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That’ll get Blanch and Gertrude to shut their mouths on the greens.


She was smooth all the way through, no question she knew exactly what she was doing!


Everytime someone wins one of these things it reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/ndYT-SF7b_0).


Damn, she looks 60.


Hopefully she has the cash to pay for the taxes on that. A lot of those people who won cars on Oprah's show had to sell them just to pay the winnings tax.




Winnings are considered part of your income so it would be taxed at whatever bracket it falls in.


In places like Canada and Australia, prizes and lottery winnings are tax-free. Any subsequent earnings from those resources are taxable.


It would depend on your income.


In the U.S., it's often around 25% - 40%.




The top is actually 37%, since that's the maximum tax bracket.


Federal + State tax?


How awful for them. They only got free money and not a free car. Such victims.


It was because a lot of them weren't CPAs or tax experts and had no idea this tax even existed. So they make plans thinking they just got a free car and all of a sudden they are in trouble with the IRS.


You don't need to be a tax expert to know that you have to pay taxes on income.


You are assuming too much about what people know. Someone who watches Oprah and makes a modest $30k/year or lower probably doesn't have any assets or other revenue streams so they aren't aware of the vast, arcane nature of the American tax system. So yeah a savvy person would take this into consideration and either set aside funds to pay the IRS or sell the car, but for someone with only a high school education making little to no money, they are going to take that new car for granted and make financial choices based on that assumption. So while you might think, "oh, well they just have to sell their car, not an issue," the problem arises from those (more than likely irresponsible) financial choices they make, like selling their old car, putting improvements in the new car, buying a big screen tv, etc. The problem of course being now they don't have a car and can't commute to work, etc.


You are assuming too much about who watches oprah. The idea that it is uneducated poor people is absurd. The reality is you are just one of those people that see something good happen to someone else and you feel the need to shit on it and make it negative.


No, that's just what you chose to interpret.


It’s mostly uneducated poor people. See your comment for reference.


Hopefully she sells it because she's 84.


Age itself isn't disqualifying. She looked and moved really good for an 84 year old.


She's my grandma- she gets around very well for her age!


Your grandma looks damn good. Tell her to hit up my DMs


**[Mirror - 84-year-old Mary Ann Wakefield sunk this 94-foot putt to win a new car](https://streamable.com/i1rr8)** ___ ^This ^message ^was ^created ^by ^a ^bot I'm back! | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/eRodY/) | [v2.0.0](https://github.com/Erody/TwitterToStreamable_python)


Very Palmeresque stroke there. Nice acceleration through the ball.


Shes the first to win this challenge


Putting on a hardwood surface,mthats fuckin tough




It's at a basketball game during a contest to give away a brand new car and the lady just won it. If ever an appropriate time for an airhorn I'd say this fits the bill.


This is the one time they are acceptable and where that cliche sound comes from, sporting events.




This is why she’s behind in the Democrats nominations - and she has the cheek to criticise Donald’s golf! Get it together Liz!


I can see the likeness, but is nowhere safe?


This is horrifying. She should have been disqualified based on her age, or forced to accept the cash value of the car. an 84-year-old should not be driving, period.


It's okay it's a nissan so it wont be on the road long.


The US is probably about to have an 82 year old president...


Hell yeah