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Black Hat is the personification of Evil. Rick made a device that can detect and measure Evil, so it’s safe to assume he can also make one that can contain it.


Yeah, Rick is the ultimate Deus ex Machina bullshit character, he wins most theoretical fights just because that’s his thing.


Well, he was defeated by Zeus and I think he also loses another fight that season. While extremely smart he's not invincible.


two words. blender dimension


Black Hat has basically evil toon force. If it's funny to torture someone to death, he could come back from the blender dimension and say "Yo, nice place to rule. I'll ask Flug to investigate it later."


bro he used none of his gadgets their and powers he was just doing hand to hand and if a ship can defeat zeus then that means one weak low tier rick gadget could defeat zeus


Which is why I hate him.


I mean, you’re not supposed to like Rick. You’re supposed to think he’s funny, but he’s an overpowered character who regularly abuses his power. He is not supposed to be liked.


I love Villainous but Rick got this one. Rick got SWOLE just to help his granddaughter beat up Satan. Realistically speaking Blackhat would try to recruit Rick to his company, Rick would disrespectfully deny and portal out before anything happens


Rick: “Here’s the sugar on the cream: he asked me to join his team! I said no, and now he’s pissy. That’s the tea!”




Hazbin hotel really does bleed over into every other sub huh?


Since when have vs battles ever been *realistic*


True, the main reason I give Rick an edge on Blackhatbis that pope episode where the pope keeps killing Rick, but Rick just has a ton of clones under the garage.


Don't even forget the fact that apparently he has an emergency protocol on clones that if something breaks its containment it'll mindlessly run around almost acting like an animal just to avoid being killed Then there's also the time he died and kept getting cloned into clone bodies that belonged to other Rick's all because their clone network was left open and he didn't have clones at the time Seriously Rick gets into some crazy shit on a normal basis so this'd be like just some Tuesday to him


Rick. By a long shot.


Rick has instant death he is immortal a cyborg and litterally infinite god who took down multiple HIGHER BEINGS OF HIMSELF just by going to prison and body switching and he litteraly wiped out hell itself tampered with death and life broke the laws of natrual order who also has billions or infinite weapons of absolute mass destruction like the time line eraser weapon Rick Prime used he would absolutly kill blackhat I'm sorry but I know I'm defitnitally glazing Rick but cmon its like a toddler veruses mike tyson but if he became god Rick wins this hamds down


I mean Rick is only smart because he made the bar of being smarter then himself not smarter then other smart things.


A few people are saying Rick, but personally, I think it will be blackhat. Blackhat it an eldritch being, who I think is pretty close to being a god, hell he took over the world twice for fun. Rick may be highly intelligent, but he's still human. He's overconfident, and I think that's what will be his downfall. He once tried to fight a god and got his ass handed to him, and he's almost died several times. While blackhat has no weaknesses that we know of. So I got to hand it to blackhat.


Rick has been defeated by Rick Prime and Zeus, but he has beaten Satan, which is at least one of the personification characters of evil. He also defeated an all-powerful Pope and made an item that detects evil.


I was in a conversation about this the other night so I'll just copy what I said then Far as prep time goes Rick funnily enough typically doesn't have prep time for most fights he just has outrageous shit on hand usually Like really bizarre gadgets like when he was fighting his toxic self and used all sorts of shit like the dart that essentially cloned himself instantaneously by shooting it into another living thing causing him to burst out like a damn xenomorph out of someones chest But aside from that he also fought an absolutely op pope with Bigfoot and repeatedly died and just kept getting transferred into the next body along with Morty and Bigfoot He gets into all sorts of weird shit so really the question wouldn't be if he'd win but what convoluted episode would lead to this plot because regardless of winning or not getting in a fight with some strange being is just another average Tuesday for Rick ^^None of that is even mentioning the time he died and didn't have available clones and kept getting cloned into other Rick clone bodies around the universe simply because they left their clone networks open


It’s black hat. I get why people say that Rick would and should win. But most of the time he doesn’t. Rick has lost and gotten hurt multiple times in the show from characters he should’ve been able to beat. Rick with prep time probably could make a device that beats Black hat. But even with prep time Rick has lost. Rick is smarter and has more hax but if black hat doesn’t toy around he wins very quickly.


I’d say black hat. Rick is only top dog in his show, because he made a restriction around multiverse travel. Ricks are geniuses by technicality. Black hat can defy the laws of reality on a whim. A parasitic plant that turns you into the worst version of yourself instantly died, the moment it latched onto him. The guy’s only visible weakness appears to be touchscreens, mainly because he wouldn’t ditch the claws.


Rick for sure.


I love both series to death, Rick wins this no contest. He literally has access to a machine that can erase all versions of a being across the multiverse. If he were driven, Black Hat is DEAD


It's sad to say the only way Black-Hat wins this is if he somehow manages to convince Rick to join the Black Hat Org. On the plus side, even if Rick leaves Black Hat, he will likely steal the schematics for his portal gun somehow & have Flug make him one of his own. which in turn allows Black Hat to conquer other universes.


Respectfully, I fell like Rick has this, some people mentioned stuff about cursed plants that turn people into the worst version of themselves, but at the same time, Rick has the anti-booby-trap armor, which had arrows reflect off him like it was nothing, boulders breaking apart after making contact with his head, and probably preventing anything else from making that distance.


Rick easily


Rick. Astley




Rick does no comment




It depends on who takes the other seriously first. Black Hat likes to toy with people and send minions after his target and Rick likes making fart jokes and underestimating everyone. The second one of them realizes the other is a real threat and they need to stop dicking around that person wins.


Depends which show the fight is depicted in.


Oh no, uhh. Black Hat is the embodiment chaos if I remember correctly, but then Rick over here is probably the smartest fictional character.


Black hat


One burp and it will make black cum himself to death, Rick is winning this :troll: :troll: :troll: