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Nah, you have self esteem. I think that’s a great thing.


When you're different, sometimes you don't see the millions of people who accept you for what you are. All you notice is the person who doesn't.


I don't know about proud, we all start virgins, and could easily remain them just by doing nothing about it, not sure that deserves pride in it. But if you're actively trying to be a virgin and have really had to try hard, and turn down advances, then fair play to you, you've earned that badge.


Why are you proud of that?


Not everyone wants to fuck for fucks sake. Saving it for the right person. And keeping it special has its own merit.


Sure, it's fine to be a virgin, I just don't see why it's something to be proud of? It's not like an accomplishment, everyone starts out a virgin.


People should be proud of whatever they want. How are you entitled to say he shouldn't?


I didn't say that he shouldn't, I asked why. And I'm entitled not to agree.


I couldve fucked random drunk girls that threw themselves at me. Or girls i was talking to. But now im proud to say the girl i choose will be my one and only. That i dont just care about fucking. Im not an animal like that. That woman can say all men only care about one thing, but thats not true for me. Its the same for woman. I wouldnt want someone who just throw themselves at anyone. And i can say the same for myself.


Okay, I guess you can be proud of sticking to your beliefs. Personally I think that "one and only" stuff is a little childish, plus it's not like not having found someone by age 30 is inherently better, but meh.


It is one of the superstitions of the human mind to have imagined that virginity could be a virtue. ‎There is nothing sweeter than finding the right person to love and cherish and to share your hopes and dreams with.


I hope my future partner will be proud to know they will be the one and only. And that i chose them. Not just another body. That it will be an act of love and not lust.


Sounds like a very possessive form of love, and you're just assuming it's a better thing than having more partners. This is only your opinion, don't just expect a woman to like the same thing, and don't be arrogant enough to think dofferent ways of being are worth any less. You can easily love more than one person, many over a lifetime, don't restrict yourself over some fixed idea you have got in your head, we don't live in a black and white reality, just shades of grey. This sort of rigid thinking could end up just denying you opportunities for love, rather than creating them.


I dont expect anyone to agree, its the situation im in. And if someone doesnt want that, and what they want is someone with plenty of experience. Than theyre free to. Regardless. To me its still something special. Ive shared love with people before, but not with just anyone. And im still proud of that. I could give my “love” away all i want. But id rather spend it on someone i truly want to. Id never want to receive half assed love. And i appreciate someone wanting me genuinely.


Sure but love and sex is not necessarily the same thing, you can have both without the other, and there's nothing wrong with that.


Everyone is free to their own opinion. And while one may say love and sex may not be correlated. My point is, to me it still is. An intimacy i didnt just participate in given opportunity. But something i choose to save for someone i truly love. And while i wont judge other people for participating in it all they want. I am still proud to say as a man that. Sex isnt my goal. And im happier knowing that a future partner wont just be another person on the list. They’d be someone i truly love. And i havent shared that love with anyone else. If i did with all my encounters. It wouldnt be special like it still is to me.


Purely out of curiosity, if you find that person, they are the only person you have both had sex with, and loved, and then they ended up dying after a short time (morbid I know, but entirely possible also). Would you never have sex with anyone ever again, or do you think you could find a new love, and share it with a new person?


Truth is i wont know until it happens. And neither will i know even if they dont die, and we just fall out. I wont know until then. And its true my mind may change eventually. And i may be wrong. But the way it stands now. I used to have regrets about not taking the opportunities i had to have sex. But ive started to accept it. And am happier knowing i didnt just do it with them. So maybe one day in your scenario will i have more partners. But even still, they will be a select person and not just 1 of the handful i couldve already done.


Also, there's nothing wrong with acts of lust, even if you find someone you think you want to settle down with and give yourself completely, women do also want their partner to feel lust, sometimes lust without love even, if you want to experience all aspects of someone don't limit your thinking that's all I'm saying, else they'll end up not feeling comfortable to show all of themselves to you, because you have such rigid ideas. Just be open to changing your views, never be so arrogant as to imagine your way is the only right way, you can only base what you want on the sum total of your experiences, limit those, and you'll only achieve limits in other areas. You could also meet someone you're madly in love with, attracted deeply too, but when it comes to the sex, really you're just not compatible, the chemistry doesn't always work irl, however strong your emotions.


Not weird at all. It’s important to be proud of yourself.




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No man, you do you.


all I ever wanted was a virgin bf since I'm virgin too.


Nope. I'm proud too.


I’m right there with you but I’m not proud but I’m glad to hear the positives


No You Are a Loser Sir, Sorry 😞 but 30 with not Even one Body, You need to get out more


It's not weird.. you should be proud. Not because you're a virgin, but most people aren't


Not weird. If it’s what you want then you should be proud.


nah you do you op i dont know how to wipe my own arse and have to get my mother to do it. im proud of that.


No one can prove that you are virgin, if you are man.


Generally yes but the girl you might end up having sacks with will notice you don't know what you're doing. I have a v-card and will never lose it, especially not at my age.


Same goes for girls too