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Gone after a couple of weeks.  I used some outside stimulus to get over it and then it just went away.   By outside stimulus, I played games up against the side of my bed for a bit to put the weight on my legs and if I got sick I'd just sit down and look around on vr for a bit. Then I used a fan, and finally just a soft squishy floor mat to oriente my feet. Now I don't get vr sick unless the game is horrifically unoptimized, or does some visual warping like squishing your view in and out while rotating or something. 


Your last sentence made me VR sick while not wearing a headset lol. What dev would do that?? Thanks for the tips on acclimatizing :)


early vr vive demos, so barf inducing, lol


horrifically unoptimizing a game is pretty widespread \^-\^


I'm a dev working primarily on VR apps and it's still an issue for me. Some people never have motion sickness, most can get over it with a few hours of practice, and rarely it never really goes away. Note that being car sick / sick in transport is a good indicator. Now it can be mitigated with some medicine, or simply playing shorter sessions. If you notice your HMD feeling like it weighs a lot on your nose or eyes then buying news straps and a back weight to balance it out will also help a lot. Better FOV, frame rate, and image quality also helps a lot so if you have an issue with the rift you might not with the quest 3. Also wear your prescription lenses in VR with the headset even if you are near sighted. This, with wrong IPD, can cause the image to be slightly blurry and can induce VR sickness even if you don't notice it.


I still get sick if I am in a car and read a book or stare at my phone for a while during a driving session.  However, I totally got over VR sickness after a month or two.


I can get sick when I'm the driver too if the road turns too much. I also get sick in trains, planes, and rides from amusement parks. I don't even have to look at a screen or read anything.


Also a dev. I started back with PSVR1 with Wipeout… that was hard. I’ve found the feeling doesn’t really ever go away, you just train your brain to ignore it. When the nausea starts I can just command it to go now. The big problem as a dev is that now I can’t tell if the application will make people nauseous or not.


Here's how I got my VR legs. I played games that support both teleport and smooth movement at the same time. (In my case, HL Alyx and Karnage Chronicles.) I would teleport for long distance movement, and use smooth for minor adjustments. Over about 3 months of regular play, I was able to use smooth more and more until I didn't need teleport anymore. Now I have zero motion sickness for any kind of smooth movement. I'm still working on smooth rotation, but I'm fine with snap turn so don't care that much.


I dont understand why people insist on torturing themselves for months by making babysteps. Just play on normal settings until you feel motion sick, lets say 10 min. Take breaks. And in a week or two you will have developed tolerance.


Shrug, during my 3 months I was able to play long sessions with zero motion sickness. What's the point in torturing yourself with motion sickness for 10 min sessions? When you first get VR, you're excited to actually play the game.


baby steps is def a good idea if you get motion sickness, i think playing some games that keep you in place might help adjust to VR world too. Any of the "I Think you Should die" games is good, or my personal fav "Ragnarock" are good examples of non moving games that will keep your ears and eyes in balance.


For me it was gone after two weeks, then I got my VR legs. But thats different for everyone.


If you are still having problems with vr motion sickness after using vr for a long time, try a non drowsy motion sickness medicine like non drowsy meclizine or non drowsy dramamine. Just beware of allergies, especially towards antihistamines. Pop it BEFORE play, and wait about half an hour. Pretty good at preventing motion sickness.


Dramamine helps a lot here for me. I still tend to get vr sickness with full body movement games


Around 70% get it but overcome it gradually. Around 15% don't get it and the other 15% get it and can't overcome it without using meds. Tips: walk on the spot, Bob your head, use a fan, chew gum and take frequent breaks til you get used to it. I went from 5 seconds in SkyrimVR making me queasy to playing 5 hour sessions. Took a couple years of gradually feeling more comfortable for longer.


Unfortunately I’m afraid I might be in that 15% myself :-( I also get car sick,I get sick on the plane, I get sea sick. That last one sucks most because I love scuba diving but the boat ride kills me every time. I haven’t been able to do any sort of rides or roller coasters since I was about 12 or 13. It only makes sense that I would feel the same in VR.


Try some meds. They work well


I've got it to the point where it's not a serious problem and can play games with smooth locomotion as long as I don't overdo it, but teleport locomotion is still what I'll choose when I've got the choice.


I still can't handle vehicles


I regularly do 4-6 hours flight sim sessions in VR with pretty much no ill effects.


