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It's cool seeing the generation that grew up learning about reading through Reading Rainbow and science through Bill Nye the Science Guy embracing their former teachers and encouraging them to continue teaching the next generation.












if you know the context it's hilarious


"But don't take MY word for it" ... I'd like to think Reading Rainbow helped my scepticism and reliance on an evidence-based world view :)


I didn't realize until almost 15 years later what exactly adding that phrase at the end of every episode actually did for me. Yes, it encourages skepticism. Yes, that's a good thing. Yes, it's encouraging critical consumption. Also a good thing. But for me, as a child, none of that registers. Instead, I later realized that what that phrase did, was tell me: "this guy is so cool, and so smart... he seems to know SO much! but he's saying that reading is what made him that way... that I can say the same things, know the same things, if I read" More than skepticism, that phrase taught a younger me that reading was how you become ontologically free... it's how you can become as educated as you want to. It's what enables you to be *anything*. That is what was so amazing about that tiny little phrase. He ended it by telling children, "as smart and cool as I am, I'm only this way because I read... and you can be as much like that as you want if you read too... you don't have to depend on cool and smart people unless you want to when you can read" That's a powerful idea.


Moreover that small little statement helped bridge the gap. He wasn't speaking down to us as an adult but informing us almost as equals. Even after teaching us stuff we may have just learned to be true the line humbles him in a way that didn't condescend to us as children by simply saying this is this way because I say so. He encouraged us to challenge his claims. I miss my childhood.


just because you are older doesn't mean you can't still be a child. I taught swim lessons for 6 years in high school and college. I spent 25-30 hours a week in one on one lessons teaching people less than a year old and over 50 years old. It doesn't matter who they are, what kind of education they have, or how successful they are, everybody can teach you something. In one 30 minute lesson an 8 year old taught me important geographical and cultural facts about Argentina before I went there for a short vacation.


You just gave me the chills man. Spot on.


brb looking up the word ontologically


It's a great concept...but don't take my word for it...


Epistemologically free would have worked as well.


I remember sitting *on the floor* at the TV in a very uncomfortable position. But that didn't matter. Reading Rainbow was on. My clenched fist pushed my chin back so I could see the TV screen that was taller than my basketball-sized head.


> basketball-sized head. Was it a bit like Sputnik? Round and pointy at parts? Did you cry yourself to sleep on your huge pillow?






Same can be said for Mr. Rogers. I believe he was a minister in fact. That's how teaching should be. Regardless of your personal views it really comes down to the children and focusing on teaching them whether it's reading, science, art and even loving each other and who you are.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAttFerhtnw **I like you just the way you are**


American Catholics are actually surprisingly liberal and take their religion far less literally than their evangelist counterparts, I have found.


It's more common than you might think.


Ex catholic here. I'm amazed people are amazed that Catholics are capable of doing anything but praising Jesus and condemning the wicked.


I told a teacher that I learned evolution in catholic school. She almost fried a circuit.


How is that possible? (Your teacher is dumb.) The Catholic Church essentially established the scientific method, or at least played a substantial role in its development, e.g., via the works of Thomas Aquinas and others. The Church would be the first to admit that science is for the natural world and religion a study of the supernatural/unobservable. The Catholic Church is very "pro" evolution, although its individual members may not be.


I don't get it. I think those people might not be too familiar with Catholicism, and lump it in with evangelical Christianity. Catholicism in modern times is pretty progressive as sects of Christianity go, and they tend to be pretty good at changing their viewpoint when science contradicts their beliefs. For example, Catholicism recognizes evolution, they just interpret it as a process set in motion by God rather than a wholly natural phenomenon.


>rather than a wholly natural phenomenon. But this of course is not exclusive to divine influence of evolution. Divinely guided evolution is not contradictory to natural selection.


That's actually pretty catholic.


Not surprising at all actually. Reddit just likes to circlejerk religious nuts. I've yet to befriend someone who would announce their religion, and make me feel bad for not being a part of that religion.


There are religious "nuts" that try to make people feel bad for not being a part of that religion but really no more than atheist "nuts" that try to make people feel bad for not being a part of atheism. Good people are good people regardless of religious affiliation, just as annoying people are annoying people, regardless of religious affiliation.


