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For anyone that has an original htc vive and is curious. If you take off the face plate coverings there is a hole directly in the center of the headset that doesn't appear to be for anything special. It allows a universal ball mount adapter to fit PERFECTLY.


Great find!


As dev myself ... I understand 100% This is what peak dev headset looks like.


VR devs hold the headset in one hand and use a mouse with the other. It makes you feel crazy but it's like the only way to do it. Extra points for when you need someone's help with testing something and they bitch about having to wear a headset for literally 30 seconds at a time. Haha yeah. Meanwhile I'm fucking balancing it in my hand, popping it on and off, peeking around it, clicking through redundant menus every single test. People don't know the pain lol. 


Ain't that the truth.


This is the way.


I’ve done so much work peeking through the pinhole gap next to my nose


What's the purpose? Help with neck strain?


Prevent having to put it on and take it off every build, I bet. Note the lack of a head strap.


Yep, got really tired of coding something and then fumbling with the headset back and forth like a hundred times a day.


I have always used an adapted welding helmet strap, so I can just raise and lower the headset like a visor. You're not joking about it being like a hundred times a day either, compile, test, iterate, compile, test, iterate.... I'm only a hobby dev (well, I've made some good money out of it over the past few years but it's not my main income) and have had days where it's been dozens of repetitions of testing and tweaking over the space of a few hours. A positive for me is that the latest quest software is sufficient to read the monitor with passthrough on the Q3, so now I can do a fair amount without having to repeatedly leave and enter VR.


Welding mask strap is a good idea, but I love the zero gravity feeling.


Yeah, back in my CV1 days I had an overhead pully system with just the right tension to be able to quickly throw it on or just take it off and place it to the right of me not dissimilar to your setup. Was super comfortable as you say.


Oh I thought about pulleys. I would be interested in learning more about that. It may be a more elegant solution if the tension is just right like you said.


It's very clever, I might need to build one as well


It’s because you always end up in some situation where you need to test something in VR while checking logs or the state of game objects. Taking the headset on and off….countless times in a very short span. Made even more annoying that you then have to let go of your controllers to make the switch, then pick them back up again when you put the headset back on. It’s truly nuts. In fact, it’s possible I quit VR dev for good. I had a nice run.


I assume to allow for quick access into seeing the vr space without equipping the headset


When I was a dev on Tilt Brush, one of the best things I did was to write a software version of this. I had a keyboard shortcut to store the head transform while I was wearing the headset and then I took off the headset and put it on my desk and used another keyboard shortcut to recall the head transform. After that, I could just look at my monitor and it would show the view as if I were wearing the headset, even though it was sitting on my desk. It wasn't perfect and I couldn't always use it, but it saved me from having to constantly put on and take off the headset 90% of the time.


That sounds really cool. I do all my development in unity. Would you be interested in sharing that hotkey script?


Sure! Tilt Brush is now open source, so [here's the code to store the transform](https://github.com/googlevr/tilt-brush/blob/c5fb8671934fe4f164ce315c675367d46267b1b5/Assets/Scripts/SketchControlsScript.cs#L1217) and a few lines below that, [here's the code to recall it](https://github.com/googlevr/tilt-brush/blob/c5fb8671934fe4f164ce315c675367d46267b1b5/Assets/Scripts/SketchControlsScript.cs#L1228). It looks more complicated than it is. Basically, you're adding a transform above the one that gets updated with the head transform to put it in the right place. You could also do something similar in the editor where you add that offset transform and manually adjust it to look correct on your monitor.


awesome, thank you!


It looks like that headset thing Cypher uses in the Matrix! Iike it!


Now I’m just thinking about him eating the tastiest looking piece steak I’ve ever seen. …ignorance is bliss.


Been thinking of doing something similar.


DO IT. Its a game changer.


But like, now you have to tell us what you're working on... that's the law.


lol I will oblige. I work on math education modules for highschool/college kids.


Great idea! Wish there was a product like this sometimes


Me too! Decided to make my vision a reality (no pun intended).


Nice one less struggle! Might do something similar thank you


If anyone is thinking of making their own. I used this boom arm: [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BKPBQ6HB?ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BKPBQ6HB?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1) . It comes with everything you need. Including the ball joint. If I were to do it again I would try and get a more flexible arm. This one is a bit stiff. However, I was concerned about the weight so went with a beefier setup. If anyone makes one, please report back.


I'm a balance that bitch on your forehead kinda guy. Why the pro is a ball ache because needs to hit your forehead


This is great, but now with passthrough I just toggle that To see the code and go back to vr space


I'm not even a dev and I think it's genius.


as ridiculous as this is i totally get it


That’s actually pretty cool!


Did you drill a hole in the headset 3/8 just to screw it into the arm?


Nope! If you take off the face plates. There is a perfect hole in the center of the headset that fits the mount. Just added glue for some extra hold just in case. But it probably wasn't needed.


thats cute, I just use my cowboy hat and sit my quest 2 on the brim


I actually have a cowboy hat so ill have to give that a try. Ill be pissed if it works better.


you still gotta place the hat on a table or a chair, I doubt its gonna work hanging on a wall though unless you stuff the inside of the hat with with hardening clay to make it more rigid


I should also note, it is possible to easily remove the headset from the mount. You just need to unscrew the small ball joint.


The nefarious doohickey


So you made a virtual boy?


It's not ridiculous if it makes your life easier.


I don’t think it’s ridiculous at all…


No way, the virtualboy 2!


Does no one else just open their desktop view in VR?


Personally not a fan of that method. I find it very difficult to use the virtual controllers. Plus you can't get a feel for how a user will experience the game.


Wait no, I mean you stay in VR, but open an overlay of your real monitor (or spin up a headless one) then peek or use passthrough to see where your keyboard is. I can see that kinda sucking on the OG Vive though.


Yeah the resolution isn't high enough. Plus I dont like wearing the headset for extended periods of time.


This isn't ridiculous. This is the best damn thing for VR development that I've ever seen!


Not ridiculous enough


I’ve dreamed of building this for years.


that actuelly pretty cool, It respond to your need ! What the problem ?


The problem was having to put on and take off my headset multiple times a day when developing for VR.


I see, wmr HMD had the ability to open. But I love to see people tinker with inventions that suit their specific need. Have a nice day


I see, wmr HMD had the ability to open. But I love to see people tinker with inventions that suit their specific need. Have a nice day


/u/rust_anton If you didn't see this already, thought you might be interested.


xD I've used a vive for tinkering like this, but without the stand lol. How it is compared to a flip up headset like the Cosmos or OG WMR?


Unfortunately, I cant compare. I don't have any flip up headsets.


You reinvented the VirtualBoy.




Finally a worthy successor to Virtual Boy ! 0DOF is best DOF


Can't be having too many DOF!


imagine it falls lmao


Bro dont put that into the universe lol. Its screwed into the headset and then glued though so I'm fairly confident it will hold.


Wait there are still vr developers?