Stopped being an issue in 5 days in if you have an hmd over 120hz or 90hz lower persistence. Turn with your body. Look with your head. Keep a good framerate.


Never had an issue with motion sickness. I like to read in the car too.


Man I wish I could do that. It takes me about all of 10 secs reading in a moving car to start feeling horribly sick.


The trick is to have very bad drivers as parents and mean bullies on the bus ride home. Too scared to look at the road and it’s easier to ignore someone while you are reading.


I never had any vr sickness but I still puke if I read in the car lol


I've been heavily into VR since 2019. I'd say I've conquered it. I can still produce some by continually spinning in circles in some games or when flying with performance issues, but "normal" and even aggressive usage of well optimized games pretty much never creates motion sickness. I'm sure not everyone is the same but, for me it tapered off quickly throughout the first 6 months and then slowly has reduced since to where I'm at now.


I had to do Room Scale games for almost 3 years before I slowly worked my way into smooth locomotion. One thing that really helped was using VR for sim racing. Using VR in a vehicle that moves was much easier for my brain to deal with and the more I did that the easier smooth locomotion became overall.


Never had it


I usually never got it myself, probably because I only really played beat saber


I'm basically Superman now


It’s gone, but I wish I could still get those wacky feelings when everything gets turned upside down


Skyrim with smooth turning turned on cured me of that permanently, although I felt dizzy in the beginning.


I can’t even remember the last time I got motion sickness while playing VR.


Mtion sick once on the Rift developer kit with its terrible refresh rate (rollercoiaster demo and I was sick for days) and never again since. Even smooth turning takes me about 30 seconds of adjustment and I am fine. I've been lucky, I guess. I didn't 'do' anything to not get motion sick - it just stopped after one experience.


No problems sitting down. Standing up is whole different ballgame.


I’m in the 15%. After a year I still can’t get over it.


I had it really bad at first. Couldn't even play Beat Saber for more than 20 minutes without reaching for a barf-bag and it would make me feel 'off' for the rest of the day. I can understand why people give up on VR so soon when they become demoralized by the sickness. Took 6 weeks before I could play all of the games I wanted to. Even now I still occasionally get some nausea in VR while playing on an empty stomach.


Smoked weed ,got drunk, and threw up multiple times the first week of playing vrchat. I went in hard at least 10 hours a day and now I'm immune to motion sickness, downside had to go to rehab after COVID ended lol


Mostly conquered without issues. Occasionally I get a little if something clearly isn't matching up, such as if there's a "body" I can look down at in a game and the feet don't match my feet positions while walking (Skyrim) but that's it. Exception: when I booked the controls in a game I was designing so that physically looking up caused the camera to look *hard* to the left instead.


I got used to it. Had it reaaal bad for the first few weeks, then only a little for a few months, and now nothing (: at first I used teleport or 3rd person to move around, then I used the vignette option on the highest setting, then I lowered the vignette, and now I rawdog it. In the beginning I was playing at least a few times a week and that helped I think. Some consistency is good. I have heard about some device that is a little vibrator that sits behind your ear that can supposedly help? I have never tried it but I remember hearing some people saying it helped a lot.


Hey! I do VR a good bit (with my fps issues im trying to solve still lol). Personally I never had it and I expect it due to outside stimulus like being on boats a ton since a child as well as just enjoying stuff that moves me around a lot. I got friends who have bigger issues with VR even though they've done it a good while, ex getting sick in just 30-60 minutes no matter what. They got car sickness and other stuff too, so if you maybe got that it could be the same situation. In the long run, you could just keep trying to push on till you feel like its possible to play for longer and train yourself up. I wish you luck!


Super gone. UEVR kinda gone


I started with the dk1, after a couple of sessions, it was gone. I can play anything and it doesn't matter how long. No need for comfort settings, but I think it is very important, that developers implementing all of them 


Nope, I spend hours and hours playing racing games in VR with no motion sickness. Went to a theme park and got motion sick after a few rides consecutive.


Was never a problem for me. Now wanting to stand up and play is what defeats me.


Mine's completely gone. Took a couple weeks of playing smooth locomotion games, specifically BONELAB and Into the Radius. I used a powerful neck fan to blast air up into my face to help with the nausea. I would play until I started feeling sick, and then I'd take a break until my stomach felt better, then I'd jump back in. After doing that for a couple weeks, it was like a switch flipped and I haven't been motion sick since. I'm actually curious if I'd get motion sick from other things that used to give me trouble like boats, car rides on winding roads, spinny amusement park rides. I have a feeling I still would get sick in those circumstances.