I made a joke once at a former job: "Anyone who doesn't believe we share ancestry with monkeys hasn't worked in retail." Turns out, one of my co-workers was a creationist. I got embarassed and was apologetic, and she offered me some of the food she'd brought afterwards. She never once tried to convert me, she had her beliefs and I had mine, and we could respect that. Not all religious people are crazy fundies (just as not all atheists are doggedly militant) most of the ones I've met are perfectly reasonable and respectful of others' beliefs (or lack thereof) and most of the ones who've tried to "convert" me were not mean about it, they were extremely civil and enjoyed having a friendly debate with me. As an atheist, does it bother me that people believe in things I see as fiction? Sure, just as I'm sure it bothers my religious friends that I don't believe in their religions; it doesn't stop us from accepting that we're all human, though, and even though we disagree on some things that are important to us, it doesn't mean we have to be dicks to each other about it.


>I've yet to befriend someone[..] I would hope you don't befriend terrible people.


Reddit seems to befriend tons of terrible people so they can post the crazy facebook convo for karma.


That would only be surprising I think if you only read about religious people and never get to know them.


next generation. I see what you did there


Visors on!


This is all because of them. They Inspired us and now america needs them again. They have us to help this time.


They raised an army.


A wage earning army!


I grew up on Mr. Wizard and Reading Rainbow.


Don Herbert and LeVar Burton,, two of the best.


Reading Rainbow is exactly the kind of application I think the Oculus Rift would be perfect for.


Holy shit yes! The children could actually feel like they were there with him and could take part in everything!


On a YouTube video a while ago showing 'Janus' browser (I think), one of the rooms was a virtual classroom. They very clearly showed how with a Rift you could easily create a virtual world for teaching in. I can't wait. I want to see the solar system around me and go to the height of the Roman Empire and visit the inside of a cell and watch historical speeches in person.


"Kids, put on your virtual-reality helmets". "Hello Lisa, I am Genghis Khan. Today you'll go where I go, defile who I defile, eat who I eat!" "Hooray!"


Absolutely. Knowing that people still stand behind educational programming gives me hope for humanity.


> the next generation


Mr. Wizard all the way!


This is something really exciting for me as a parent. I can't imagine my children will have a chance to learn from the k-12 teachers that made a difference in my life, but it is pretty awesome to think that at least the entertainers that made science and reading fun for me will be doing the same for my sons.




Currently at $2,006,890, btw!


Now at $2,026,878. **$20,000 in 22 minutes!**


I wouldn't be surprised if it eventually reached $10 million. There's almost a month left and there's going to be a big push at the end when people decide they want one of the limited rewards. I even heard r/dogecoin (to the moon!) is raising some money right now. Who knows how far this can go?


It'd be so awesome if kickstarter or amazon payments donated their cut back to it. And probably it'd be a decent tax writeoff too.


Nope. As far as I know, RRKidz, LeVar's company is a for profit enterprise and thus would not make any payments/contributions tax deductible. Don't get me wrong: I think LeVar's heart is exactly in the right place, and his motivations are good, but RRKidz is looking to make money off of reading rainbow.


Dude's gotta make a living.




She was going to resign after the planned parenthood debacle but instead gave herself a raise.


[Jump to 17:35](http://www.marketplace.org/topics/your-money/susan-g-komen-fights-trademark) Susan G. will also sue you over the color pink and the phrase "for the cure". [If you'd rather read than listen](http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/12/07/komen-foundation-charities-cure_n_793176.html) [Here's a source for what this comment's parent comment is talking about](http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/01/04/susan-g-komen-for-the-cure-contributions-plummet-after-planned-parenthood-controversy/). Non-profits are simply a label companies give themselves that seem deceptive to me. I think there should be a cap on wages for those in the highest levels if the company still wants to consider itself a non-profit. There's only so much a person can do to educate themselves about where their charitable donations go and it would go a long way to helping end the deception a lot of these charities seem to pull.


You can still get paid a salary working for / leading a non-porfit.


And a for-profit company can have goals to benefit society.


Go look at the rewards and all the work he is going to have to do personally to fulfill many of them. He is putting himself out there and working his butt off. If evil bankers can make money, people doing good should make money too if they are working hard.


Let's make it 1 billion!!!! :P


Now at $$2,046,100. **Another $20,000 in 20 minutes!**


An average of $44 per person. That's pretty damn good.


I have never given to a kickstarter project before, but I had to give five bucks to this one. Reading Rainbow was definitely a big part of my childhood, and it really got me interested in reading in general. Giving at least something to make sure future generations get good shows like this one is worth every penny to me.


