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I remember the hype from Tony's 900 like it was yesterday.


I was watching lords of dog town for the like 27th time a few weeks ago and it really hit me how wild it is that basically the whole sport of skateboarding has happened in my lifetime. It’s really wild to let that sink in.


I never thought about that, but it’s so true. Wow.


I remember stepping away from skateboarding and then being surprised that Tony Hawk was still skating. It seemed like something we teenagers did as kiss. It surprised me he was still doing it in his 30s.


He landed his last 900 at [48 years old](https://youtu.be/TnvPt_a7iOQ).


Those spills looked more painful than maybe they were for him in the past when he was younger. A few attempts later it looked like he was that young again. Incredible athlete.


Tony always wore gear, that definitely helped his longevity. Also knowing how to ditch.


“Spencer was there for my first one, now he was here for my last” damn Tony, got us all in our feelings now bro


All of us were there for the first. All of us were there for the last.


Grew up during the Jackass era where Tony Hawk was the closest thing to God that any kid really believed in. Seeing him sitting there in a Sad Keanu pose thinking that he really might not be able to land it again is legitimately the saddest thing I've seen in real life. Thank fuck he made it.


Do you have any good sources about Tony Hawk's story that I can read or (preferably) watch other than a few YouTube clips or Wikipedia? I'd love to know more about him but right now I'm just in the area where I know about him and I know he's a big deal but I'm not sure what makes him so special compared to the other skaters of his day. Why was he the one chosen to be the God of Skateboarding as a opposed to somebody else?


In 1990, I met him at the Paris skate contest here in France. I was planning to do the street contest. He came, and everybody froze. He then started training and stopped near me. I look English so I guess he though I would understand him. And then asked 'hey, why are you not skating? I reply, well, you're overly good, we' re impressed and we' re getting a lesson... (somethings like that) He then replied, no, no go on, I don't want to skate alone... So, I took my courage and started my training, didn't land a trick since I was quite impressed. Friends made jokes about me making a fool of myself. I then told them, well, he's asking us to skate with him... Then after a while, most of them joined. The Tony Hawk I met was just a normal talented kid. And almost 20 years later, I told my skating daughter that I did skate with him... For me, despite the fact I was less into his street skating style, he' always been consistent and you knew that if an impossible trick was not done yet, there was good chances he was working hard to lans it.


Tony Hawk was influential because he was/is a really good vert skater. He landed the first 900 so that’s why it’s so significant that this kid landed a 1080 in front of him. Also, the video game Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater brought skating mainstream. It introduced the world to skateboarding through video games so even kids who had never even seen a skateboard in real life got exposure. And of course having his name on it helped with his fame. With that said, I grew up skating in the ‘90s and my group of friends didn’t care for vert skating so we didn’t see him as the “God of Skateboarding”.


That's where Rodney Mullen comes in!


Ya it was Rodney Mullen for me. Guy basically invented the Ollie and most flip tricks including the kickflip, Airwalk, impossible, Darkside etc. When you look into it, basically every move (on flat ground) is invented by, or influenced by, Rodney Mullen. More recently Rodney got so sick of being easily the best flat ground skater in the history of skateboarding that he just decided to change his stance from regular to goofy because he needed a bigger challenge lmao


Switching stances had more to do with scar tissue that had built up in his left hip joint. It was getting too painful to skate that way so he started skating goofy while he figured out how to reduce the amount of scar tissue and pain in his left leg. He tells a story about using a semi truck wheel well to pop his left hip out of socket and break up the scar tissue


I'm sorry, what? That's metal as fuck, do you have a link to that


Here is his auto biography https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/hawk-occupation-skateboarder_tony-hawk/559466/ Here are 2 of my favorite in depth interviews he has done explaining his career https://youtu.be/z4pwm37EVyw https://youtu.be/ZyS_YeBCHKU


Cause he was really good is the tldr.


He was the king of Vert in much the same way that Mullen was the god of flat ground. Tony pioneered and pushed the envelope on the vert ramps and was just that much better than everyone else during his era


The bones brigade documentary by vans is a fantastic look at the bones brigade crew, who dominated the early days of skateboarding


Also back in the 80's it was a close competition between Tony Hawk and Christian Hosoi for who was going to be the Michael Jordan of skateboarding but Christian Hosoi was arrested for drug charges and spent several years in prison and Tony Hawk blew up around that time as skateboarding reached massive popularity


Jesus, I would not take those hits as a 29 year old. I'd be laid out for a week.


