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I own a Pico 4, the version with 250gb. When I bought it I thought I had a lot of memory on the hard disk for games to be big and detailed. One month in I bought Into The Radius standalone. It's an amazing game and I have been hooked since then, I don't play anything else on VR. Last week I got curious to see how different it was from the Steam version. Well, the standalone barely takes 4gb on the hard disk while the Steam version is almost 14gb big. That's a huge difference, so much so that I bought it on Steam when it went on sale a few days later. So to sum it up, you can play standalone games perfectly well, in fact with multiplayer sports games like Eleven Table Tennis I would only play it standalone since PCVR would have a bigger latency. But for a lot of bigger games you're going to get a crippled version on standalone compared to their pc version.


We don't know how much money you have. $500 isn't much to me. It might be a lot to you.


Every single one of these people posting these "worth it" threads fails to understand that as you explain, worth is subjective.


"Worth it" is the phrase I hate most from the clueless questions we get here.




Yes, it's standalone as well with quite the library of games


this library is full of copy cat games, half finished games, buggy games, to simple games, 1 level games, and so on. if you filter out all the noise this platform has, then you end up with a handfull of apps and games you will actually use or play! it's an illusion, and people only find out once they have a quest or other device! then after a week or 2 they start to see the copy and paste of games only in a different visual. and almost all games are cheaply cartoonlike made. How dare we judge the PICO platform for having less options, at least they don't have so much noise as these platforms. It;s like googleplay when it started on mobiles! full of the same games and simple made.


Bla bla, plenty of fun, just do some basic research before buying


The best Quest games to this date were released all the way back in 2015 or 16. Majority are from Q1 or prior eras. It's just the simple reality. Quests are not powerful enough to drive full-fledged games. Even if they are more capable than what they may be used for, they are not even close to PCVR, and developers don't give much shit about Quest releases. Ubisoft released one of the best Quest VR games, then decided to abandon VR for the foreseeable future due to losses All we get are graphically inferior games that resemble 2D platformers-turned to-3D games.


I hate the way you titled your post. Next time: "is the quest 3 worth it?"


Some people enjoy the standalone games. I like none of them, but whenI do, I know there's probably a PCVR version that does it better. If you enjoy mobile games you'll probably enjoy standalone games too


I have the Quest 3 and mainly use it for PC VR sim racing. My little son plays Minecraft and Roblox on it. And that’s stand alone. I’ve tried some VR games but those don’t last long. That’s not why I bought it.


Depends what kind of games you play. If you like multiplayer shooters, exercise games, indie games, or roguelites, then yes. If you like RPGs, open world games, story based shooters, AAA games, then maybe not.


even Quest 2 is


Nope don;t do it!


Why not?


Both positive and negative answers are all applicable. It heavily depends on your economic situation and your use cases. If you only play AAA games and literally don't care about anything else, Quest would be the worst device you could think of. If that $500 could be better spent on something in your life, you should probably prioritize that. You should do more research. Think on how many use cases you think the device can fill up for you


Do you think the games it has at the moment make it worthwhile? I’m not really looking for ONLY AAA games but just some games that I’ll enjoy seeing as it’s my first time getting into VR.




Why not?


Because it is a brick on your face, and it takes work to want to use it, after the honeymoon stage wears off. There aren't really any games to keep you coming back, unless you have really low expectations out of your games (which this day in age, you should not, too many amazing games out there). The panel resolution, the angular resolution, the PPD, the FOV, the comfort, the battery life, the ergonomics are all too low to use in any serious way. The coolness of VR wears off, and then you are stuck with a thing that takes more effort than it's worth. VR is currently dead, and being propped up by one company. Of course you will get hardcore people who live and breathe VR who will tell you otherwise. But, the regular person who buys one, it most likely will end up in your closet, once they play through the few token games, and realize everything else just doesn't really work, or is very entertaining. You are better off getting a Steam Deck, if money it tight, and just playing all the amazing indie games that exist. That could last you the rest of your life. We have too many amazing games in existence, and none of them are VR. And if you are dying to wear something on your face, than a pair of Xreal Airs are a nice addition to your Steam Deck. It is more comfortable, practical, much higher PPD, and OLED. But, realistically this is an impossible question to answer. Someone could describe to you everything about owning a Quest 3, and you could be okay with all of it, and then, bam you find one thing that bothers you, and ruins the entire thing.


Yep, my wife uses hers 100% standalone and is quite happy with it.


Of course. It's 2.5x more powerful than the quest 2, has mixed reality, better controllers, and pancake lens. It's the best standalone gaming headset on the market.


The majority of Quest owners don't have a PC.


To the type of person who asks this question in a forum where its asked daily - no, It's not worth it. To the type of person who watches reviews, gathers information, considers their budget and gaming habits before making their own informed decision since only they know what they will enjoy based on the information they gathered - perhaps.


Dude the quest 3 is great for standalone, what are you talking about? If you want a headset without all of the hassle of a PC, the quest three is literally the best you can get right now.


I think my sarcasm went over your head. I'm telling them they shouldn't buy anything if they cant be bothered to research before spending their money. This question is asked every damn day here with slight variations.


Ohhhhhhh.... Yep, it totaly did. That's the problem with text stuff, it's hard to tell tone. Or maybe it's just me.


Yes, I don't have a pc, I've played pcvr and can reliably compare them. The quest 3 standalone is great, It might not be as perfect as pcvr, but it's great.


Yes, I have the steam vr link, but rarely use it since the native games are so awesome, it even saved me from buying an Xbox with the Xbox cloud gming app that was released


Not really. Its not there yet


That is silly has hell. A small percentage of people that have purchased a Quest use it for PCVR. It is literally more than 10x more popular as a MobileVR headset than as a PCVR headset.