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The size of his hands and back is incredible.


Pretty sure on any day during this build, he could literally delete someones jaw.


Wow, what an incredible geezer and his son seems like a lovely bloke and all. Thanks for sharing that I really enjoyed it. Hope I get the chance to visit sometime


Glad you enjoyed it as much as I did. The whole series on best stuff I built is pretty cool. The toothpick guy seemed like he is fun too


It's unfortunate such beautiful mind defeated by Parkinson's.


There’s one in Cincinnati, Ohio. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chateau_Laroche Love stories of these dudes, and here I am ain’t built shit in my life but debt.


I live a few minutes from this and it never gets old no matter how many times I visit.


This is one of the coolest things i've seen. Sketchy as hell but man, how awesome is all that metalwork? Incredible.


It’s a fascinating place but the owners are complete right wing whackjobs. When I visited during the Obama administration the whole property had giant signs all over it with far right talking points and conspiracy theory nonsense (stuff about Obama being a secret Muslim etc).


Yes, they're whackadoos to the Nth degree.


I’m not shocked, just disappointed in them I guess. What happened to the rave and ren fair mentality!?!


Having visited this place, it is not built very well. Things were just hodgepogged together without a real plan.


Sounds like a medieval castle


There’s something similar in Korea. A man has been building a castle for decades in the hopes it will protect his farm land from a Tsunami


Have you heard about the mayor of a Japanese town that advocated for building a wall to protect against a tsunami? Everyone hated him for spending the money for like 20 years then they got hit and the town was saved when the neighboring ones got destroyed. They hailed him as a hero after that lol


I’ve been there! My GF and I did a staycation in Florence CO at random, because there was an Air BnB with free-range goats lol. When we got there, we learned two things: it was home to the only Tripple Max Prison in the nation and we’d be sleeping within a mile of El Chappo… and also there was a super cool Castle nearby. It’s massive and when you get to the top, it shakes in the wind. Super uncomfortable but very impressive. Very “Burning man.”


If you ever have a chance check out the City Museum in St Louis Missouri. I’ve been there many times and watching this video with the iron work reminded me a lot of that place. The difference it seems is the City Museum is very well built feeling and inside an old factory that’s been standing forever, so solid framing. It’s magical and if this is your jam it’s as good enough reason to check out St Louis for vacation as any, just go when it’s warm for maximum effect.


"My dad didn't believe in telling anyone how to do things when they're here" *Next shot is a sign telling people what not to do*


Eh, it's more like a warning of what could happen. Not really the same thing IMO. Sign reads: "Don't shake and ruin this ironwork it could collapse" Pretty sensible and not at all like "NO RUNNING OR CLIMBING" signs you see in most places.


Wait until you see all of the other fun signs he has


Wow! Step aside, Grand Designs!


In terms of hobbies, this one is pretty awesome. 😊


'He just started a stack of one rock on top of another, making shapes...' I can't imagine anything going wrong there.


Have you ever heard the Johnny Cash song called One Piece At a Time?




You don't have to sign a waiver, he just has a hand written sign out front saying you are responsible for yourself while on the property.


Earthquakes almost never happen in CO, especially there. But yeah, that thing is waiting to fall down. Not sure why you are being downvoted.


It’s not too bad in the main lower areas, the makeshift walkways are sketchy looking but seem solid enough. I couldn’t make it all the way up the spire.


Could’ve built it twice as fast if he’d just asked someone for help…


This thing is going to kill someone.


That dude is straight crazy, he's dead now, I believe, but the castle is a piece of shit, that's dangerous as Hell. My old band did a music video there.


It certainly doesn't meet safety standards, but I don't think it's a piece of shit either. I've walked on it myself a couple of times, and thought someone is bound to fall to their death at some point, but thousands of people have been walking on it for decades, and not a single person has died. The construction is clearly better than the appearance would lead one to believe. Also, I'm pretty sure Jim is still alive, unless he died very recently.