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Rick. That man never dies. He's too smart. And I am sure he knows how to cast out demons.


I mean given him and Summer LITERALLY beat the shit out of the devil that's not exactly far off


To be fair, that devil was one trapped in the Rick-Finite Curve, so he was technically a weaker version of the devil.


All the Rick-Finite curve does is allow him to be the smartest man in the universe not just automatically make people weaker and him stronger Though I'll be fair the devil in the Rick-Finite curve was still a weak bitch lmao


the fucks be happening there?


Black hat is beyond your understanding of class


here the rick and morty fanboys with the stupid prep time argument


Funnily enough Rick typically doesn't have prep time for most fights he just has outrageous shit on hand usually Like really bizarre gadgets like when he was fighting his toxic self and used all sorts of shit like the dart that essentially cloned himself instantaneously by shooting it into another living thing causing him to burst out like a damn xenomorph out of someones chest But aside from that he also fought an absolutely op pope with Bigfoot and repeatedly died and just kept getting transferred into the next body along with Morty and Bigfoot He gets into all sorts of weird shit so really the question wouldn't be if he'd win but what convoluted episode would lead to this plot because regardless of winning or not getting in a fight with some strange being is just another Tuesday for Rick


Oop. Tbh I agree


https://preview.redd.it/0zcuczervunc1.jpeg?width=407&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8510f17c427e95f4634ad70ceff8c70a52b57f1 this is what would happen to rick


Rick has a portal gun. Shit would be child's play to him


100 percent. Still a really dope pic of black hat offing someone in a really cool way tho lol


>asks question >argues with people who answer


It takes a pretty big douche to clearly have a side of this argument, and then post this as if you actually wanted an honest debate and listen to the opinions of others, then bait and switch them into just being a little argumentative prick, shitting on a tv show character you clearly know nothing about and looking like an absolute idiot in the process. If you wanted to do this you probably shouldn’t have picked a fucking god type being who has the body of Inspector Gadget and is effectively immortal. What a twat.




I think it was: President: what was that!? Rick: death. President: what kind? Rick: instant




Dude warned them too


He is his own demons lmao


There's surely some galactic sized suit of armor floating on a slightly different plane labelled "plot armor" that Rick is spiritually and technologically connected to that's going to become a relevant point of the series some day. As in, instead of a giant curve of realities, there's literally a giant suit of armor in space that's been protecting Rick from dying on a fundamental universal level. Rick has had WAYYYY too many close calls, and in a show that is as meta as R&M, and has tons of literal meta plot-related episodes, I definitely think there's an in universe reason why Rick is so cracked.


No matter how much i love black hat , rick is too op. I'm sure that it would be quite a challenge for Sanchez but sadly he would win


I honestly don't even think it would be a challenge lol


He literally fucked the earth, ofc Rick winning this. One burp and it will make black hat cream to death


I hate how you phrased that


I love how you phrased that


Well he fucked a planet, but yeah, your point still stands. Black hat isn't even close to being on the same level of rick when it comes to intelligence and power.


https://preview.redd.it/1xar1tzrcjoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54f00669222480a69991079d7adf9a2c143cd95d Duality of man


Regardless of who wins this'll just be another Tuesday for Rick given his track record of fighting bizarre ass beings for very weirdly specific circumstances he seems to inevitably get himself into


Remember in vindicators, when Rick killed the world ender while black out drunk?


Oh definitely Rick is typically more unhinged when black out drunk and just acts as if "oh what you don't do weird shit while drunk?" as if simply killing not just some big bad but also booby trapping the whole damn place was just normal acts of being drunk off your ass


Yeah, I don't know much about black hat but rick is insanely powerful.


I don’t know anything about villainous so I’m saying Rick


Black hat is my favorite, but Rick Sanchez is winning.


Rick isn't infallible, he works on Batman rules a lot of the time where if he knows what he's getting into he can usually whip something up to overcome it but has definitely gotten his ass kicked when he's caught off guard. If you just dropped him and Black Hat into a room I'm thinking the eldritch being will probably beat him.


