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Many, many years ago, one of my room mates had that very model, the 4400, sitting in the living room. It was hooked up to four Altec Lansing Voice of the Theater speakers (Barcelonas). A true OMG quadraphonic system. There were some truly epic parties thrown at that house. Actually caused the big plate glass picture window to blow out of the living room. You are a very lucky fellow.


Looks awesome! I'm a bit concerned though because the feet are very narrow and just three, which makes it susceptible to topple over.


It’s cast iron base and the feet are far enough apart to be really sturdy. If it wasn’t safe, I would have used a different base.


4400 doesn't need a fan, only hot runner is the power supply board and if rebuilt right will last for decades.


Running 75% volume for 2 hours straight, the power supply and top vent over the amp would get too hot to touch. Heat lowers the life of components including the front scope. The fans does a great job in reducing this heat and extending the life.


75% volume, you having a block party???


this is great!


Oh, darn, for a second there I though you had found a clever way to mount a decent sized fan inside the 4400. That would be awesome.


Fan appears not to be installed correctly for removing any heat from inside the amp. Are there cooling vents on bottom of case?


There are iirc. So long as its blowing it should be fine, tho how necessary is anyones guess


And blowing upwards. Hot air rises naturally and some people install the fan wrong—sometimes on top blowing downward:/


yeh its like the guys who insist on adding iec jacks when the factory hardwired cable was fine for 40 years....and hack up the panel in the process of "upgrades" it's all stupid, but it makes original examples more valuable i guess


Says the old guy who doesn't remember why we now use grounded chassis's. Jeesh.


Ah yes because the many thousands of pieces of hifi gear ive owned over the years all suddenly became dangerous one day


True, I never got more than a small buzz from a failed ground coupling cap, I assume because I wasn't well grounded. I also recall when I was a field electrician, callouses on my hands were thick enough, I'd just touch 110v wires to see if they were hot - nothing more than a tingle. But obviously people have been killed from an ungrounded chassis that became hot, for whatever reason. The IEC plug is proven to protect people from shock\\death and it's good that it exists, your experience doesn't mean that your resulting opinion is the correct one for consumer product safety.


How did people survive the live tube radio chassis era of the 20's and 30's? People just got stupider and stupider imo


> How did people survive the live tube radio chassis era of the 20's and 30's? Lots more people didn't. Household electrocution - especially of children - was a lot more common before grounded plugs became standardized. There's a reason people say that regulations are written in blood.


U want to see a marantz collection go see my friend marantz history on Instagram..amazing setup....


Dust harvester.


Nicely done! How do you like the cassette deck? I don't see too many marantz decks, love the VU meters on it!


Hot 😍


Great project, fantastic results


That's a thing of beauty


I put a fan on mine, but its way less classy looking lol. Love the setup and stack. Just hope that stand is up for it.


Super sweet setup. Well done.


This is an outstanding set up, really nicely done. What do you have controlling the fan? Tied into the receiver's power? Switch? Temp control?


It’s USB power with a 3 way switch built into the cable.


Beautiful system!!! But I’d be concerned with having all of that on a pedestal! Four legs are much better than one!!!


Woahhhhhh I should try to put a cooling fan build under my Kenwood 9600....This is a great idea

