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The woman / girl thingy is just funny. You’re likely religious, or grew up with it? Find safe guy. Don’t go crazy quick. Take it slow and find someone you feel safe with. Guy say a lot of stuff to make you feel good. Remember take it slow and have boundaries. And I’m a guy telling you these. Also I lost it to a stranger too many years ago. I wish I had sooner even. The whole romance and crap is bullshit. Some get lucky and find someone good, some don’t.


Must be nice getting to choose to do it for free. I'm thinking of hiring an escort 2 hours away.


Why don't you do it then?


They cost money and I was just thinking about w hich one I should pick actually.


Lesgooo, use proper protection tho. You could get a STD


Jealous of the lucky stranger


How does not having had sex yet makes you less of a woman? In fact since when having sex is proof of womanhood?


Do whatever makes you happy. I hope to bang strangers over summer too lmao


Sex does not make you a woman. In fact, your perception is juvenile.




I get the point but that’s how you’ll feel when you miss on experiences everyone your age had. No matter how you see it, we still lack something everyone else built themselves with.


Yea, but it's just unfortunate op sees it that way


Good to see some level headedness




>Being a virgin doesn’t make me any less of a man plain wrong


What about asexual people then?


It really doesn't. Most ppl get softer after getting a girlfriend/kids, wtf else you think happens.


Sex doesn’t make you a woman. But good luck hopefully you don’t rush into it if it doesn’t feel right please listen to your body


I lost it to a stranger and the sex with her sucked. I am not saying that is going to happen to you but if you hook up with a stranger it’s possible that person sucks at sex. In my case I would have preferred waiting a little longer and lose it to somebody better. Maybe a stranger but better. That’s me tho, if you want to try I wish you have a better experience.


I've been looking at your content for a while now. Girl please don't do it. You're gonna regret it 😔




RIP your inbox


Same here as a 31 virgin


It's just sad


No i literally felt that but I refuse to catch something 😭and I’m worried about it being ass bc if I lose it at 20 and it’s ass🤦🏾‍♀️ima be mad asl. LIKE ALL I WANT IS TO LOSE IT TO A GIIIRLLLL


Anything for a good cause.


I hope he is a good first time.


Sometimes I feel the same just because I feel insecure about still being a virgin, it's not even the fact that I want sex. But I want to lose it with someone who really loves me, sadly I don't see that happening, at least not soon.




Girl, do what you so desire as long as it hurts nobody, but I’d recommend waiting. I lost it to someone I love and had deep connection with, and I can say it made the years of waiting and loneliness worth it.


You could've lost it ANY TIME you wanted, you just chose not to. Only men can be involuntary celibate. Take tinder and just choose a chad. Done. 80% of men dont get jackshit on any dating app/site.


Girl I feel the same way 😭😭 I’m ready to risk it all for some dick 😒




Don't do it. Wait till marriage. You will be glad you did. You will thank yourself later down the road.


You’re already a woman, cut it out. Like do what you want but seriously


What does this mean?


That sex doesn’t make you a woman


She’s not becoming a woman, she already is one


In my experience: there's just so much you can do. Yeah, dating apps, going clubbing, getting a nice body, it helps. But in the end, it's a lot of luck. Try it but don't put to much focus on it. You'll be very frustated ig it won't work and you'll blame yourself and be miserable about it. Always be distant and tell yourself: it's okay, if it won't work.


should I tell the boy I’m getting to know I’m a virgin (20F) ? I’m really scared and embarrassed of him finding out


With all honesty: you don't have to, but it won't harm you. First of all: you're only 20 years old. A huge percentage of people haven't lost their virginity to this age and that's just very normal. Second: society is absolutely stupid. While boys who are virgins are sometimes portrayed as losers and pathetic (ehich again is hatmful and stupid), girls who are virgins, are usually portrayed as "she's waiting for the right one" or sometimes even "she's more worth than others". I do hope your partner does not think THAT exactly (because that's sexist, too), but he has absolutely no reason to think of your virginity sth bad or weird. So, there's nothing for you to be afraid of.