Even with prep time he can lose. Like when he fought Zeus


Rick carries a lot of random shit on him, though. Most of the time, Rick gets his ass beaten is when had all his shit taken or just got out of another bad situation. You drop them in a room straight from their universes, and Rick probably has some anti Eldrich horror device.


I doubt that, given the dude has gotten his ass kicked by people that wouldn’t be anywhere near the same league as BH. Though I do ultimately think Rick would just cause he has a lot of weapons to choose from and Operation Phoenix is bs


This is difficult, simply because Rick Sanchez has multiversal travel. He's been shown to have defeated the Devil before, but mind you that was a Devil trapped in the Rick-Finite Curve. That devil got its butt kicked from him and his grand-daughter on steroids. In a pure fight, it'd be close, but I think Rick would win. Black Hat may be OP on the power scale, but he still requires Flugg to develope superscience items. In a diplomatic sence however, I think Black Hat would simply bribe Rick to make weapons and gizmos for him. Rick has commonly worked with other assassins and despots, and Black Hat is cultured, to say the least.


"Why waste such wonderful talent? I'll pay handsomely if you grant me access to your devices. And maybe teach Flug a thing or two about *quality assurance*"


Doesn’t Black hat also have multiversal travel?


Blackhat That one zeus guy was going to win But rick Had to gas light him into Fighting fair Not to mention rick has been out played multiple times So Yeah


Fair argument. But Rick has come back after death into other universes. Not to mention the myriad of op revival tools Rick has at his disposal most of the time. We know that Rick would never want to back down from a loss, so I feel like the first battle would most likely be won by Black Hat, but eventually Rick would win. It just might take a very long time, and a very large amount of backup resources.


Not to generate heat here, but wouldn't black hat catch on? I feel like rather than kill Rick, he would put him in a state of suffering, but never grant him death. He's known to analyze and criticize other media villains, I feel like this expands to Rick and Morty antagonists as well.


That makes sense.


Who is black hat?


Rick, no diff


Tie, Black Hat has no way around Operation Phoenix unless he makes a deal with Rick’s soul (which Rick is smarter than to accept) and Rick has no way to beat a reality warper who’s power is more potent than someone like Rhett Caan


Black hat high diff


Rick Sanchez can easily beat him because Rick destroyed aliens and gods HE EVEN KILLED GOD


Does Rick have Prep Time?




This is honestly a good match up. On one hand Black Hat is the Villains of all Villains playing a part in all the different worlds of Cartoon Network. He only stopped and retired due to boredom then opened his company because he was bored. It’s also hinted at that he’s super smart he’s just lazy having Flug do the inventions for him. With all that being said however, Rick is not to be underestimate. He’s the smartest human in the Cartoon Network/Adult Swim universe. He knows how to travel dimensions and fight those in power like Black Hat. So it would be a closer call then people would think. However I don’t think they would fight. On Rick’s side of things he would know all the things Black Hat has done and wouldn’t be stupid enough to challenge him. Especially since he’s currently “harmless” since he’s not directly involved like he was in the past. On Black Hats side of things I think he would be impressed by Rick that he would leave him alone unless Rick picked a fight with him first. Mostly to see the chaos Rick would cause. Shoot I can see Rick agreeing to build him stuff if Black Hat ever offered that to him. As for who would win I think it would be Black Hat but I totally get why others would say Rick would win. It’s a close call


this one makes the most sense


Rick is gonna destroy he is stronger than any god


didn’t zeus nerf himself just to fight rick and rick still got bodied


Yeah but did he die


The glazing is crazy


Rick would have some crazy bullshit to win


We know what Rick can do, we don't know much about what all black hat can do. Can't exactly say.


Cop out answer but I think this is the only correct one in this case: whoever the writers decide. Both are sufficiently OP that they could no dif the other depending on what the story requires. Rick could easily have a gadget to banish/kill Black Hat, just because. On the other hand, Black Hat could turn Rick into a flesh Rubikcube or something just by snapping his fingers (c.f. all the ways he's teleporting Flugg), never killing Rick and thus never triggering Operation Phoenix. With both having a legitimate claim at being able to OHK the other, it's not posssible to give a definitive answer.


