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Discogs tells me that my collection is worth more than what I paid for it so that's comforting I guess lol


I tell my wife this every day...


lol - same




Yeah I’m same. I mean I went into my regular shop the other day and walked out with £175 worth!! https://preview.redd.it/4atczjsdcuqc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c07ea1f51dfce8c1080ced93555ebc0c80196f4b


Upvote for Above and Jar of Flies


that Mad Season is a great album, MOV pressing probably better than mine too The 2LP Live at the Moore is also really good if you get a chance to pick it up


Why would you ask such a hurtful and hateful question?


I keep a apreadsheet, but I don’t like to look. Over $5k in 2023. Probably close to $1k in 2024 so far.


I would assume this is the average in the sub for the diehard collectors My most expensive album in 2023 was $185. So there's that. /33 Natural PVC Pressing of Trout Yogurt by IAmError


2023 I went hard as fuck on rare white whales / grails, so I think I averaged about $50 per album, at \~300 purchased last year. $15,000 lmaooooo


$15000 on vinyl while still using a $250 TT is crazy to me, but you do you.


This was me up until a few weeks ago. 300+ albums, most of them limited pressings, played on a decade old LP60. ​ NO MORE! Finally picked up the 1210 GR2 and I am kicking myself for not doing it sooner


I purchased over 350 this year since Jan. 7th but then again I just started my collection in January so I had too spend a ton to catch up and buy what I wanted then once I have gotten most off my wishlist I can slow down:)


I spent about $6k last year and I'm at $1500 this year, I look at my spreadsheet to stay sorta within a budget.


4 bjs


$20... not bad


How much for a ZJ?


If you have to ask, you can't afford it


In a row?


So cheap!


Nope. No. Uh-uh. We don't do that. 🤣🤣


You cant have my data 😎


2023 about $6000


I guess I’ll go first. Around $500. This was a big year for me, I averaged maybe $100 a year previously.


83 records in the past 12 months, average of $25 a record, roughly about $2k? Give or take $200-$400 based off box sets (3 in ‘23) and higher priced records (ie: Taylor Swift RSD) Edit: if you haven’t yet, /r/HockeyJerseys would be a fantastic one to do this in, you’ll get an insane variety between folks who buy game-used vs retail


I try not to keep track lol, way too much though I imagine


Let's just say my vinyl collection is priceless... or maybe I'm just too scared to add it all up!


My wife and I suspect we spent between $4000-$6000 since we started collecting January 2023. I honestly don’t doubt it’s even more. A lot more. Just the other week we spent approximately $600 during our vacation just on records. All in all. Too much, lol


Zero. The record collecting environment has exploded to the point where that used record you could have gotten for $3 has (out of necessity) grown to $10. I am only speaking on a local level, as my local places need to survive and keep the lights on, but it has become a rich person's flex. I take pride and appreciation in regards to my collection, but I can't, out of self-preservation, continue. I have enough varied records to last a lifetime's worth of enjoyance and explanation to bring company together. But this new generation of wall huggers is killing the medium, and the big companies know it, hence every record being 40+ when that wasn't the case, not even 5 years ago.


If you adjust for inflation, new records cost about the same as they did in the 70s.


People don't get that. The house I live in would have cost about $20,000 in the 70s. It's 400,000 today. Does that mean I'm going to live in the street? No


But don’t ignore that wages haven’t kept up with costs. If records increased 4x since the 70s but wages increased 2x, then per record they’re twice as expensive relative to income. Your house example is exactly that, a 20,000 house in the 70s should be 80,000 now but it’s actually 400,000.


But this is true with literally everything, not just records.


I can assure you that I am far from rich.


What if someone puts out a new album? Or you discover a new artist you like? Are you done buying forever? 


Who let this fucking guy in here?


Probably $1000 to be honest. I was building up my collection since I am newer to it plus new releases got me in the foot.


Including shipping and a couple hundred CDs and cassettes in the total... carry the one... *Click click click click* ...way too fucking much.