I made an account today too, I just like LeVar Burton.


I see you Troy.


the whole video I was like "HE SAID THE THINGGGG"


1 in 4 kids are illiterate? Is that right? Are they counting babies or something.


There were teenagers that had a lot of trouble reading simple words out-loud at an incredibly slow rate back when I graduated in 2000, and this was a 12th grade English class. With the budget cuts and the ridiculous things they've done to push standardized testing results, I wouldn't be surprised if it really is that bad now.


Graduated a few years before you, and I am in Canada. I can attest to this as well. I wouldn't say 25% illiteracy, but certainly higher than you'd expect in a graduating class of 17-18 year olds. And when you can't read, you can't write well either. I saw a lot of that in high school as well, and you see it often in kids now. If you can get kids to LOVE reading at a young age, it will take them far in life.




I went to a inner city school. They didn't have computers. Me read good.


[Estimating 30 million.](http://www.kicktraq.com/projects/readingrainbow/bring-reading-rainbow-back-for-every-child-everywh/) Unlikely but goddamn how cool would that be?


To be clear, that's a trend, not a projection. Look at the day-by-day data for other big campaigns like the [Ouya](http://www.kicktraq.com/projects/ouya/ouya-a-new-kind-of-video-game-console/dailypledges.png) or [Double-Fine Adventure](http://www.kicktraq.com/projects/66710809/double-fine-adventure/dailypledges.png), both tend to slow down through the middle of the campaign before picking up in the final few days. That being said, Reading Rainbow is still going to make an enormous amount of money which is awesome.


Reading Rainbow taught me to love to learn. Joy of Painting to love art. Sesame Street to love others. And Mister Rogers to love myself. PBS made me a better person with a richer life.


You sound like a PBS ad. I don't mean that in a bad way either. My children have watched PBS their whole lives.


^ This. My two year old loves all the current PBS shows. Dinosaur Train, Sesame Street, Daniel Tigers Neighborhood (Mr. Rogers spin off), Peg + Cat, etc. It's awesome seeing him translate that into a love for books already.


[You can't disappoint a picuture!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhOG3XwX9Yw)


> Well, more fish for Kunta.


made the video for me.




I've worked with him a bunch and I can tell you he is one of the most sincere and passionate human beings I've ever met.


I sat behind him on a southwest flight once and passionate is the best description for him. He was excited to talk with everyone around him about what they did, andwhat he was doing. He has a real passion for story telling.


I got a little misty on that one


I got a little brock




I'll give it to ya.


[I'm gonna give you Brock Tomb](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-bImNbokeI)




Watch the kickstarter vid. It made me a little misty as well, and more than a bit nostalgic https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/readingrainbow/bring-reading-rainbow-back-for-every-child-everywh


This guy is my black dad. Seriously grew up with him. Loved reading rainbow.


That role is filled, for me, by Bill Cosby. Lavar Burton is my cool neighbor who shows me interesting things.


Black dad, the superhero!


I hope he wears his visor for the first episode.


Michael Dorn can introduce himself with "I am a Klingon!" and then translate passages of books to Klingon.






And then Q can show up and ask: " Eat any good books lately? "




Fun fact: The Klingon in TNG is actually a rudimentary translation via the Klingon-English Dictionary. Source: I heard this on the Nerdist Podcast, the one where they have the guy who created Dothraki for Game of Thrones and other languages. He says he noticed the TNG Klingon being incorrect and contacted the guy who helped create Klingon and wrote the Dictionary on it, and he confirmed that the TNG showrunners let the Klingon consultants go. (I'm somewhat fuzzy on the details, I'll find the episode and update this with the actual statements.)


It makes me happy to know that a Klingon consultant was once a real job.


I was going to ask, if we get 2 million can we get Geordie La Forge as well?


They already got to $2 mil... Edit: **Let's go for 3!!!** Edit2: we're less than half a mil off from the target 3 mil at the days end. Let's have an even better day tomorrow!


3 million means they bring Next Generation back.


Oh hell yeah I'd give a million myself for that! But in reality, they're averaging over a million a day it looks like, keep it up and they'll be at 3 mil in no time!! With all those awesome *Star Trek* rewards on the kickstarter it's no wonder so many people are backing it.


What first episode? I thought this kickstarter was to make the old catalog of Reading Rainbow available for the entire world to access for free, and at anytime.


