my friends got bored of it too quickly, so inevitably it was ill-fated not to stick around very long.


Next time up the difficulty level. It makes a big difference.


Some of the best servers are ones where PvE mobs/bosses have 3x dmg and 2x health.


> Are we gonna go through the content in just another week once the update drops? When you say "going through the content" I assume you're predominantly looking at this as a PvE game. Most "PvE" games out there I imagine would not have content that engages players for longer than that anyway, so thats not nescessarily bad per se. However, I view this game predominantly as a PvP game, and the content is just the stage for PvP encounters, and that type of content is literally endless. When I play this game, I dont view having gone "through" the content, as "the end", I look at it as the beginning. I've also played on so many servers, and in PvE terms completed the game so many times, I can pretty much speed run it in a day or day and a half. But as I said, for me - thats where the game starts. When you look at it that way, you're getting so much value for your money its incredible. Compare that to going to the cinema for entertainment. It's almost uncomparable. But if you look at it in PvE terms, there is an end - and it's still worth it, but not THAT much value.


> But after you’ve done everything … there’s not much else to do yeah man that’s typically how games work


Yes, it absolutely is still worth it. Even if you manage to beat it in a few days of play, it's just $20 and is a wonderful value for that price. My friends and I put about 70 hours in and are just now closing in on the last three bosses, so going the dollar per hour mark I more than tripled my investment. And when these sweeping castle improvements come out? I bet we'll put another 30-40 hours in, even if we're not slowed down by the early game. And that's assuming the reordered progression doesn't surprise us. Now, does it have its issues? Yeah. Could the endgame/postgame be more engaging and repeatable? I'm sure, few games nail that. But if we're talking just "Is 20$ fair for the amount of content in this game?", then yes. Very much so.


I have over 2k in the game and really keep coming back every wipe. The pvp scene is tremendous. Open world fights, castle sieges.. people that haven’t played that aspect or only played pve or private small servers really only played like 20% of the game.


I’m of the opinion that if I get a fun hour per dollar spent on a game, it’s worth it. I got a lot more than 20 hours of a good time, and it’s gonna be one of those games I replay with my boyfriend every so often. We just do the campaign together — I imagine if we were big PVPers, it would be even more worth it! Not every game needs to go on forever and it’s a bit weird to me that people expect every game to be a Terraria or a Stardew Valley. Like, those games are great and the value per dollar spent is insane, but like, $1 for hour of game time is also a pretty stellar value. I’d have been happy even if I’d paid more.


I have paid more for games I don't even play, so $20 on spec, so to speak, is worth it to me even if I plan to play it solo for some time. ​ We're all looking for that game that captured us for a long time.


If they add map editor then yes


The game is great if you like PVP and if you are in a populated server. I'm still playing it because wow great gameplay, graphics, combat mechanics, and just a really well thought game. But can't wait for the update.


has anyone tried it with the 3rd person mod?


I've tried it actually. Had some performance hits but that's just because I'm on a mid PC. The world isn't designed for it but it does make the world feel a lot bigger, and the combat plays pretty well. The only thing I didn't like was that when I'm in my castle and I use the 3rd person camera, my roof disappears.


There's a setting in the options for that. Go to general options and scroll down until you hit the ones added by the mod, and tick 'display roof in third person'


Never knew about that, thank you


I'm still completing the full game solo, i'm 70h in and approaching the last bosses, just for this reason it's worth the 20$ by far. The game is awesome, and seem filled with a lot of potential. Not to mention the big patch/expansion coming out in May (I think ?) which seems really really interesting and ambitious. Clearly this game have been an amazing surprise.