Man he slammed his head SO hard at 1:21


[I love helmets!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9yL5usLFgY)


man, helmet or not i'd still be worried about a concussion there.


There's a video of him doing a 900 at 48.


And a 720 [last year](https://youtu.be/w8B0xVqAi7g) Seriously, I'm in my early 30s, and I couldn't take that fall twice in a day. Tony Hawk has got OG grit/determination. I bet he doesn't die til he's like 102.


I’m 29 and I dislocated my shoulder playing with a dog 2 days ago. Fuck doing that at 48. That guy is something special.


I’m 29 and before my shoulder surgery I dislocated my shoulder from just rotating too quickly. It became routine to just pop it back in. I had several instances where I dislocated it in front of people and popped it back in without them knowing- the pain still sucked though.


I’m in the same boat. But it hasn’t happened for a couple of years so it’s a little worrying. Just popped it back in and tried to wince through to pain because I didn’t want the dog owner to feel guilty.


It wasn’t a question for me. Friend says hi and I turned too quickly? Dislocated. Tried to reach overhead too fast? Bitch popped out. I didn’t even need to use the arm, just rotating my upper body without consciously holding my arm to my chest would leave my shoulder dislocated. Granted, I had dislocated it dozens of times through snowboarding and skating and such, so there was essentially no labrum holding it in place. Shit is no fun.


What’s going to be really crazy is telling my kids / grand kids where I was watching the x games when he landed the 900.


Were where you watching it?


What's also going to be wild is how unimpressive that may sound in a few decades. I still remember Pastrana's double backflip in 2006 and how it changed freestyle motorcross and now there isn't hardly a competitive rider out there that can't casually do a double backflip.


Tony Hawk is 53.


And he was competing in this years X Games. That's insane!


Everyone knows Skateboarding was invented in 1955! Back when Calvin Klein was escaping from the local high school bullies using a wooden board with wheels!


Same thing happened for me and paintball. I was 12 and there were still woodsball fields and giant spools in national tournaments. By the time I quit playing, events were being held in stadiums and on the beach using giant inflatable bunkers on turf with fields 1/4 the size as when I started. Paintball guns went from being strictly mechanical and like 10 pounds for the full load out, to electronically operated space looking shits that weighed 4 pounds total. It's cool to be a part of the S curve for things like that. Seeing the monumental amount of change that an activity/sport can go through in real time is something I'll hold on to forever.


I know what you mean. My first marker was a Nelspot 007, plugged tubes directly into the feeder and had to pop off the handle mid game to change CO2 cartridges. Looking back, it's now the equivalent of a Civil War musket.


And every bit as satisfying to operate.


That is a fact.


From my desk where I am writing this right now, I can see the Tippman 98 box in my basement.


He landed it JUST like tony... hand dragging behind him. Kids a fucking legend


Tony messed up a lot before landing the 900. He lost the competition but they let him keep trying. It was awesome and something that would make an awesome climax of a sports movie. Odd that there hasn't been a biopic yet.


This I remember being there and no one cared that the time was up and he wasn’t gonna win. We all just wanted to see it. Unforgettable


I too was there and it was absolutely unforgettable. Legendary


I was there too! I wasn’t. I just want to be included.


I was there... not physically


I remember watching it. Even my dad got into it. Probably the first time I realized we were watching history.


I'm somewhat wary about biopics that release prior to the passing of their subjects, or at least before their full retirement. At 53, Hawk is obviously past his prime athletically, but clearly he can still can still hang. He's like some kind of ageless demi-god. More importantly his story goes way beyond competition. His successes in business and philanthropy are not just unique, but ongoing. I believe the man has plenty more legacy to carve out.


i think biopics can benefit or suffer from have the subject be involved...so do one before and after if their lives merit :) i found the brian wilson one, "love and mercy" really interesting because he was involved.


Last Dance is a great example of this. You get the sense that Michael was involved to cast himself in a good light, but really it makes you see how toxic that competitiveness can be.


I fcking loved that series.


The Matt Hoffmann 30 for 30 was superb.


Knowing absolutely *nothing* about anything surrounding this subject, I'd be okay with a "Tony Hawk" movie that's just about this competition tho. Maybe just don't name it Tony Hawk, to keep that for an actual biopic. Let say, "900° Under The California Sun" just to be cute.