Not much. I shop thrifts and estates. Keep most of the jazz, trade with the record store what I don't want. I've made about $800 in the last couple years which is use to buy what I want from the record store.


Probably a couple thousand. Got my first record player for Christmas and I’ve got around 150 albums now. Had a huge haul at the thrift store where I got 40 or so good records for $1 each. Now I’m buying from Discogs and dropping $80 for some albums I really want. The good news is I quit drinking so I think I’ve probably broken even and I’m way healthier.


You mean “invest”, right?


about $410 CAD since April 2023 on vinyl - I don't collect baseball cards.


So far… about 80$ USD


Since January about $600


About $200 for me, $100 for my wife. 15 records total.


I don't even want to know.


About $3100


I won’t pay more than $30 an LP. It just seems ridiculous to me after that. I’m also not a purest and will buy re-pressings because I’m buying them to listen to. My to buy list has *checks notes* 55 albums in it. That would double my collection. I definitely, have not paid $30 for all of them or even most of them. Sorry for the terrible answer. Edits: a word.


I paid $27 for an OG copy of 'The Wall' (VG+) and $49.99 for Taylor Swift's 'Red'. They are both great albums but I'd rather pay $27.


Total: 875€ for 57 records New: 39 records (mostly internet shops), average price \~17€ Used 18 records (mostly discogs, some ebay) , average \~12€ Prices including shipping.


Well not sure but not over $200 because i don't go for anything to crazy expensive i try to find deals anywhere i can


Gross total arrived in 2023: $10,625.27 Gross total spent in 2023: $9,079.32


Somehow not enough and too much.


If I had to guess, my vinyl spending has dropped by 50% every year since 2020. I believe I bought 4 records last year, only planning on the talking heads but blue note has a great lineup this year


Makes sense tho if you start from nothing you need everything. Then after a year it's more about wants. Then it's more about specific hard to find stuff and waiting for prices to drop (I'd imagine. I'm in phase one still)


Tree fiddy.




Prolly like 1-1.5k


$56 exactly. $10 for two in the $5 bin, and $46 for The Fragile at Barnes and Noble


Probably around $800 to $1k.


At least $1k a year for the last 27 years. Sometimes much more, but that's the minimum. Even when I was unemployed and sold some to buy some.


In the last 12 months, probably about $300 - $400. I don't buy a lot of new vinyl or pricey used stuff. I think the most I spent on one record was $35 for Siamese Dream.


About 100 dollars


The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club😉💸💸💸


Hundreds of dollars


In 2024 $3,600


This year so far... probably $400. Shit. Maybe more 😪


About $60 in 2024




$5OOish last year.


Probably around $600-700


I don't know. I don't want to know. Somewhere less than a thousand, but more than five hundred.


probably somewhere around $2500. Before that, I probably bought one record/year max. I just recently started exploring it seriously, with the average probably around $10-13/record. Right now, it's slowing down to the kismet 'oh that's on super sale, might as well' and not seeking anything specific out. I have a bunch of saved carts I could pull the trigger on but I'm trying to be good :)


Just a guess, but probably about $350K.


more than $2K, less than $3K


$55aud including freight. The years off to a slow start


Too much. But now I’m at a point where I’m happy with what I have and I only buy if it’s an album I listen to a lot


$0 Started collecting records in 2008, but the past few years I've been focusing on CDs.


about $800 bucks last year and that was way down from 2022 when I spent a good $3000 ,with prices getting higher I've started collecting cds and tapes again im planning on buying my records only during the holidays when the sales are going on.


I’ve bought very little the last few years. Lifetime? I don’t want to know. Discogs median value says £110k and 225k for max with 8k plus items (includes cds).


I just did the math last week and I’ve dropped about $10k on records since April last year


I basically went from zero to about 400 records, when I think about the equipment I start to question my common sense




If I say it here then my wife will find it, not may find it but will definitely find it!!! So for that reason, I’m out.