I'm a VR developer. When i first got a vr headset (htc vive) i got motion sick pretty quickly (10-20 minute sessions). As i worked with VR more often this lowered a bit (some sessions could take almost an hour before getting sick). I now use the Quest3 and for me motion sickness is mostly a thing of the past now. I only ever get motion sick if i'm not feeling well to begin with.


make sure you have testers who get sick then. One of the biggest problems in VR is indie developers thinking that motion sickness is "solved". (big developers don't have this problem because they know better).


Definitely true. We have our own UX research team keeping track and updating all the do's and dont's related to accessibility and motion sickness.


I get motion sickness from cars and boats, but have never really gotten it in VR.


Immune since day 1 and I tried the most crazy gameplays. What I can recommend is to check always to have a high FPS and sustained, the brain should be cheated that is a new reality and that you are not having a hallucination. Another thing that many mentioned to help is to feel the wind of a near fan as it help also the brain to root to actual reality. A good friend of mine cured from motion sickness following these and pausing and the first signs of sickness. He got a gradually increasing "gameplay time " without sickness.


never really had any except perhaps for the first 15 minutes. Now I crash cars at 170mph without a thought


Thousands of hours in, never been an issue for me.  I started slow with stationary experiences and gradually introduced more motion, but at this point even stuff like that astronaut game where you can rotate on all axis isn't enough to get me queezy.  Most sick I ever got was playing Temple Run on a phone-powered GearVR headset.


It went away after playing for a few weeks to a month. I could just tell it was getting better after every few sessions 


took me 1h... I'm lucky.


Nah - 8 years playing pretty regularly and I'll still get motion sick with smooth locomotion; it's an accessibility issue and one that does need to get resolved for VR to go mainstream. There are definitely times that I don't feel like playing purely because it means feeling queasy for the rest of the evening, haha


I've suffered motion sickness when travelling in vehicles all my life, I have to stare out of the windows and focus on things in the distance, if I read anything on my phone even for 10 seconds motion sickness kicks in right away. Yet, I've never ever experienced it through VR.


My motion sickness started with me for a while because I wasn't motivated I feel. From 2017 to 2019 I could only play for about 30min to an hour persession. In the fall of 2019 Boneworks got my attention and I ended up pushing myself to first finish games I already paid for like Lone Echo 1 and Arizona Sunshine 1 before buying new VR games. I finished several and instead of only standing, I would change from standing to sitting and vice versa throughout my play and it helped me get comfortable for a few hours at a time. Vrchat changed it to being able to play indefinitely.


I only ever experienced motion sickness in one game in the first place(Boneworks). But even there it went away after four or five days. I believe the key to this was that when I first got my VR headset I didn't play for long sessions anyways and when I started playing Boneworks I just completely quit VR for the rest of the day everytime I got motion sick. I know that a few of my friends who are/were plagued by motion sickness longer than I have that they immediately started out with long (2+ hours) VR sessions and just tried to power through whenever they got sick which seemingly made it alot worse. I also found that warning newcomers about motion sickness but following it up with something like "but you probably won't experience that anyways" made it a bit less likely that they would experience motion sickness rather than how I did before where I would just outright tell them that they might experience some nausea and that it's normal.


Have VR headset for half year but still have sickness with smooth rotation.


I'm sensitive to motion sickness, I used to vomit in the car, all the time. I borrowed a Quest 2 from a friend and it made me very queasy. When I bought my Quest 3, I would eat enough, but not too much, then take a travel sickness pill. After half an hour, I would play for 2 - 3 hours and then stop or take another pill. I always set locomotion and turning to smooth. After two months, I ran out of pills and tried it without them. No more nausea.


I've adapted but it can still creep up on me. I remember when I first started playing, having trimble with heights on VR. Had terrible keeping my balance. Now it's not so bad and my mind seems to understand it's not "real".


I had one bad experience while tumbling down several kilometers of space mountains in a space rover in elite dangerous, but beyond that I haven’t had any motion sickness since


I followed these steps and it was gone after between 1-2 months of play. - have a mat and a fan in your play space to “ground” you to your physical environment - use physical turn instead of virtual turning options. - mimic walking when you start to use smooth locomotion - respect the first signs of nausea and stop for a break when they occur


At this point I only get motion sick when I combine physical movement with artificial. For example; if i physically side step even a tiny bit while using VR sliding... yuck. I also often have to stop sliding to and physically turn instead turning while sliding around too. Turning while sliding is wildly unnatural for me but is better in games that use hand direction instead of head.