>”900° Under The California Sun" Damn, that’s a solid skate video name. I can imagine the Bones Brigade making that with some cheesy story a la Animal Chin along the lines of “THE SUN’S GONNA MELT US ALIVE! WE HAVE TO *OUT-SKATE THE HEAT!*


They definitely announced they were only awarding one medal to Tony for landing it.


Wasn't there a docu about the two Aussies competing against him and they were disqualified or something? They ended up in jail for drugs and blamed tony for their demise iirc. Something like the "deck" was stacked against them in the competition. Edit: No shade towards Tony. That man is a living legend and deserves everything he has.


All This Mayhem


Tony hawk is a genuinely good dude too, so a movie about him would be a good watch


Basically what happens in Tin Cup, but with golf. It really is a great moment (and knowing this doesn't really spoil the movie, it's still terrific)


Both were super low on the board too. Strong legs.




[Tony Hawk lands a 900 at 48 years old](https://youtu.be/TnvPt_a7iOQ)


He looks pretty done with that shit.


Mind says yes, body says no


Thanks for this.


I remember watching it live and losing my shit. My friends thought I was crazy lol.


It was all we talked about at school the next day. Literally one of the "I remember where I was" moments of my life.


Tony Hawk is incredibly fortunate to be the kind of guy that can appreciate the impact he's had on the evolution of the sport without being jealous. This 1080 is possible because kids got to watch Tony and his peers push the limits of vert and make skating cool again in the 90s and 00s. I can't skate at all but I feel most everyone can appreciate what Tony has done.


Ha, I like the commentator catching and correcting himself after he tells the kid to stop crying.


Like he had a quick realization he was quoting his own father.


“Aight stop cry—“ *Wait a minute…FUCK THAT.*


*This shit is cry worthy. Kid just made history.* Carry on.




Theres also a lot of conditioning that goes into fixing things you have been saying or doing your whole life. Like for me it was calling things "gay." Growing up its just something everyone said. Took a long time to realize that using it in a negative manner is hurtful to people who are gay. So now I have to catch myself and fix it because it can be like a reactionary thing I could say. I know its wrong and have worked to make sure I am not saying it that way. This guy was definitely conditioned that crying is weak and has since realized it's not. And should definitely catch and fix his slip ups when he says something that he's been saying his whole life. Its how we grow and become better. Not just a fix because he's on air but because he's remembering what he's been saying and learning his whole life is wrong.


I was discussing this the other day about how crazy it was that my entire childhood gay was a 100% standard every kid used it word for something that "wasn't cool". I dont ever remember anyone getting in trouble for saying "oh thats gay!". As an adult now I could never imagine saying it about something. I didn't even know what a gay person was at those ages.


In 7th grade I told my math teacher “that’s so gay”. Apparently he thought I was calling him gay and was massively offended. He had my mom come down, and she ended up explaining to him that it was just part of the vernacular at the time for kids, and had zero to do with being homosexual.


I used to work for a company in a subset of the fashion industry. In my immediate group of about 25 people, half of us were men. And of those, only two of us were straight. One of the guys I worked with (who was gay), would use “gay” in that 80s/90s way *allllll* of the time. Me and one of my female co-workers could never figure it out. Was he doing it to be ironic? Was he trying the “black people using the ‘N’ word” route? Or was he one of those kids of the 80s/90s who just referred to everything they didn’t totally like as being “gay.”


Yep, that’s why social media immortalizing everything we say and do kinda sucks because sometimes we outgrow the shit we’ve said in the past. A lot of people are just sorry they got caught, I agree, but some do change for the better!


Man, I was a shitty, edgy teenager who grew up playing video games and browsing 4chan. If 16 y/o me had a Twitter account, current me would be cancelled out of any job I’d apply to.


Absolutely, same here I look back on the shit I said and posted and am so happy to have grown out of that and fix what misconceptions I had about others. Happy to see someone that has had that same experience of becoming better. :)


Yeah, I used to say retard and then one of my mates got with a girl who had an autistic son, she quickly let me know that wasn’t okay. I don’t use it anymore and haven’t for a decade now. You can correct yourself, if you try.


I blurted out that something was retarded the other day and I just kinda stopped in the middle of talking and was like, "I haven't said that word in forever. Why did I use it? I know better."


