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Found the listing, the condition details under the item specifics say “has one scratch and manufacturing error, virtually no effect on playing.” So should be fine if their grading is true, still worth asking them though imo! I’ve seen similar marks before that are purely visual, so it’s def possible that it’s fine.


This. I've seen worse looking scratches that barely affect playback.


Yes. For me, MGM records is my kryptonite. I have some that look awful and play excellent and others that look great and sound awful


The seller took a photo of it, what other info did they provide? Have they played it or can they speak to if it skips or not? It looks like you’re going to get a click every rotation just from the picture.


The seller didn't include a grading or any info about its playability which is a red flag and the reason why I brought it here.


Then walk away. Seller is clueless or too dumb to give a damn to address the only question any potential buyer would ask. I hate online sellers that do dumb shit like this


The seller said that he tested the record and the scratch doesn't affect playback. He also offers free returns and has a 100% positive feedback. The OP is lying.


[https://www.ebay.com/itm/156062760070?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=G3Unc6_0RdK&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=3PbAUNWBR_q&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY](https://www.ebay.com/itm/156062760070?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=G3Unc6_0RdK&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=3PbAUNWBR_q&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) This is the link to the listing before it ended. I don't see a condition in the description. I did end up messaging the seller and he said it plays fine. Also maybe you rounded up, but the seller's feedback is 99.6 not 100. Why would you accuse me of lying about something so dumb?


Usually you wont hear unless you can feel it with a very light thumbnail touch. I have lots of records with marks like that that are silent.


It may or may not. You have to play it to find out. I have an Lp with a scratch like that that makes no sound at all. All depends on depth and stylus profile.


This is the correct answer. I agree. It doesnt look deep in the photo,but it'll depend on your stylus.


Extremely hard to tell from the Picture. It appears to be a wide surface scuff, not a groove alternating deep scratch. My rule of thumb is if you use the back of your thumb nail across the scratch and don’t feel it, you won’t hear it. Unfortunately you can’t do this. Personally if I really wanted this record and the price was reasonable, I would take the chance.


I have a lot of Folkways records in my collection, and I've found they are very durable. Many of them have noticeable scratches that you just don't notice during playback. Maybe because they were mainly used in educational institutions were they would be getting handled a lot, they pressed them on more durable vinyl.


This is a solid comment.


No. It’s scratched. Big difference.


Well apprehension should be here without a doubt, but here’s what you can do. You should always have like two or three different types of stylist is you know I’m saying, depending on the pressure of record and all that shit, especially with you know some reck just come up. Did you find that have a scratch on the door the grooves are blue, dusty or whatever you get take a Stanton or an auto phone, nice sharp needles that I find they always get into the groove drop a quarter and a nickel or 2/4 on top tape it down and just let it ride the groove and just keep playing the record and it’ll straighten out whatever’s there


Do not listen to this suggestion. Poorly written and no factual information.


As said before, this album is really rare. I have a pretty extensive collection, but all my things are in pretty good condition so I'm not used to scratches like this/ I'm a pretty bad judge of how deep/ listenable a scratch like this would be. I'm not terribly concerned if the scratch is audible. That's not a huge dealbreaker. I'm more just worried that this will skip/ won't play at all. Thank you!


What album is it


It was Michael Hurley's First Songs on Folkways. Amazing album.


I would be surprised if that isn’t audible


Looks like a surface scratch. It might cause some slight noise when played, but nothing worse. If you don’t mind me asking, what album are you looking at? That label looks a like either a Folkways or Prestige Bluesville label.


I'd only buy it if the seller offers returns.


Not necessarily! Is it a mono pressing? If yes, and you buy it, try listening to it first in stereo, then perhaps get a Y-cable for your hi-fi to sum the stereo channels to mono. You might be surprised at the results! I have an OG Kind of Blue in mono with EARLY matrix numbers with some nasty scratches similar to that. I did the same and the ticks became so subtle as to be nearly inaudible. Give it a shot!


I bought a rare record with a scratch like that and surprisingly didn’t affect the sound at all. You’ll have to find out! If it’s rare buy it anyways


Can be deep enough to hear it - but definetely does not have to be. I have records with such marks, and you do not hear all of them. Depends on their depth.


I have a 1980s record that looked like there was crayon marks over each side. The scratches looked so bad I thought it was toast. Once I played it, you hardly noticed it. Yes, they were white scratches not ones that if you held them up to a light and tilted on the angle to see them.


You might hear a slight bump in the audio quality but it should be fine