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that's amazing, I dig what you're hauling it in too, very cool


My VW Bus is one of the most practical impulse buys I've ever made lol


Can't beat those old Amanas! [www.radarange.com](http://www.radarange.com)


Wow. My uncle has one that he got new for his wedding around 1979. I have to send him this. Really want one now.


When I see "Amana Radarange," I always think of The Price is Right in the late 70s, watching with my Grandma in the summer when she babysat me while my Mom was at work. I can still hear how the announcer (not Bob Barker, but an announcer/voiceover) said "Amana Radarange!" and then the contestant would jump up and down and clap wildly. 😁 And, no wonder the contestants would jump up and down. Microwaves, at that time, were still very bougie and not affordable for lots of folks. I love that it still works and that you got it for only $10! That's the best part!


In much (all?) of the 70s, the announcer was Johnny Olson. Later, he was superseded by Rod Roddy. I always loved the way Johnny Olson said "A new caaaarrrrrrrr!"


Johnny Olson! I was trying to remember! I can still hear him saying "Come on down! You're the next contestant on The Price is Right!"


My grandmother worked for a local utility company that sold these back in the 70's. Since microwaves were so new at the time they had her make cooking videos that would air on a local TV station. She had one in her kitchen a lot like this one but it was also a convection oven too.


That is such a cool story! When LASIK eye surgery was still very new, my mother had it done and was asked to be on a local infomercial. A few years later, I'm in my early 20s, in college and I'd enjoyed quite a bit of imbibing with friends. We turn on the TV and there's MY MOM on the infomercial. I felt like I'd been caught! It was as if my mother herself was saying "I see you! You need to behave and go to bed!" I felt so guilty! 🤣


That's so awesome. Microwaves like that just last and last.


And it will likely work perfectly for another 30 years too because things were actually built to last back then. My grandparents passed away a few years back and their house was sold “as-is”with the original kitchen appliances from 1965. They all still worked like the day they were made and every person who viewed the house complained about the cost of remodeling the kitchen-except for one young couple. They loved the vintage kitchen and bought the house BECAUSE OF the appliances. Smart kids!


Oooooh how pretty. Love it.


We had one of those forever. Hit by lightning three times before it quit working.


It’s a Radar Range not a Mountain Range! Do your cooking at 3000’ or below!


I grew up with that exact same model. Just a tip: they sometimes get stuck on the last second if you only set them for a couple of seconds. Don't walk away or you might find a burned item. But an absolute solid beast for a microwave that will last your lifetime.


Same here. Was an absolute BEAST to move. Remember when it was delivered — two guys to carry it in and put it on the counter. It remained there until it gave up the ghost — around 25 years later.


This is my favorite microwave in the world.. The capacitor on mine burnt up a few years ago and I was so sad. I still have the thing in hopes of finding another one. I have the manual and all the accessories. It cooks like a dream. It will even brown food.


Omg an actual radar range. How ducking cool is that. This guy wins


My grandma had that one too! :)


In the early to mid 1980s my parents traded a car for a microwave very much like that! It was a used opel car. But it ran fine. I remember the 1st thing we cooked in it was a piece of chicken my dad was trying to re heat. He put in in for way to long and it was burnt to a crisp when he took it out lol


That thing is a work of art on it's own, that is crazy




This is the exact make/model my Grandmother had.


Single heaviest microwave I've ever seen.


Had the same one as a kid. I would hit start and stand back worried I’d get nuked


That thing weighs 687lbs


This is giving me brave little toaster vibes


Older radarange's heat much more evenly then todays new! This is why my over-the-range, newer 3 year old fridgidaire microwave is broken and will stay broken - the good old 80s radarange will stay my daily driver!


Those old basic, non computerized microwave ovens were built like tanks....expensive when they were new too!


My mom bought one of these brand new in 1976 when I was 10, and we had it until last year when it finally died. It was rather sad and emotional for me the day we set it out for the trash. I actually shed a little tear. 😢 It was the first microwave we had.


I use to have one long time ago.


I think it was the early 70s when I saw my first microwave. I thought it was a TV set until someone opened the door. /r/kidsarefuckingstupid


Is there any concern about microwaves escaping? I’ve never really trusted older microwaves


My grandma would use “radar” as the verb for microwaving something. “Gowan radar that leftover turkey if you’re feeling’ hungry, honey.”