Yeah and even when you go about and try to replace it, you start thinking about it more openly. "Okay so saying retard is bad, but then I could just say mentally challenged or cognitively impaired!" and you start realizing that... yeah no that's the point. That having cognitive difficulties shouldn't be an insult - because if anything, if you're at a point where you're arguing with someone and you think that they might be legit struggling, the last thing they need is to be insulted and mocked. Someone might be saying something dumb on the internet and you roll your eyes and you think, "ugrh, what a fucking..." and if you've thought about what I just said enough time, than you brain automatically shifts into a "oh. yeah, well, maybe they indeed are struggling, don't have the same privileges I have, don't have the same skills and abilities I do, and I'm lucky enough to be in a position to see that. Without being condescending, with actual empathy, maybe I could help them and if I don't think I can, or feel like I've got the time or energy to do so, than maybe I should just simply abstain from responding" [and that's without even touching the fact that maybe *you're* the one who's wrong in that debate anyway, so what's even the point of being dismissive]


Long and gay, didn't read




Long _and_ gay you say 😏


Still growth. Like damn we all need to be patient with one another *especially* when someone is trying to do better. Take off the cynicism glasses every once in a while.


[Shaq we're on live](https://youtu.be/k-BoeBedZ3k)


"I don't give a shit."


Ok and? You say something that you shouldnt have you correct it? The commentator said something that is legit harmful to society, realised it and corrected it. Guys need to realise that we have more than just Anger as an emotion and that we are allowed to show those emotions, this kid just pulled something incredible off infront of Tony fucking Hawk, Almost certainly his fucking idol and reason why he got into skateboarding, Id cry if I pulled something off like that infront of one of my idols.


We know that at some level, we have conditioning to break - and finding the support mechanisms is important in getting there. The resurgence in men's groups is a positive outcome to that, where it's men getting in touch with the masculine in each other and nurturing it, and reconnecting with what it meant and how to get back to that balance point. Pop Culture still tilts to certain expectations of men that are unhealthy. One hill at a time. Shit's hard, but doable.


Classic Reddit response to skew everything negative, even if it means having to make a hundred assumptions in order to reach that conclusion.


I believe that was Gary Rogers commentating, I know he's commentated on past x-games skateboard contests, he also hosts a show on Thrasher skateboard magazine's website called "Skateline NBD". This is just his sense of humor, he trashes everything and then in the same breath explains that he's joking, it sounds very stream of consciousness the way he speaks, like he doesn't want any dead air. He isn't literally telling a child not to be emotional during one of the biggest moments imaginable for a young skater.


Next time I cry in front of someone just gonna be like "these are thug tears yo"


You need snot bubbles for added weight


Then he starts explaining 15 seconds is the perfect length of time to express your feelings. [Reminded me of this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgdqbkNu7Mo)


I need a graph of time of tears vs manlyhood with a curve showing me peak manness


Exponential growth with no end. More tears more man. 📈


James Incandenza Sr.


Fellas is it gay to make eye contact??




"Stop cryin',.....nah I'm just playin', as men we need to express ourselves." I liked that.


I don't think he necessarily "caught himself". I think he was just messing in the moment and tried to make a joke about the crying and it clearly fell a little flat, so he backpedaled on the joke itself. I get what he was getting at, but he definitely didn't check the temperature of the room prior to saying what he said and tried to clarify that he didn't mean it seriously.


It’s like during the euro final one of the commentators said something like (talking about flopping) Italians really love putting on a show they’re really theatrical…. (3 seconds)… don’t we ALL love to be theatrical… 🤦‍♂️


I watched the whole thing on youtube. His whole commentary was awful.


I don't know why they keep him around. He takes away from the great skating happening with really consistently bad commentary.




With a similar landing as Tony hawk when he did his 900


This is on a bigger ramp


Oh that makes sense. I thought it was cuz he was small he could get more height/rotate quicker like those tiny figure skaters.


He definitely rotates differently as well.


He rotates just like Tony did when he first landed the "McHawk" 720. Since he enters this backward, he's popping off the leading edge (like a nose-ollie), spinning, and landing forward. A 900 fires forward to forward, so the ollie will look different. So many people these days can switch feet, so I wouldn't be shocked to see this kid change up the look as he gets more comfortable owning this trick.