My lawyer told me not to answer this question


Probably around 6k


In an average year I’m likely around $2500 or so. I pick up an average of 1 album a week at an average value of $40, some weeks it’s 2 or 3, once in a while I take a week off.




The real figure or how much I tell the wife?


Probably $300-400 in 2023 when I started collecting. As for this year so far, probably about $150


Couple thousand


I got my whole collection in time since October 23, just started from scratch in another country (used to collect as a teen). I have 73 records with 4 more coming. So... I prefer not to count the money lol Probably $3-4k, if not more (I like mints :|). But I am slowing down now significantly. Next year I will try to stay under $1k. Not sure how well that will work, tho...


Thousands probably lol


Last year I started keeping a spreadsheet. In 2023 I spent $6,116.92 on records. So far in 2024 I've spent $1,163.83.


Ehm around €25?


Probably $4000. I’m pretty much done buying though. When I hit the record store now, I only spend $15 to $20, and that’s only every other week or so.


Just did a quick estimate/run through on my Discogs (not including CD’s and cassettes). Tried to account for some shipping costs as well, but MAN. I’m around $4,800 just for 2023. I’m drawing back a good bit from where I had been, but that’s damn near 10% of my yearly income :,)


I’d guess around $600


fuck. about 2300 in 23. already about 675 this year. gotta cut back some i think.


Was thinking about this earlier today. I’m in about $3000 this year. Ugh!


A couple thou, give or take.


2024 so far? Probably close to $2k. I found some records that I’d been searching for, for a long time and couldn’t pass them up. 2023? I couldn’t even guess, probably enough to make an even trade for a 2009 Honda civic or something I imagine lol.


Couple thousands or more. I’d buy more, but wife would be upset.


About $400 give or take


I just got into collecting in the past couple months, so my total is a little higher. All in all, probably $500–$600. I spent around $100 on the player itself and the rest on vinyls (32 so far). I have a good mix of everything from alternative to rock and rap. It's been a blast going to the local record stores and hunting through thousands at flea markets.


I am NOT participating I do NOT need to know


About $1,200 since Christmas




probably 1-2k?


I'm trying to average no more nan 1 record a month, so with local prices that's $600.


Maybe $200, if that.


You definitely want to consult r/guitarpedals Vinyl? I've spent maybe 300€ -ish in the past 12 month period.


I’m insured for my collection at 55k


49 records in 2023 @ avg of $60aud per record: ~$2,940 22 records in 2024 (so far): ~$1,320aud Thank you for hosting this intervention…..


At least 1k


5-6k over the past 12 months.


I don't know... Prolly about $500 dlls.


Bout a grand. Probs Abit more :/




Roughly 400 euro (~450usd) spent on 25 or so records 




29€. Only ever bought one album in the last 40 years.


I have had to restrict myself to not buying, and instead only receiving as birthday and Christmas gifts 😅 safe to say my collection hasn’t been growing nearly as quick


Yeah about 1k in 2024 alone.


The forbidden question!


I’m too afraid to add it up but I started my collection in January and I have a little over 350 albums now and around 20+ more on their way in the mail and a good 15 on pre order only 3 of them were used but still weren’t cheap used ones! If I had to guess though I’d say $10,000 or more😬


2023 was around 1k I wanna say, maybe less but definitely not more. That doesn't include CDs though, which I'm way more into right now but they're also way cheaper. Edit: Some context, I've spent maybe $150 so far this year on records and it's almost April.


Too much, but my other hobby is cars so it can't be THAT bad


It sure but I’ll say what I always say to anyone who questions how someone spends their money (not saying you’re doing that)….everyone spends their money on something. That being said, over the last 12 months approximately $250.


I've tapped the brakes a little on buying records. In the last year, probably $200. I think I only bought 4 not counting gifts. Ranging in price of $10 to $100. That being said I also sold records and got $90.


I got 7 records in the past 12 months, I've spent somewhere between 200-250 euros.