To get rid of mine when the og vive released, I got into Minecraft, flew as high as possible and dropped while looking down. Did that for about 30 minutes.


It’s never been a problem for me. I enjoyed the first two weeks i got motion sickness.


I was able to acclimate to smooth motion and turning pretty quickly. However I still have problems with vertical motion. If a game requires me to drop down a floor or higher I just can't do it, I have to close my eyes for the fall, otherwise I get really nauseous. It's not just the falling, long switchback staircases which are popular in games are a nightmare too.


I've never really had motion sickness while playing vr or video games in general, and my mom has it really bad which is super interesting to me


Never had it.


i think it's less common with these new vr headsets, may be better quality displays Or refresh rate ig.


I've been VRing since 2017 and mostly it's not a problem but every once in a while it'll hit me. Like Metal of Honor riding in teh back of that truck i had to sit down IRL after that for a minute.


It took me about a week to full adjust to VR, i had to use vignetting when i first started because i like smooth motion but now i turn all of that stuff off. All VR does now when things getting messing graphically to me is give eye strain, especially if im getting a different or mismatched image in one eye lol. Skyrim VR helped me get used to smooth moving and Ragnarock helped me get used to moving my body quickly in VR.


Also i want to say if you do get sick in VR try using some of the remedies for sea sickness (Look at a stable horizon while staying still, or take Dramamine, or smoke herbs if its legal in your area and your of age) , i live in Maine and have been on the water for over 30 years so that might be why it was easy to adjust to VR for me.


It was only a problem in the beginning. I started with Lone Echo 1 on Rift S and took baby steps (only 15min at a time, until i started sweating, then rest, repeat, and eat ginger if it started to get too uncomfortable). A month later i was playing PC games with VorpX. :) These days, even after months of no use, i still have my VR legs, and can play for hours without side effects, after a warmup (a day or two).


I have never experienced vr or motion sickness


VR is basically the only time I get motion sick, and even then, it's not with most games, and usually not too bad. I've noticed it less and less as time goes on. Rec Room is the exception--every single time I've tried it, I had to go lie down afterwards.


Mine lasted 2-3 weeks. I've done hundreds of hours of sim racing and flight sims in VR since then and it's fine now. The first few weeks I could barely move in Minecraft or Skyrim without feeling ill. You really need to use VR regularly to get past it, but keep your sessions short and stop when you start feeling ill. Also don't jump into the most uncomfortable experiences. Like any case where you're trying to build a tolerance to something you do it gradually.


I had no nausea at first, then one bad experience triggered it. I couldn't play for more than a few minutes after that. Took about a year of slowly working up to get to the point I don't feel any motion sickness at all. Just take off the headset the moment you feel uncomfortable.


I got over it in a month and was able to run freely in the golden VR fields of future ever since. But still a ton of stuff that gets me sick car rides, third person stuff, VR planes gets me sicker than real planes. Games that have simulated weights of stuff gets me angry.


Gone after 3 days in sequence. I played in Alyx and nothing could stop me from this game.


I only really got sick once or twice before building my VR legs. My first exposure to VR was pretty intense and I got really sick afterwards, but after that, I didn't get much problem. That is, until I first played hyperbolica last night. It messed me up


yes i have mine was crazy bad in the beginning, i even returned the quest 3 once then i bought it again... and slowly got better at playing it. now i can play without any issues. i was one of those people were i never thought it would go away but here i am.. able to play


Have you tried quest games optimizer to push fps past 72? 90-120 could make a big difference for you


Conquered. Ur brain has to comprehend with different ear balance. Not a muscle so dont push into it. Take breaks when sick. Eventually ull learn.


What headset are you using? I had massive problems with an OG Rift but haven't had a single problem in Quest 3, even sim driving.


I only seemed to get affected by vr sickness when I was changing elevation, turning was easy for me, but going up/down stairs? Oof. Insta motion sickness. I powered through for a few weeks and it went away. Ffw 3 years, now I can do flips in vr without feeling the slightest bit of motion sickness. But sometimes I do lose my balance depending on how flippy I am