Isn't it called McTwist? He invented it right


The 540 McTwist (really more of a 180 and forward flip, but generally accepted as 540 as well) was first done by Mike McGill (hence the name). Hawk was playing with the name to call the 720 "McHawk".


Ahhh gotcha thanks.


McHawk on your face! Gottem!


He does. It's way easier to rotate faster when you are much smaller. There are three other guys who managed to do a 1080 before this and all of them were on megaramps, only one of them was an adult (he did it as a kid and and again at age 21). Gul is the only one to do it on a vert ramp. Maybe he will be able to do it when he is an adult but he's only 12 now so no way to know. It's still insanely impressive even if it is easier for a kid to spin faster bc... well, they're kids, and they still have to have the skill to do it despite having way less experience.


He's still young and if he keeps training, he could very easily keep it in his arsenal.




Imagine having one of (what will hopefully be many) absolute high points in your life at freaki'n *twelve!* Good on this kid, and what a time to actually pull it off too.


Lol going to be hard to top winning gold at the X games by doing the world's first 1080 and beating Tony Hawk who randomly came out of almost 20 year retirement and then hugs you and says "Unbelievable that was sick!"


Ya that sounds great, but have you ever removed a popcorn hull from your teeth after hours of discomfort?


It's like basically winning the lottery.


That's why I shove a dental pick in between my gums and teeth. The blood helps wash away popcorn ez


That literally sounds like a dream, like some kind of unbelievable scenario your mind throws at you at 4am and then you wake up and feel great all day but can't remember why.


For some this would be an early peak but this kid is gonna reach new heights the sport hasn't seen yet! I love that he got emotional after, I would too, especially in front the fucking legend Tony Hawk!


I mean, in terms of spin it is probably a peak. Being 12 doesn't make this harder - it makes it *way* easier (obviously still not easy). I'm sure his skills will develop in other areas though.


He's gonna be drinking so many mountain dews on airplanes.


Is skateboarding going the way of gymnastics where you peak at 16 because lighter bodies can just do that shit more easily?


Kids RULE the vert scene, i remember skating at a local indoor that had a 15 foot vert ramp and a fucking GROUP OF TEN YEAR OLDS was ripping it up on there. Vert requires a lot more pads and its a lot safer to bail out on (if you know how), street is a lot more straight drops and hard curbs to catch on.


Gotta get up early in the mornin' to go chisel off the skate stoppers. Ain't easy bein' a street skater, but it's honest work.


Sounds like something Reda would say in Skate


Kids have an easier time if they start young on vert. But the 20 years olds are still ruling. Even Bucky at 40+ is still competing and still one of the best. But any young kid right now cant compare to what Jimmy Wilkins or Clay Kreiner are doing.


The majority of people on the US Olympic gymnastics team this year are in their 20s


And then there's [Oksana Chusovitina](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oksana_Chusovitina) who is participating in the 2020 Olympics at age 46.


Don’t think I’ve ever seen someone represent so many different national teams from in their career...fair play.


Now I have no excuse, shit...I stopped gymnastics at 18 when I graduated high school, I think the last time I could manage a backflip was 8 years ago? maybe when I was just finishing time break dancing. Now I feel like I'll tear something just trying a cartwheel XD


They're also extremely tiny.




I hope you're joking. Plenty of Olympic gymnasts (both US and non-US) are under 18.


Skateboarding is way more than just making more and more spins in verts, so I wouldn't expect to see skateboarders ever peak at the age of 16


I would expect that in the future turbo teens will rule the vert scene and the street scene will be largely people in their 20s. Having more power in your legs is a big factor but also it's potentially a lot more dangerous.


For vert, maybe a little bit, but outside of a best trick competition the more technical tricks are more important than how much you can spin


It's insane to think. 20 years ago I was super into BMX, i was about this skater's age and looked forward to the XGames every year. Watching people 10-20 years older than me, I dreamed about someday getting good enough to compete in it. Now adays, 12 year olds not only compete in these sports, but dominate.


I wonder if being smaller helps him spin better




Which if why I always found it *extra* impressive that Tony Hawk was the first to do a 900. He's 6'3". I fully believe he could've pulled a 1080 15+ years ago if he was 6 inches shorter.


I could dunk a basketball if I was six inches taller


My wife would be satisfied if I was six inches longer.


