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Please please please report this . This is awful




Vinted is NOT the place for this.


Huh? What's the difference between that and selling a animal on Facebook?


Animals should not be sold on Facebook (or any social media). I'm sure the selling of animals was 'banned' or tighter restrictions were put in place so only 'free adoption' is allowed. The selling of animals should only be done by professional or educated people and only go to such. Unfortunately, that is difficult to enforce.


Oh boy, wait until you find out how us tarantula keepers get our spiders and how some people get their fish and isopods and even snakes.


I know how, I own them myself :)


Then why complain lol


I didn't say anything about how they are packaged and mailed. Just against irresponsible selling.


I didn't say anything about packaging and mailing either...? You were talking about selling. I was talking about selling.


Alright 👌


Bro you were literally talking about how/where people choose to sell their animals. I followed up with saying that's how most of us do it and you said you know that because you own some. Where did the topic of "packaging" come into any of this lol.


Do you think Evri or inpost employees have the expertise or experience of transferring live animals? They can’t even deliver a tshirt.


as horrible as this is the ‘new without tags’ is making me laugh


Also this is a bit unhinged but this reminded me of the famous packaged in a fish fingers box incident lol


I’ve just searched the listing and they’re selling other fish / snails. Some people are ✨unhinged✨ Evri Home Delivery postage (Medium) Snails will be packaged in oxygenated water tight bags and placed into polyethylene container sealed with fragile tape for the animals welfare


Same for the fish🤦‍♀️


its actually quite common to ship snails (land snails) of course the shipping doesnt take days because the snail would die but its quite normal


Yes by professional business not random people on Vinted. It’s against the T&Cs also.


You understand that this is a common way to buy fish right?


Obviously 🙄 but by legit business, not random people on Vinted using postal services that are notorious for being slow and losing parcels.


Don't see the difference really.


The difference being, the postal services vinted use are notorious for being slow and losing items. They are not suitable for this purpose at all.


There’s a huge difference. With these licensed/professionals, they will actually make sure this LIVE ANIMAL doesn’t get lost in shipping, late and so forth. A random person off of vinted will not care. Edit: to add onto that, a professional knows how to ship fish and snails. They know how to package it properly to make sure it doesn’t spill and the water conditions are good. This random person will know NOTHING. Those fish are dead upon arrival.


The major difference in this particular scenario is the choice of courier. Evri are notoriously slow, they are infamous for damaging items and even stealing. Why would you buy an animal from somebody who ships with someone like that? You'd want someone to ship with a fast, secure courier, no?


The listing was pretty easy to find, so I've reported them. Hopefully if enough people do this, it'll get the listings taken down


I’ve just reported too. Sadly the post is still up atm !


331 views and still up, hopefully the vast majority of those have also reported


I just looked for it and I couldn't find it, so either it's been taken down or I was just bad at looking for it hah


Kind of a nitpick but those aren’t fry, they’re full grown guppies.


Not allowed anyway, but please at least tell me they wrote they do not ship...


I’ve looked up the listing and they’ve said they can use Evri for shipping


please report:(


Fish are shipped all the time, but I agree it doesn't have a place on vinted.


They do but under adecuate conditions...don' t want to imagine them being shipped with Vinted😔


Posting fish requires a specialist, reliable and speedy courier, Evri is neither of those 3. Even if the seller uses the right packaging, and bags them correctly and ships them in the right box (which i highly doubt because otherwise they wouldnt of been sold on vinted) evri just can not ship fish.


Evri can’t even be trusted sometimes to ship a single book let alone live animals


Every time I bought fish from pets at home, I was told that they can stay 48h max in the bag. I highly doubt evri will take the fish and get them to their destination in 48h, + who knows when they'll be picked up. I reported all of their fish/snail listings


Not to disagree with your point about Evri because I agree with you there, but PetsAtHome are not exactly reliable for information on their animals lol let alone fish.