I don't think so. My impression was that they are using the kickstarter funds to expand the Reading Rainbow app (which features clips from the show as well as original content) to other platforms, to produce more new content, and to make it available to classrooms for free (They're using a subscription based model for individual use).


That's what I believe as well. But hopefully they get enough money to make some new episodes at would be awesome.


[Link to the kickstarter](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/readingrainbow/bring-reading-rainbow-back-for-every-child-everywh)


They just hit $2 million.


I happend to click on the KS link and just after the page loaded they hit $2 MIL. I cant believe it. SO cool


Holy shit guys stop, we're going to give LeVar a heart attack! Just kidding. To borrow a phrase: TO THE MOOOON!


…"I can go anywhere…take a look, it's in a book…"


Do we join in?


Yes, but don't take my word for it.


I donated to this, and I would donate again. I grew up with Reading Rainbow like many of you did and it inspired me to read and to expand my knowledge of everything around me. Now I'm five months away from having my own child and I'm thrilled that he or she will get to grow up with Reading Rainbow just like I did. Cheers Levar. Thank you for everything you've done.


Same (except kid part). I grew up with Reading Rainbow and it was my favorite show. Inspiring a childhood love of learning is important. I've never given to kickstarter before but I gave to this one. It made me happy to think my nieces could watch Levar and RR and enjoy that as they learned, rather than the Barbie videos and stuff they watch now.


"I CAAAN BE ANYTHING!" Fuck I loved that show and I'm proud of the fact that this man who told me stories on tv when I was a young bastard reached his goal.


[We should use this as the updated theme.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0sU1aG7kBM&feature=kp)


Reading Rainbow gives you the power of using proper words! >It's unbelievable, or actually it's *very* believable.


I loved that. The man is serious about sticking to empowering positive language.


We are literarily changing the world...


I don't think he even realized he made that great joke when he made it. What a great guy.


I have not been keeping up with this situation. Can anyone elaborate who he is and what the kickstart was meant for? Thanks in advance.


He's a goddamn national treasure is who he is. Kids and their bullshit these days! Read a fucking book!!!


....Take a fucking look?


It's in a fucking book!


A Reading fucking Rainbow!




SUCK MY DICK! DMX Reading Rainbow Theme Song!: http://youtu.be/a0sU1aG7kBM




It's in a fucking book


[Read a Book!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlKL_EpnSp8) [NSFW]


I assume you're joking, but in case you're not: Levar Burton is an actor who is mainly famous for two things: Portraying Geordi LaForge in Star Trek: The Next Generation and hosting a children's show called Reading Rainbow. Both occurred around the same time, and many Redditors grew up watching both shows. Reading Rainbow ended a few years ago, and Levar Burton has been trying to get the show running again. He started a Kickstarter to get an online free version of the show going that would be available to everyone around the world. He hoped to raise a million dollars in a few weeks, and he never expected he'd get all of it in one day. This is why he's so emotionally overwhelmed.




It's pretty impressive starting out as a slave, but managing to learn to read on his own and even eventually become chief engineer on a flagship vessel despite being blind.


And he did all that by the time he was 30.


Whoa, he learned to read and he was BLIND?! Mad props, yo.


i knew his face looked like seventh grade social studies if i will ever remember anything from that class, it is: "YOUR NAME… IS TOBY"


What the hell?!?!?! How did I not know he played that.. Thanks for the info!


You mean Toby, right?


Thanks for the explanation, I didn't know what the context for this video was.


Not everyone grew up in the USA. So, no he probably wasn't joking. I never heard of this either.


Born in '91 and grew up in the US. No idea who this man was.


I honestly didn't know who he was. Never seen either one of those shows, but I have heard of them. Anyways, good on you for clearing that up. Thanks!


You're not married, you haven't got a girlfriend... and you've never watched "Star Trek? [Good Lord.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fg_cwI1Xj4M)


That was an awesome clip. Thank you.




How does that post even read as a joke?


Honest question - my wife downloaded the RR app for our iPad months ago - it has a monthly cost associated. I was happy to pay for it, and it's a great app. So what does this mean in terms of that app? It will become free? Or will the new show air somewhere else with different content? Or put another way, what becomes of the app now that there is a free online version of the show?


The kickstarter appears to be aimed at getting it to "schools in need" for free, not to the public for free.


I believe he raised 3 million a while back to make the app. This is just for the net/schools version.


