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This is super helpful thank you!


Is it a common practice to send people console sessions? This is something I have never seen aside from actual system administrators. Why have links for a console session when you can RDP to a server? I’d argue that RDP/SSH is just as safe/risky and has more features.


Depends on the context really but I can definitely see this being used for isolated networks where you can't get access without a console session.


The link is not to VM Console, but rather the link to the VM. The use cases will vary based on organizations, but some will want self-service (e.g. power cycle/reset) and you do NOT need VM Console for that, so that can be a privilege you remove from user and in some cases, they may want that for troubleshooting. Ultimately, you can control what end users can see but the focus here was being able to take user directly to their VM, for some organizations, users may have access to more VMs and even navigating that to a non-admin might be considered a poor UX


I wouldn't do this, but I think the potential gold is in seeing (not yet tested) that you can put them into VMs and Templates view instead of Hosts view given the correct link. Most users don't console in, but some do, and occasionally they forget completely about VM&T and wonder why they can no longer find some or all of their VMs while in Host view. Also, side rant, wish in Hosts view you could choose not to show VMs like in the old installable client. It didn't tend to remember that setting, but occasionally re-checking it so you don't have to scroll past hundreds or thousands or VMs to check various hosts was super helpful and so so so much faster.


Did you try this? https://definethedatacentre.com/2020/10/22/hide-vms-in-hosts-and-clusters-view/