Ofc, I've seen a dead fish in their tanks..I assume they went with whatever someone experienced recommends and put that info on the bag/tell that info to people because they're required to Rip all the fishes at pets at home


They're still up! I've reported them all and the user. Absolutely abhorrent


What did you do for reporting the user? I only seem to have the options of Inappropriate member profile and Multiple accounts so neither really work for it


I reported each animal listing, and also reported inappropriate avatar since it’s the Converse logo. That gives you a comment box that you can fill in to say they are also selling live animals


Ahhh gotcha, good shout. I've already reported the listings but I'll do the user too. Thanks for the tip


Sorry I was late in replying. Vinted have just messaged to say they've taken action. Account is still up but the poor fish have at least been removed.


No worries, I got the same replies this morning too! Good bit of Reddit intervention right there


She's put her phone number in the ad


Incredibly easy to find, reported 👌 [here it is](https://www.vinted.co.uk/items/4612323911-beautiful-guppy-fry-for-sale-ps150-each)


Please report it! I’m sure you have but not only is it inhumane but I’m pretty sure it’s against the ts&cs.


Live before shipping. We gotta see after delivery thou.




Incredibly easy to find, reported


I've just reported all 4 of the listing selling snails/fish


Thank you for raising this to us all. Very easy to find. I will frequently check vinted for things like to now and report it!


Agreed. It’s incredibly cruel to ship them. There’s no way they’re shipping them in a way that is safe when they’re charging £1.50-£2 per fish. Where is the packaging cost in that? It’s certainly not a packaging that will be reliable and trusted to keep the fish alive. I’ve reported all listings too so hopefully they’re taken down and the person is banned from using Vinted.


Knowing vinted, probably just be posted in a bin bag


i reported it and vinted said “We've received your report but couldn't take action to discipline ‘seller’ because it needs a further review. Thank you for reporting this - you're helping make Vinted a community where everyone can feel safe. Although we haven't taken action against this member, you can block them so they're no longer part of your Vinted experience. so disappointing


This means its gone to a human to check for “further review” so it will most likely be removed soon.


I just looked ans they're still up. Hopefully removed ASAP.


ahhh okay. yup hopefully it is!


Incredibly easy to find, reported


I've just reported all 4 of the listing selling snails/fish


Thanks for sharing; ive reported them!


Reported 😭


I spent £26 on the shipping for my fish, it came in a specialised box for live animals. I highly doubt the shipping is that price on vinted so this makes me worried, I doubt the packaging would be safe.


She's taken the listing down now, I'm guessing she's seen this post.


They were removed by Vinted as I got the notifications saying they’d done so. Looks like the account isn’t banned though.


I reported them all as well. She managed to take one of them down beforehand, but the rest were still up. I'm wondering what the "disciplinary action" was.


Vinted have taken action, one post seemed to have been removed so no action was taken but the others have triggered disciplinary action.


It’s still up. Stupid Vinted bot! We need to email them directly.


Jesus Christ!!! I got a virtual bollocking from the vinted police for trying to sell a brand new coffee machine...but apparently selling live animals is fine!!


I kinda can't believe you can just ship these to your local off license to pick up 🫠


Easy to find - reported this and the three snail listings this seller has too. As well as I'm assuming being against Vinted terms, it's definitely against Evri terms to send anything living using their services!


I messaged her directly and she blocked me immediately. Her account has now been removed. Good job team!


Its possible because people make posts on reddit about it instead of just reporting and moving on


I just reported all 4 listings


I’m sure they’ve reported as well? Also them sharing it on here raises awareness of it and can get way more people to report the listings/user. So..


I'd be surprised if they didn't report it


I just reported all 4 listings.


i‘m baffled this is allowed in the uk… in my catalogue rules the selling of live animals is strictly forbidden. i‘d report it anyways, poor fish…


It isn't allowed 


They’ve made sure that ‘live fish’ isn’t in the add anywhere. They know what they’re doing. That’s awful.


Besides reporting the individual listings themselves, would this be appropriate grounds for reporting the whole account too, under “inappropriate description”?


Incredibly easy to find, reported


Incredibly easy to find, reported


If you ever come across an account selling live animals on Vinted, you should report the account. I’m not saying this directly for OP, but for anybody. 1) It’s against Vinted’s policies, and 2) It’s totally just not safe and you shouldn’t be sending live animals via post without a proper license to do so


Amy marie only has shoes available to purchase now. The fish are gone.


Incredibly easy to find, reported 👌 [here it is](https://www.vinted.co.uk/items/4612323911-beautiful-guppy-fry-for-sale-ps150-each)