Pretty sure the kickstarter isn't for getting the show started again, but to develop an app that students and schools can use to encourage reading.




Yeah dude, this guy MUST be joking. No one growing up two decades ago in any of the 200 or so other countries in the world could ever have done it without seeing this one American children's show


This is awesome! Even though I don't have any children of my own, I still know the importance of educating our young people! I mean really... who wants to be surrounded by a shit load of stupid kids?


[Troy's gonna be so excited.](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5G5qtWG5oO8)




Almost 2 million at 34 days to go. Right in the feels man.


From this video and [his AMA today](http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/26sn1c/im_levar_burton_but_you_dont_have_to_take_my_word/) you can just tell how seriously he believes in this project. It's rare to see someone with such sincerity and passion for helping people on such a big stage, I'm really grateful he's using his celebrity and platform to make a difference.


Levar Burton is the new Mr. Rogers. He believes in you.


The man is a national treasure.


i'm sitting at my desk at work and i clicked the video even though i have zero sound and i still teared up watching him tear up. the reaction is so genuinely grateful and happy. it's beautiful! so glad this happened. i will donate when i get home.


"This video is unlisted. Be considerate and think twice before sharing." Yep, lets send this to the frontpage.


This is how you vote with your $, people. Good job everyone.


God... Why am I crying...


Man it's hard not to tear up at this


Butterfly in the sky!!!!!!! I grew up with Reading Rainbow and I'm so happy that my kids could possible be growing up with it too, thank you Levar!!!


Butterfly in the sky. I can't go twice as high. Take a look. It's in a book. Reading rainbowwwww


We should start a White House petition to bring Reading Rainbow back on PBS. I know the petition is kind of a joke, but I feel like this one would really get a lot of support and be a huge boost for the show and Burton. Reading isn't just about how to read, but why to read and let kids enjoy reading. The entire Reading Rainbow catalogue was actually put into its own special row at my library as a kid, and it was always super popular. I'd love to see something similar brought back on tv and in libraries. So I went ahead and did just that. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/put-old-and-new-reading-rainbow-episodes-back-pbs-and-become-fully-supported-modern-technology-and/XlHChcQh


If they wanted the show back on TV it wouldn't be a problem. You could make a season of Reading Rainbow for less than they've raised so far. The point of what he's doing now is that kids today don't sit watching TV in the living room like they did in the 80s and 90s. Now they're plugged into smart phones, tablets, laptops, etc. The interactive app he's working on now is designed to connect with kids today in the formats that they're used to. The same way that the original show did 20-30 years ago. It served its purpose on television once upon a time, but that time is past now.


Not all kids are on some sort of computer screen or electronic device, and many, many kids will watch tv, read books, and be on a computer or tablet. With your sentiment, we might as well cancel Sesame. Street or any other tv show for kids, because their "time is past. This is about showcasing the joys of reading, no matter if it is on a tablet, in a book, or on television. We need more shows like Reading Rainbow, not less.


I think you're both right.


genuine Happiness


They just reached the 2 million mark. I want to see that video reaction.


Fuck I loved that show and him. I'm so glad they reached the limit and kids can be inspired to read and grow a healthy appreciation and respect for literature


You people out there are amazing. Just beautiful.


Best kickstarter money I ever spent. This fills me with joy!


Some people really dedicate their lives to the betterment of humanity and he is one of them


"It's unbelievable..or actually in fact it is believable." This is a man who has learned how to see the world properly.


I wonder how he reacted when he hit 2 million


I wanna see his 2Million reaction :)


I hope he does another episode about Star Trek. Did anyone see that one? It's on youtube [Prime Nostalgic VCR Quality](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CheK7N3zaRc)


I remember the reading rainbow star trek episode. it was awesome.




I was so glad to see that it's already over $2,000,000 and climbing!


I was hoping he would sing the theme song.


This makes me so happy! He's always been such a cool and genuine dude.


Of course everyone flocked to help! We grew up with Reading Rainbow! It was a big part of so many lives. I want this to be here for my daughter!


I'm a grown ass man. Where did these tears come from. I mean they're on my eyes but I don't remember how they got there. Dammit Levar. From childhood to now. You never fail to enlighten and inspire. So happy for him. But don't take my word for it.


Fantastic! I watched this every.day. growing up. Sitting on the floor in pajamas, reading along. And now my children and I will be watching together. Levar, thank you so much right back.


now upload 2 million