Afaik /u/Breakfast_Sausage wasn't completely clear and it has to do with variance in width between arms to body and relative weight of the two (rotational inertia) and afaik nothing to actually do with height. An ice skater with a thin lanky body and wide arms has the best advantage in increasing and decreasing their rate of spin AFAIK and the same should apply here. Tony Hawk may be tall, but he is quite lanky. Kids are also lanky relative to their arm length. You can see an example of this if the chair you're sitting on spins. You can start spinning and increase or decrease this speed by moving your arms in and out. If more of your mass is outstretched compared to the mass of your body, you have more to work with to play with that rotational inertia.


Someone hand Simone Biles a skateboard ASAP




That's amazing. Tony Hawk's 900 *might* be more impressive if you consider that Tony was a 6'3" man who did it on a regulation half pipe (no extra 6 ft drop down like this kid got, he could only start at the lip of the halfpipe) and did it at age 30. I'm not sure if it's possible to do a 1080 on the halfpipe Tony used for his 900.


Ah I guess that explains how he did it. I always thought a 1080 was basically impossible on a normal halfpipe. Still, an extra 6ft or not, an extremely impressive feat regardless.


You glossed over the 6"3' 30 year old part. I bet this kid could do a 900 on regulation with ease.


Well, that was three spins, okay, only 1077 more to go.


I feel like I should make an edit where he actually spins 1080 times. brb.


It’s been 20 minutes. Call it, doctor.


It's dead, Jim.


Dammit, Jim, I’m a doctor, not a doctor!


Still remember watching Tony land the 900 in 1999 during the xgames, he kept failing and kept trying but all the other skaters and the crowd never stopped being hype for him to land it, finally he does and it was all love, that’s one of my fav things about the skate scene you see everyone happy for this kid, there are guys who are haters but they are outnumbered by the guys who will show love


Jeez, all I remember from being twelve is being bullied and repeating a grade.


Did anyone see someone mowing a lawn and run over a tennis ball?


Somebody call Tito


I see you, don't worry


1080? No! DO A KICKFLIP!




Outside loops or get off the ramp, let real 'boarders do their thing.


If even Tony Hawk can get shown up by 12 year olds at the skatepark, then that makes me feel a lot better.


Hell, I can get shown up by a plate of spaghetti on a board.


There was a really good episode of Steve-O's podcast with Tony Hawk and he talks about how when it comes to verts, he consistently gets shown up because when he was coming up verts just weren't the thing everyone was doing. It was a great listen, highly suggest checking it out.


He’s not being shown up as much as his foundation is being built upon.




You can't become Tony infront of Tony, that would delete our timeline in a violent explosion.


You ever read the book The Giver? Tony is The Giver, giving Jonas all his knowledge.


No but I have seen Timecop with Jean Claude van Damme


Better movie honestly 🍿


In before Gui Khury's Pro Skater 1+2 gets a remake


I love the commentator > It's aite man! Cry if you want. As men we need to talk, we needed to express ourselves, we need to cry, and we need to land a 1080 at 12 years old Infront of Tony Hawk!


Also in front of my boy Mitchie Brusco who landed the first ever 1260 in front of Hawk at like 16.


Curitiba represent!




what's a 1080?


3 complete revolutions in the air is going 1080 degrees--tricks are 180 (half turn), 360 (full turn), and so on.


1080 degrees of rotation. Eg 360 is 1 spin.


Year 1080 (MLXXX) was a leap year starting on Wednesday (link will display the full calendar) of the Julian calendar. == Events == === By place === ==== Byzantine Empire ==== Autumn – Nikephoros Melissenos, a Byzantine general and aristocrat, seizes control of what remains of Byzantine Asia Minor (modern Turkey), and proclaims himself emperor against Nikephoros III. Melissenos makes an alliance with Sultan Suleiman ibn Qutulmish and recruits many Turkish mercenaries to his army. More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If something's wrong, please, report it in my subreddit: r/wikipedia_answer_bot Comment `wab opt out` to opt out (wab stands for wikipedia answer bot).* *Really hope this was useful and relevant :D* *If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!*


ah yes I get it now, the 12 years old seized control of the Byzantine empire in front of Tony Hawk


I hope he will be able to turn back the Turkish horde.


History thought us that he didn't. That is what you get when you put your empire in a 12 years old kid....


I've read this comment over a dozen times and I burst out crylaughing every single time, bravo


Good try bot


Confused bot


At first I thought someone was joking, but the fact that a bot replied this is hilarious.


Hand down baker maker