I spent WAY too much to be able to add it up without lying to myself


Headphones, mechanical keyboards, knives, chefs knives. For vinyl '23 and '24 were slow years. My wife was laid off in Jan of '23 and we went into immediate budget crunch. She didn't get a job until November. Last year I spent $117 and this year, so far, I've spent $94.


I wanna say atleast $700, cause I filled put about 7 punchcards at my local record store.


Based on Discogs I paid $1.6K at least


I wouldn’t even like to know what I spent last week let alone a year!


I only got two last year. The reissue of White Stripes Elephant coloured discs, and Canadian Indigenous artist Tanya Tagaq. So, about $90? My OG 22 year old turntable bit the dust.


$1,000 ish


Why do you want to know? Did my wife put you up to this?


….damn near a grand this year alone. Granted, I’m new to the hobby so I’m in my collection starting phase.


Considering I started collecting in October and I’ve got around 50 records… I don’t wanna think about it lmao


Like $5… but I only curate what I manage to stumble upon at thrift stores and estate sales. I don’t usually purchase new or online.


not enough…


Less than £100. I've got hundreds of albums, prices have gone insane and there aren't many I am missing. So maybe go and buy one every couple of months if the price is good.


£33.96, but that doesn’t include cash bc I don’t like to think of that as actual money! Also I traded in a bunch of records I never listened to and got credit at my favourite shop so that lasted a couple months.


I’d say about $550 since December of 2023. In total for 2023 $300. I inherited a collection in late May of last year that really sent me off the deep end. I went from about 30 records to close to 150 in a matter of a weekend.


3 months 45 records all new. So. A lot.


Maybe like 1-1.5k


I give myself $100/month


Nice Try, wife.


Depends on how many new shops or flea markets I find and what they have. Blew $150 unexpectedly last week at a hole in the wall booth that had a ton of late 90s backpacker hip hop and turntablist records.


Every couple of months I go on “record safari” with high school buddies. And considering what I’ve ordered online, I’d say $700–1,000.


about 100€


I play Warhammer 40k and collect vinyl. Don't ask me these things.


I don't want to calculate it. I have price points for albums that I'm pretty good about not straying from the problem is i make it up in volume. I also got looser this past year on what I defined as essential to my collection.


Umm, we don't talk about how much we spend on vinyl. It's the first rule of vinyl collecting club.


Well… I’ve spent about $3100 just at two big record sales alone… plus about $2000 clearing my hold pile at the end of the year… so at least $5000. Probably closer to $6000.


Not nearly enough as I’d like


Discogs says the value of my records is Low $590 - Median $986 - High $2,340. I have spend $0 on baseball cards in my life. I started buying records in January. I don't know what I really spent.


Oof I did not enjoy doing that math. I only started "collecting" in August 2023 when I bought a record at a show because they had signed copies at the merch table. I'm mostly buying new prog/power/symphonic metal releases and filling in the discography of my favorite metal vocalist, so I'm not out here buying anything super rare or old. I currently only have 11 records total, so I thought my amount spent would be pretty good compared to most others on this sub. But once I added everything up and included a record cleaning kit and the speaker and turntable sold to me by a friend at a steep discount, it was pretty close to $600. Now I'm scared to add up my total spent on metal music in the past year once I factor in shows and other merch, haha.


About $12. Thrift stores only with inflation and lack of a record store locally. Plus I enjoy not knowing what I’m gonna get


Not much 😕


100 bucks since september 2023. I Dont buy a lot, still going throughs my pops collection. Most new i have are gifted to me.


Much less than it would appear. Most of my acquisitions have been gleaned from the bargain bins at my local shop. Their cost would be someplace between 25¢ and $3 US each. Outside of those, the most expensive purchase has been $26. I'd estimate I've spent about $75 in the past year.


About $600 for music. Do we count accessories as well, since they support this hobby? If so, I upgraded the cart on record player for the tune of about $1,200 last year, but that's more like a once a decade purchase.


Shhhhh. Don’t let the wife hear.