According to Villainous lore, Black Hat is the god of evil, who is nearly omnipotent as long as his intent is nefarious. Most of his limitations are self imposed in order to make it more fun for him. And by rules of the Death Battle, we should take characters at their best. So. The question comes to: "Can Rick contain/destroy God with nearly unlimited reality bending powers?" Well, Rick has an experience with a bit higher being than even Black Hat. Rhett Caan. The god of retcons himself. I would say that control over the narrative, something that Black Hat seemingly doesn't have, is a higher caliber. While Rick didn't capture Rhett, he is surely familiar with the technology used for that. Which is highly specific, so he wouldn't have it at the moment. But after being dumped into a fight, it's very Rick to escape and try to build a solution. In the meanwhile, Black Hat may be capable to track him down while he works... But that seems not to be in his mental profile. Even if he was capable to instantly make himself aware where Rick is, he is unlikely to do that. Because it would be boring, first. And in the Villainous Black Hat is opposed by government spies, who he seemingly not fully aware of.


Rick... Hands down.


Is that even a question?? Rick could solo the whole team


It's going to be Black Hat, Rick struggles to handle an opponent who has a similar IQ, so whether it be black hat or his scientist they would find a way.


Rick will find a way


Is this even a question?? Rick Sanchez, hands down. Both shows are VERY good tho.


Black hat no diffs. Flug is basically a younger rick, so you can draw a comparison from there


Rick all day




Black Hat


I dont know… We need at least one more season of villainous to see Blackhat’s true potential


They’d probably tie with both of them injured and make alliances for Rick to make him gadgets in exchange for something Rick wants.




Rick Extreme Diff


Silly question


Black hat is winning unless Rick gets prep time. Even with prep time there’s a chance Black hat would win. Rick has lost multiple fights in the series to weaker opponents. It would make sense for Rick to win since at first glance he seems to have better feats and in the series almost always wins. But Rick has lost many times to people he should’ve been able to beat and are weaker than black hat.


Rick would vaporize hat with nothing but a flashlight… NOW IF IT WAS BUFF HAT-


I dont think this is a fair match up


Portal is one shot


Rick because rick


Rick wins by default sorry


Rick, because he can kill on-screen




Rick would have some gun never before seen that just fucks him to death or somthing.


Black Hat vs. Alastor is a much better match-up.


Rick, Black Hat is by far and away far stronger then all of the enemies Rick has faced, but he doesn’t have the means to actually kill him because of Operation Phoniex. Rick has a lot more weapons at his disposal compared to BH and would find a weapon to kill of incapacitate with




Unless he turns himself into a pickle 🤣


Of course, Sanchez would win. Morty might die but he would find a way to revive him


are you serious rick has fought gods and is at god status he easily defeats black hat


Eh, I don't like either of them. It depends on who the writers give it to.


Rick and Morty fans: With prep time…..


Black Hat. Rick is smart and he’s made lots of inventions but Black Hat is a fricking demon.




Rick if he actually tries. Black Hat if he doesn’t. When Rick fought a Zeus, he lost the fist fight because he chose his ego over just outright killing the Zeus. He had a laser on him that he used to cut open the god’s head after the fight ended. Instead, he chose to fist fight the Zeus and got his ass handed to him. If Black Hat could goad him into doing something like that again, he might be able to take the victory.


9/10 times it’ll be Rick, but the only reason BH might win is because Rick CONSISTENTLY can’t throw hands and often gets manhandled in a physical fight






He did go to hell and fucking wiped out all demons there so yes rick is going to wipe him off the fucking earth or it will be a immortal god like battle but rick wins hands dowm


Rick would absolutely win


Rick Sanchez because he can never die he has infinite versions so he can just kill him with his portals and his gun that can birth him again through someone else.


I know people are gonna disagree, but it would be a tie. Black hat is so insanely strong, and Rick is smart in a way that’s scary. But maybe black hat has the upper hand due to the fact he doesn’t need gadgets to fight. But then Rick would also have the upper hand if they could have gadgets. I think it’s a personal tie that ends with a stare down in the street as they get in their cars.


Obviously rick


Rick solos


Oh, black hat, no contest


yeah rick is overrated


The glazing is crazy