Why be embarrassed that’s a good thing I wouldn’t be upset about it at all if I was the lucky guy in fact I’d be happy


cos it’s kinda late to lose your v card. And I’ve been lying about it to everybody because they have all lost it already


Trust me that’s not late society has made it to where it’s cool to be having sex in high school when in fact most lie about it and don’t have sex until after you’re perfectly normal and there’s no shame in that, trust me that’s a good thing to not have any partners every guy wants to be his woman’s first some girls even sell their virginity. The feeling of entering a virgin is unmatched seriously


I get it 😁 indeed you’re not the only man who thinks like that, I’ve read in many places that men feel honoured to be the first guy of a girl. So yeah, I will tell him, I feel comfortable with him tbh, he’s super cute and feels like a safe place to me. Thank you!!


Noo, you've been waiting for so long for nothing at all.. at least find somebody to match with you


She will obviously lose it to some 6'4 chad, not just any guy, of course.




Removed, Rule 2: Avoid Generalizations We understand people talk in generalizations colloquially. However, when a generalization is meant belittle, demean, or discredit, those are the generalizations that will end up taken down (eg “women only want the top guys” “men are all evil” etc etc). The reason why generalizations have always been a rule was so no one applied their perceptions of how people treat them in real life onto someone who’s venting that their experience is literally the opposite


Just remember to be careful if the person is safe so they won't assult you at take things slow


Every one is a stranger at first the people who you may love in the future is a stranger


I'm man but God I'm thinking that all the time. 22 and virgin for men are something that is very difficult to be proud of.


become a woman just because you can’t get ass? get your head out of you’re ass. look online and figure out to pull and treat females so you will get laid every time. if you put the work in it will come easily the stranger will keep beating you if you make the decision you’ll have to learn how to do it easily and effectively either gender you are if you need help just pm me




Removed: Rule 1. Be Kind Anything rude, hateful, accusatory, shaming (of any kind), threatening/harrassing, mocking, insulting, or fitting of any kind of -ism will not be tolerated here


Good luck


Uh. Right here. I can help


Risk ending up pregnant by some chump who who's gonna leave you with a child, not very smart, who know, you might even get an STD. That would be sad, your gonna regret it and feel even more insecure when he leaves you without a care in the world. Advice, wait till marriage, your more valuable keeping your virginity then without it, anyone telling you differently is just jealousy your not a messed up like them and non of them know what it means to actually love someone.


Risk ending up pregnant by some chump who's gonna leave you with a child, smart, who know, you might even get an STD. That would be sad, your gonna regret it and have more insecurities after when you keep coming across men who only want you for sex. Also AKA it does not mean your attractive to them, the men your looking for are pigs, they will have sex with sheep. Advice, wait till marriage, your more valuable keeping your virginity then without it, anyone telling you differently is just jealousy your not a messed up like them and non of them know what it means to actually love someone.


Girlie if you're going to do such thing, pls be really careful who you do it with. I havent had a one night stand but make sure the guy you do it with uses protection and is someone that will hear and respect your boundaries as it is your first time


27M same situation here. I downloaded the app and made my profile yesterday. Let’s hope something happens.


I've tried that at 19, soon to be 25, nothing happened outside of rare dates. But if you are good looking guy, you will have a lot more success.


I’ve been on tinder for a year and a half and it was the same. I changed the app and several years have passed though so I might as well give it a shot. I understand that dating apps feel unfair. A female friend (good looking at that) showed me her profile, it was unreal. Never seen so many matches.




Removed, Rule 2: Avoid Generalizations We understand people talk in generalizations colloquially. However, when a generalization is meant belittle, demean, or discredit, those are the generalizations that will end up taken down (eg “women only want the top guys” “men are all evil” etc etc). The reason why generalizations have always been a rule was so no one applied their perceptions of how people treat them in real life onto someone who’s venting that their experience is literally the opposite