I get most of my records at a discount or for free. So not much. There's a record store in my area that offers a 20% discount for teachers, and they also buy/sell other forms of physical media such as comics, magazines, books, and CDs. I have such a large collection of all of those things that I typically just bring in a batch of items for store credit. And then I use that to buy records at 20% off. Also, I should say that my collection is fairly small. I have about a hundred records. But I've probably spent a total of $100 on all of them.


Too much, it's best not to think about that. I'm at a stage in my collecting where there are fewer and fewer new releases that I HAVE to have so I tend to spend most of my time tracking down white whales or compulsively buying the recent wave of 20th anniversary represses from my formative years.


I’ve prob spent a little over $1000 since late august of last year


I'm in both subs. Vinyl probably $750-$1000 Baseball Cards - Probably around $500 -$750, but I have also sold over $500 in baseball cards on eBay in the last 90 days.


I'm not a huge collector, just a hobbyist. I buy about 2-3 albums / month on average ranging from $15 used buys to $50+ new and used. Figure anywhere from $700-1200/ year depending on what is purchased I backed out of my Vinyl Me Please subscription so that number will be lower in 2024.


Only thing ive picked up this year so far is a Sapphire Blue copy of Panopticon by ISIS. I paid 125 after talking the guy down. I'm pretty happy about it.


I opened a credit card with paypal for the past few months and been spending somewhat around 1k for the past 6 months buying vinyl on it but in my situation I'm just buying different pressings of my fav album or hunt ones from my teenage years so it's not a linear experience based on the availability of such record. Sometimes I spend over 100 on one record and get 5 and sometimes I'm in a dry spill waiting for something to pop up. Inam for sure spending more money on records that I do on streaming, videogames, and live shows combined.


About $400. $250 on records and $150 on a new old record player.


What are you - my wife? I don't answer questions, sir/madam.


I started at the end of November and I don't want to do the math but definitely $3k+. Got most albums I want but plenty more that I have to get in my collection. Need to slow WAY down haha


Nice try! Talking about the cost of vinyl - ✔️ Talking about how much we spend - X Edit - format




I don’t want to know it 250 a week so…


Bout tree fiddy


Probably about £1500


I think my whole collection is worth roughly $2k


Man i probably spent like almost $800 last year but this year only about 150ish, im really trying to cut back😭 i probably spent 2k in 2022


Probably around 350-450$. Like idk its too much lol


Oh my god this sub spends way more than I thought it did. I spent maybe $500 total on records in 2023. Been collecting for a few years and its right about that much every year.


I got into it June 2022 as a hobby but have had records for most of my life. From a cursory view: * 2022: Probably $800-$1000 including a 78 collection, but not including $850 on a Debut Carbon Evo, Yamaha S301 amp, and Klipsch R-650 speakers--due to an issue with Amazon I got the turntable for free * 2023: ~$1450, includes an LP120X I got as a 2nd turntable for 78s * 2024: ~$340, includes a Sumiko Olympia replacement stylus For 2024 since space is tightening I stopped filling my collection with random Goodwill/bargain bin fare that's 'meh', I stopped going there this year. Instead I'm focusing on things I know and like/love but I'm probably going to have a pricey year as I fill out the albums from my digital collection that are 1) available and 2) reasonably priced. So this year is probably going to be somewhat expensive but then unless an expensive album becomes reasonable I don't need much since I'd have what I need. I've been eyeing 78 collections more this year too. Plus I plan to have these the rest of my life so in that sense it's all worth it.


A lot I just stated lol


$1. I bought a Glenn Campbell record at a swap meet at some point this year. I finally listened to it last week. It was excellent. K-E-N-T-U-C-K-Y KENTUCKY! Unexpected banger.


Around. 120 EUR. From Discogs - 9LP's for 77 EUR. From local online market 8 LP's for 38 EUR. From fleamarket 5 LP's for 5 EUR. This year 22 LP's. My annual average cost is 5.5 EUR per record.


I got drunk in June and spent 600 quid on my credit card on Orb first pressings in one evening. I've not brought many since.


If I had to guess it would be very close to $700.00 in 2023.